Message 13283

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 17:33:19 +0100

> Hi,
> > Is the address still current (printed from the latest form on the AFCD)?

Which address?

> > All I can think is that they havnt received it yet (change of address?)
> > because the checque hasnt gone out of my account.
> > Anyone here know anyone who runs MUI?
> It was only last week I was talking to Stefan Stuntz about this very
> problem. Probably your best bet is to register online with somebody's
> credit card. Give them the money up-front first so that they know how much
> you'll want and if they doubt the efficacy and safety of buying over the
> net, point them at my online shopping feature... :)

Hmm.. I just went down to Thomas Cook and exchanged my cash to
Deutschmarks and sent them to Stefan direct. I got my keyfile within
14 days, OVER CHRISTMAS (sent the cash on the 21st, received it
on 29th - my birthday ;).

There`s nothing wrong with the system, and I`m sure there was
something about cheques, and not sending them, in the docs.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13284

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: chat last night
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 18:56:54 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Vost 
Sent: 01 June 1999 15:54
Subject: [afb] Re: chat last night

> Your website doesn't seem to be responding...
Well, I'm beginning to think that was a problem with Freeserve. Rather than
going to my homepage first like I said to do, try and see if that works. If not,
there's something seriously wrong. You'll have to excuse any errors in the
conversion since I just (very) quickly wrote a simple program to take the
saved buffer and stick a few table codes in to it would align nicely. For some
things, it doesn't seem to have worked, but you can still get the overall idea
of what people are on about :)


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13285

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: A Recuring Theme.
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 19:02:06 +0100
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 01 June 1999 16:04
Subject: [afb] A Recuring Theme.

> Now I hate to be pesimistic but what are the chances of Amiga Inc. getting
the NG Amigas out when they say they will?  I only ask because every release
for amiga hardware or software seems to take half a year or longer from the
proposed release date to actually become available.(If it arives at all
(November Box))

To be prefectly honest, I have no doubt whatsoever that Amiga will MISS their
intended release date. Perhaps we'll see the November box at the end of this
year, that isn't an actual NG Amiga, and it's been in production a while, so I
think they might be capable of getting this one out on time. The actual
Amiga's are another matter altogether.

> Amiga Format is my main source of dates and I realise they can only publish
what the companies themselves tell them, but everytime a month for release is
mentioned the product doesnt appear for at least 6 months after that date.
Coincidence?  Or do Amiga companpanies have something against deadlines?

I'd noticed that, and while some companies (or organisations) pride themselves
on releasing things on time (me, for instance :))) others simply seem to think
that as long as it gets released, that's what matters. And to a certain extent
they're right.


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13286

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 17:37:58 +0100
Hi Matt,

>> Hi,

>>> Is the address still current (printed from the latest form on the
>> AFCD)?

> Which address?

The UK registration site is still marked as being Paul Jewell somewhere in
Wales, but he's proved so unreliable that it's is faster and better for you
piece of mind if you do as Matt did Sam and send money directly to Germany.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 13287

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: chat last night
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 17:51:01 +0100
Hi Neil,

>> Your website doesn't seem to be responding...
> Well, I'm beginning to think that was a problem with Freeserve. Rather
> than going to my homepage first like I said to do, try
> and see if that works. If not,
> there's something seriously wrong. You'll have to excuse any errors in the
> conversion since I just (very) quickly wrote a simple program to take the
> saved buffer and stick a few table codes in to it would align nicely. For
> some things, it doesn't seem to have worked, but you can still get the
> overall idea of what people are on about :)

That worked, but I don't think I shall be aloing anytime soon...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Try this:

Message 13288

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Smile for the camera :)
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 19:30:51 +0100
Dunno how far this thread got, because I can't find any of it (lucky I
remembered the subject eh? :) but wasn't it about someone wanting to snapshot

If so, I think NewAppIcon
(AFCD19:-Seriously_Amiga-/Shareware/Workbench/NewAppIcon/) can make Appicons
appear in a certain position. I haven't tried it out though.


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13289

From: "Oliver Marks"
Subject: [afb] Printing in voyager :(
Date: 1 Jun 99 17:52:50 +0100

Can anyone help me i can not print in voyager i click on print the
progress bar goes half way along and then a message pops up saying
print error!
printer.device error code 6
this message has no meaning and i think it is a bit odd because other
programs print fine and i have had voyager printing before but it does
not work now anyone have any ideas why?
ICQ#:  33315204
Url :

Message 13290

From: Tim Seifert
Subject: [afb] Re: Storm See?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 03:37:38 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list 
 Dated:  Monday, 31-May-99, 09:08:02
 About:  [afb] Re: Storm See? 

Hello Ben,

>> > PS. Apparently there's a storm on Mars right now that's over 1700
>> > kilometers wide. Since the atmosphere is so thin that probably
>> > means windspeeds in excess of 1000km/h. Wild eh?

>> I don't suppose you know if any observatories have web sites with
>> pictures of it?
> I dare say there'll be pictures of it on some NASA site somewhere...

I could describe the NASA site in two words:  extremely cluttered.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


Lucky for you I typed this, nobody can read my handwriting.

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 13291

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: Three-pinned plug (Was Subscribers)
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 16:36:45 +0000
Robert Simmonds scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: Subscribers=

>> Juwst gone 150 (including some famous names :) on my AUML - though you=

>> wouldn't think it to look at us :/

> Bah! theres about 7 on mine (Of which Peter is one :) BTW, its a
> discussion ML now as opposed to Announce.


AUML has recently sprung to life (10 or 11 mails in the past three days! =
with a discussion on naming the new Amigas and the whole palmtop thing. I=

just want to know if Neil was serious with /that/ city name.... :)

While we're plugging mailing lists... Go on, move it. :)

Best Regards
-- =

Peter Price                     =B7 IRC Channel @ ARCNet #amigaUni
Amiga Universe                  =B7 Mailing List, Message Board  =B7 The news, the views, the site

PUNNY BOOK =3D I Didn't Do It!: Ivan Alibi.

Message 13292

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] New AF?
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 18:03:22 +0100

Has anyone on here had their AF yet?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 13293

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 22:20:36 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ben Vost 
To: AFB mailing list 
Sent: 01 June 1999 18:03
Subject: [afb] New AF?

> Hi,
> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?

I was expecting it today, but it didn't
come, hopefully, AF and Napalm will arrive
together tomorrow. That'll brighten up the fact
that I have to go for a filling :(


Message 13294

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Three-pinned plug (Was Subscribers)
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 22:24:22 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Peter Price 
Sent: 01 June 1999 17:36
Subject: [afb] Re: Three-pinned plug (Was Subscribers)

> While we're plugging mailing lists...
> Go on, move it. :)

Yep, plugging ML's is a good idea :) for WOA diskmag and for the announce
only Trogsoft news list.



Message 13295

From: "Richard Lane"
Subject: [afb] VistaPro on CD ?
Date: 1 Jun 99 19:53:28 +0100
Hi All,
       I noticed in WHSmiths this morning that VistaPro is on the cover CD
of Mac Format and a Future publishing PC title who's name I've forgotton
for the moment. I was wondering what the chances of seeing it on Amiga
Format as they're also part of Future?

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site -
                        Powered by *AMIGA*

Message 13296

Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 20:24:46 -0000
Original Article:
> Hi,
> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
> Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> try this:

No, unfortunately, but then I live all the way up in Glasgow, Scotland. Maybe the mail train is so weighed down by all the programs on the AFCD that it
hasn't got here yet...

Message 13297

From: Alan Day
Subject: [afb] European Telecommunications Boycott - Sunday 6th June
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 21:28:35 +0100

Below is the revised press release for the planned UK & European
Telecoms Boycott on Sunday 6th June.  The number of participating
countries has risen from ten to fifteen (with the addition of the Czech
Republic, Austria, Denmark, Hungary & Sweden).  Along with support from
Germany, the Netherlands and the possibility of the Republic of Ireland
becoming involved.

Participants are asked to take down there web sites for 24 hours and
replace them with a link to the Campaigns site. (with ZIP file
containing Boycott link page) (what the link page looks like)

Fifteen Countries Participate in Coordinated European Telecommunications

London, 21 April 1999

For immediate release

Internet users in fifteen European countries are joining forces to
campaign for fairer telecommunications charges. The following countries
intend to take part in a European Telecommunications Boycott on Sunday
6th June: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece,
Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
and the United Kingdom.

On that day all telephone users in those countries are encouraged to 
pull out the plug for 24 hours; Internet users are asked to lay down 
their modems.

The boycott is coordinated by which brings together, via 
a mailing list, representatives of all the national campaigns.

The united European campaign aims for:

1. Costs of all telephone calls to more closely mirror the independently
audited cost to telecommunications operators of providing these calls,
as already mandated by EU law.

2. Introduction of flat-rate charges for - in the first instance - local
calls, so that anyone can talk to friends and relatives, and Internet
users can dial up to Internet Service Providers using a telephone modem,
without worrying about the clock ticking and charges ratcheting up.

3. For any remaining metered calls, abolition of the minimum call charge
so that calls are paid for solely by the time spent connected.

4. For Internet users, quicker introduction of modern access methods
such as xDSL, cable modems and satellite access, which do not use the
telephone modem and are a great improvement on it for users.

The united European campaigns' Web site:

UK contact:

Erol Ziya
Press Officer, Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications

+44 171 681 2831

Alan Day - Dumfries & Galloway,  Scotland,  UK
Team AMIGA                   ICQ uin  23996342 

A member of CUT - Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications
( in the UK ) please register your support for UNMETERED calls at

Message 13298

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: 1 Jun 1999 18:30:1 +0100
Richard Drummond said, 

>>>> PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
>>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
>> Er,,yeh.

> What flavour is it?


Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"Open the disk drive door, Hal."
"Not until you get rid of that WindowsNT, Dave."

Message 13299

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 18:12:30 +0100
Good greetings  Richard

On 01-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hello Neil
> On 01-Jun-99, you wrote:
>>>> PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
>>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
>> Er,,yeh.
> What flavour is it?

Chicken, what else? 8)

> Cheers,
> Richard



/PGP Key available on request/
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to
make it shorter.
-- Blaise Pascal

Message 13300

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 22:11:03 +0100
Hello Ben

On 01-Giu-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> Hi,
> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?


Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 13301

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 23:50:23 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Neil Bothwick 
To: Richard Drummond 
Sent: 01 June 1999 18:00
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)

> Richard Drummond said, 
> >>>> PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
> >>> 
> >>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
> >> 
> >> Er,,yeh.
> > What flavour is it?
> Tuesday.

Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...


P.S. is this supposed to be confusing? :)

Message 13302

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 20:08:00 +0100

>>(and we all know no one could live without SWOS ).
Not here. I HATE FOOTY

>> Netconnect 2 - Fantastic!
I'll go along with that, Just made a few modifacations this week.
NC2 dock nows pops up on boot. I can now load Dopus and KCon with one =
click :-))))))

    Bomber Harris

Message 13303

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Chat type thing
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 19:47:51 +0100
> Just a little whinge... What's with the damn return receipts?
hehehe I don't get them, or so it seems
coz I have never seem them :-))

    Bomber Harris

Message 13304

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] IE5 was
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 20:26:04 +0100
Hi Alex F,

> I was thinking of getting OE5 (seeing as OE4 has caused me no end of =
grief) but
> when I saw it was over 10meg - bollox to it.

Do what I did and get a magazine with IE5 on the cover disk there are =
loads on the shelf ATM

    Bomber Harris

Message 13305

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: 1 Jun 99 22:37:58 +0100
Neil Bullock ( wrote:
> > Richard Drummond said, 
> > 
> > >>>> PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
> > >>> 
> > >>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
> > >> 
> > >> Er,,yeh.
> > 
> > > What flavour is it?
> > 
> > Tuesday.
> Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...


> P.S. is this supposed to be confusing? :)

Bacon and philladelphia on a white baguette please.


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 13306

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 22:39:57 +0000
Hi Everybody,

>> I was thinking of getting OE5 (seeing as OE4 has caused me no end of
>> grief) but when I saw it was over 10meg - bollox to it.
> Do what I did and get a magazine with IE5 on the cover disk there are
> loads on the shelf ATM

   10megs? where?

When I upgraded it the download was 600k. Something finny going on here I
thought and I was right: The EVIL B******DS at microsoft made me download
that just so it could download a huge file from somewhere on its own.

   That meant that I couldn't use GetRight (the PC version of HTTPResume) to
download it over a few days. 

   GITS!!!! (I know its stating the obvious, but...)

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
If it isn't broken, upgrade until it is!
-- Bill Gates

Message 13307

From: "Carl Berry"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: 1 Jun 99 22:38:57 +0000
Neil Said,

> > What flavour is it?
> Tuesday.

Shut up  Vince :)

(I like Jam)

Message 13308

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Virtual Memory
Date: 1 Jun 99 22:32:16 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Andy Mills wrote on 01 Jun 99 02:03:23 +0000 about [afb] Re: Virtual Memory

Hi Andy Mills

> I'm finding that I'm running out a lot more often than I used to, since
> I now do more with photos - especially when using layers, etc.

Only only get close when running Pagestream3 as I do a fair bit of DTP
here, can't say I do much Artwork here, haven't got a clue, even
though I have quite a few art package's like Photogenics and PPaint.

> I could do a bit of juggling here to make it a bit cheaper, I buy a 64
> or 128Mb DIMM for the PC, replacing the 2x 32Mb SIMMS. One 32Mb SIMM
> goes into the A1200 I'm using now, the 16Mb it replaces can go into the
> A4k m/b (as I know its 99.9% sure to work) and the other 32Mb will go
> into my spare A1200. Oh, and hope that the two 32Mb simms will work OK
> and not only show 16Mb each... :-/

Well I know the A4k's motherboard can take 16MB, but I thought it was
in the order of 4x4MB simms ??

I maybe wrong and you might be able to put one 16MB in, I did hear a
rumour once that you can fit 4x32Mb in it, but I could never find out
if this was true.
> That will still leave me with two 8Mb SIMMs (one could go into my 3rd
> A1200, if it had an expansion card...).

my 2nd A1200 has a 4MB ram card, but never use it:)

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13309

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Motor Trade was 2b or not 2b...
Date: 1 Jun 99 22:35:23 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Andy Mills wrote on 01 Jun 99 02:12:27 +0000 about [afb] Re: Motor Trade                                          was 2b or not 2b...

Hi Andy Mills

> Erm, what about a certain model Ford (Fixed Or Repaired Daily). I don't
> know if they've "fixed" it since, but it had a "safety feature" where if
> the car was in an accident the central locking would automatically
> unlock the doors.

Haven't heard of that one, must be out of touch with it all, I must
get away from the keyboard at some point:)
> Some thieves (grr, low-life scum, I want me flippin amps, subs and
> CD-changer back!!!) found out that if they rammed the front hard enough
> (but not that hard, IYSWIM) with another car, the central locking would
> kindly (and easily) unlock the car for them... :(

Cool, I can understand why they would do that and yes they are low
life's just like people that copy program's which I have had the
unfortunate dealings with in the past:(

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13310

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Writers needed...
Date: 1 Jun 99 22:38:05 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Andy Mills wrote on 01 Jun 99 02:44:06 +0000 about [afb] Writers needed...

Hi Andy Mills

> So, if you would like to write a letter, review, article or whatever,
> please get in touch! If you wish to have a look (and/or pass any
> comments), the last issue can be found on the SWAG website - URL below.

So do you print this, or is it internet based ??

I might have a go if I get the time, what DTP package's do you use, if
you are printing it ?
> Unfortunately, I can't afford to pay anyone, after all, it's not Amiga
> Format ;). There is though, a pack of 10 DD Floppy disks for the best
> letter entered (UK only...)

Not worried about payment or the disk (Thanks all the same), I wouold
do something just for the sake of it, how about me doing a review on
Amiga Support Association and what it's purpose's are etc, would you
be interested ?

Thanks and bye
Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13311

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 00:16:17 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Kevin Fairhurst 
Sent: 01 June 1999 22:37
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)

> Neil Bullock ( wrote:
> > > Richard Drummond said, 
> > > 
> > > >>>> PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
> > > >>> 
> > > >>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
> > > >> 
> > > >> Er,,yeh.
> > > 
> > > > What flavour is it?
> > > 
> > > Tuesday.
> > 
> > Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
> Constantinople

Take your foot off my head!


Message 13312

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] There's another chat
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 00:19:08 +0100
Yep, another chat right now if anyone's interested :) It's on DALnet only

  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13313

From: "Carl Berry"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: 1 Jun 99 22:48:10 +0000
Hi Ben,
> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?

Nooooooooooooooo......  Not the late AF issues again.
Someone post when they get theirs so I can add about six days to when
I get mine.

Accy, Lancs.

Message 13314

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Chat transcript hosting
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 00:33:17 +0100
I'm gonna put all the afb chats I can on my site (if it's ok by you lot) so if
you have a chat and I'm not there, someone save the buffer and send it to me
please :)


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13315

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 23:11:56 +0100
25 email snip-->

Lets look at this 100 - 200 email limit again 


I have just started an new email group

Man U ...... Albatross's ..... perhaps I am on the wrong Amiga list ?????


Message 13316

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: It's me really
Date: 31 May 99 23:12:53 +0000
On Mon, 31 May 1999 12:54:18 +0100, Ferenczy paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: It's me really:
> ECHO ATM1L3DT123 >COM2 (or whatever COM port your modem is on)

Do you know how I'd go about it with a modem on a Surf Squirrel.
I can't echo to SER: because that's isn't where it's plugged in.
I s'pose it has something to do with squirrelserial.device


Message 13317

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Virtual Memory
Date: 31 May 99 23:46:51 +0000
On Sat, 29 May 1999 18:32:49 +0100,  paused for a moment's thought and chos=
e to write this about
[afb] Re: Virtual Memory:
> With memory so cheap these days,
Uh? Hello? Prices have been rising for ages=2E Okay, it's not that bad
but it could be better=2E
> who needs vmem=2E
Me=2E I only have 6MB RAM total=2E I bought a cheapish accelerator for my
A1200 a couple of years ago which clashes with Mr Squirrel when it's
got more than 4 Meg in it=2E
I do wanna upgrade really=2E I also want a PPC=2E A Graphics card=2E A
monitor=2E Everything else=2E
And before people say "Why don't you then", its because I owe =A31250
for car insurance, =A34500 for the car and I work for 5 hours a week=2E I
think you see the problem=2E

> You'll notice the speed difference too=2E
Even if you already have fast RAM? I thought once you put some in, any
extra won't help with speed=2E Or do you mean compared to Vmem (which I
would definitely agree with based on the one time I got it working)=2E
> Bye for now
> Paul
Paul as well (PC=2E)

Message 13318

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: A Recuring Theme.
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 01:45:22 +0100
Hi Ben

On 01-Jun-99, you wrote:

> but when I spoke to them about it, they said that their ramp-up speed was
> very rapid and that they'd only be talking about getting 5-10,000 units in
> circulation before Christmas anyway. 

Interesting. BTW, is there any hard info on whether it's just the one model, or
is there going to be a high end one out soon as well - I finally have cash for
the first time in years, and I plan on going mad!


"Bother," said Pooh, as he fell into the pits of Hell.

Message 13319

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Joiman
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 00:53:01 +0100
Joiman? What are you talking about,

> And some real German:

> Nipples: Br=FCstenwarten (Breast warts. Nice eh?)

How nice :)

/me begins to wish he knew real German ;)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#FidoEd - the next generation of text editors#

=2E.. Windows Error: 002 - No error yet ...
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 38% - 80 tags in Windows.tags >>=

Message 13320

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Chat type thing
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 01:01:06 +0100
Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry, Chat type thing could =
be a case for Mulder and Mills...

> Well, it seems quite popular, so if no one else has done it, I'll
> set one up on Dalnet a bit later today....

Eeek! I *was* going to attend, but you'll have to go without me if
it's going to be on DALNet... :/

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#AmiTag 1.32 - Supports multiple tagfiles#

=2E.. Monty Python of Borg: And now for something completely irrelevent..=
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 40% - 7 tags in MontyPython.tags >>=

Message 13321

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Erk - exams!
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 01:06:52 +0100
Oh, no! It's Alex Furmanski, muttering something about Erk - exams! again!

> It's alright - the question was only worth 2 marks

True enough :)

> We get Turbo Pascal 6 - oooooh!

/me begins to drool ;)

>> FWIW, I use HiSpeed Pascal 2 here, which is the best Pascal
>> compiler I've come across for the Amiga.

> I've got that too.

I've used loads of Pascal compilers for the Amiga, and none of them
come close to HiSpeed. PCQ and FPC aren't brilliant, but I suppose
they do the job.

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#Chameleon GUI System - Think differently, without getting a Mac#

... I didn't wake up Grumpy this morning - I let her sleep
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 44% - 231 tags in Gags.tags >>

Message 13322

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: AMOS flame grilled?
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 01:11:51 +0100
Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry, AMOS flame grilled? co=
uld be a case for Mulder and Furmanski...

>> Yes, but I was showing the 'proper' way of doing it :)

> Or the Microsoft way - using 50 bytes when 10 will do ;-)


It'll still compile the same - the source code will be the only thing
that's bigger :)

>> But putting each declaration on a new line makes everything clearer

> Surely it doesn't matter as long as it runs on your compiler. If you

True, but what if you moved to a better Pascal compiler, and it was
as strict as that? :)

> use TP) you don't supply the source but an EXE. So long as it works
> with your compiler, the EXE will work on anyone's machine.

Within reason - there will be some machines that it won't work on,
even though it's only a tiny program.

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#AmiTag - now Freeware. Have you got it yet?#

=2E.. "Bother!", said Alex Furmanski, and called in an air strike.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 51% - 553 tags in Personalised.tags >>=

Message 13323

From: James Lowe
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 01:14:06 +0100
We are the Furmanski. FLASHPLAYER - READ IF YOU DON`T KNOW is futile. Pre=
pare to be assimilated.

>> Yes, uses it, and IIRC,

> I wouldn't - I hate South Park

Ah, okay, then... in that case, I can't think of any worthwhile uses
for it :)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#AmiTag - now Freeware. Have you got it yet?#

=2E.. "Bother" said Alex Furmanski, as Rabbit pushed him off the speeding=
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 34% - 553 tags in Personalised.tags >>=

Message 13324

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: 2b or not 2b...
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 01:42:21 +0100
We are the Ferenczy. 2b or not 2b... is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.

> Yeah, a lot of people think this is an urban legend, but it actually
> happened in some call centre the the states. In the story, the

It was the WordPerfect helpline. The guy was fired, and is currently
suing the WordPerfect organization for "Termination Without Cause".

The transcript is lying right next to me, about 40 lines long. The
last few lines:

OPERATOR: "A power... A power cut? Aha, okay, we've got it licked now.
           Do you still have the boxes and manuals and packaging stuff
           your computer came in?"

CALLER: "Well, yes, I keep them in the closet."

"Good. Go get them, and unplug your system and pack it up just like it
was when you got it. Then take it back to the store you got it from."

"Really? Is it that bad?"

"Yes, I'm afraid it is."

"Well, alright then, I suppose. What do I tell them?"

"Tell them you're too f***ing stupid to own a computer."

A classic... :)

> put in a complaint and the operator was sacked! Pathetic, huh?

Yeah, though I can see why he was sacked :)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#AmiTag - now Freeware. Have you got it yet?#

... Monty Python of Borg: And now for something completely irrelevent...
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 18% - 7 tags in MontyPython.tags >>

Message 13325

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Writers needed...
Date: 02 Jun 99 00:18:15 +0000
Hello Phil Stephens, on 01-Jun-99 22:38:05 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Writers needed... 


>So do you print this, or is it internet based ??

>I might have a go if I get the time, what DTP package's do you use, if
>you are printing it ?

Currently, it's just in HTML format and distributed via the net or
floppy (kind of a mini web-site).

>> Unfortunately, I can't afford to pay anyone, after all, it's not Amiga
>> Format ;). There is though, a pack of 10 DD Floppy disks for the best
>> letter entered (UK only...)

>Not worried about payment or the disk (Thanks all the same), I wouold
>do something just for the sake of it, how about me doing a review on
>Amiga Support Association and what it's purpose's are etc, would you
>be interested ?

Yes, I am. That would be great, thanks... :)

All I'd need is a straight forward text file with any images/screen
grabs, etc.

Ta :)

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
"Bother," said Pooh, when he found Tigger stoned on his hash

Message 13326

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: 02 Jun 99 00:23:39 +0000
Hello Kevin Fairhurst, on 01-Jun-99 21:37:58 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me) 


>> Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...


>> P.S. is this supposed to be confusing? :)

>Bacon and philladelphia on a white baguette please.



 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Borg Moderator: Your Topic Is Irrelevant.

Message 13327

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: It's me really
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 01:23:28 +0100
Hi Paul

On 01-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> ECHO ATM1L3DT123 >COM2 (or whatever COM port your modem is on)
> Do you know how I'd go about it with a modem on a Surf Squirrel.
> I can't echo to SER: because that's isn't where it's plugged in.
> I s'pose it has something to do with squirrelserial.device

Use a program like AmTerm - you can type AT commands into there... Don't know
whether the location of the modem will matter with that...


Bite the hand that feeds you, if it tries to mislead you...

Message 13328

From: "Phil Ellis"
Subject: [afb] Arse kicking
Date: 31 May 99 23:03:30 +0000
Just a thought but we've had a few complaints lately about the inappropriate
quoting., one line messages, message limit etc. I've got a solution! If someone
posts a mail that is smaller than their sig then Ben can ban them of a day/week
whatever. This will encourage ppl to edit their quotes and to only post if they
have something to contribute. (1,2,3,4,5 lines, just edit my sig a bit)
Phil Ellis Amiga 4000/040 PIV Magellan II ICQ 38892967
For information on Cystic Fibrosis
What would a chair look like, if your knees bent the other way?

Message 13329

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 08:37:22 +0100
The postman rang this morning, so I pegged it down to get my AF, only to
find it was my IDE spiltter from Eyetech instead.
Disappointed, yet not disaappointed IYSWIM....
(only ordered it yesterday afternoon!)


> ----------
> From: 	Ben Vost[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: 	Tuesday, June 01, 1999 06:03
> To: 	AFB mailing list
> Subject: 	[afb] New AF?
> Hi,
> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
> Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> try this:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications

Message 13330

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 09:20:58 +0100
> Hi,
> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?

If the postie holds true it`ll be on my doorstep
now. I leave out a good 3 hours before the
postman gets to our house, though.. *sigh*

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13331

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Fw: Loch Ness Webcam is LIVE
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 09:22:18 +0100

> Loch Ness Spotters Newsletter
> Yes, folks, the Loch Ness site is LIVE.
> And, as promised, you are the first to know!
> So start trying to spot Nessie at:
> Also included on the site are:
> - Loch Ness Facts
> - Media Monsters
> - Previous Sightings
> - About the Loch
> - Send A Nessie Postcard
> - The Loch Ness Newsletter
> - Shop
> - Where To Stay And Eat
> Have a monster visit! And let us know if you make a sighting!!!
> Editor
> ---
> You are currently subscribed to lochness as: [snip]

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13332

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 09:25:37 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Crowe 
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 11:39 PM
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was

> Hi Everybody,
> >> I was thinking of getting OE5 (seeing as OE4 has caused me no end of
> >> grief) but when I saw it was over 10meg - bollox to it.
> >
> > Do what I did and get a magazine with IE5 on the cover disk there are
> > loads on the shelf ATM
>    10megs? where?

What? 10Megs? 182 more like for the full IE5 (with all language options

> When I upgraded it the download was 600k. Something finny going on here I
> thought and I was right: The EVIL B******DS at microsoft made me download
> that just so it could download a huge file from somewhere on its own.
>    That meant that I couldn't use GetRight (the PC version of HTTPResume)
> download it over a few days.

Right, click on cancel during the install. If you restart before your
history list
expires, it carries on from where it left off.

Either that or you can snoop around and find the web addresses with the
in, but the installer relies on keeping track of what it downloaded and the
conditions in which you downloaded them.

At least they don`t force you to download the whole 182Mb just to install
and Outlook.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13333

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 09:44:53 +0100
Hi Stephen,

> nows pops up on boot. I can now load Dopus and KCon with one click

Why load KCON? What's the matter with it being started in your user-startup?
I get annoyed when I have to boot without a startup-sequence and don't have
its features!

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
"The covers of this book are too far
apart." - Ambrose Bierce

Message 13334

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 09:49:31 +0100
Hi Andrew,

> When I upgraded it the download was 600k. Something finny going on here I
> thought and I was right: The EVIL B******DS at microsoft made me download
> that just so it could download a huge file from somewhere on its own.

Apple did the same with Quicktime 4. Ah, I thought, they've seen sense and
only made me download 400k. Bah, it then uncompresses and wants to download
a further 10MB! As you say, B*****DS!

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13335

Subject: [afb] Re: BVision
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 09:44:40 -0000
 <> wrote: 
Original Article:
> On 30-May-99 15:25:03 BST, briis wrote:
> > I have a problem with the BVision card, I recently purchased. After much
> > work, I finally got the thing installed, and I also figured out how to
> > use CGXMode to fine-tune my display. So far so good. Now, the only
> > problem I have left is the pointer. It insists on being low-res. If I
> > change it to Hi-Res it changes only horizontally to hi-res, giving a vary
> > tall, twisted pointer. Now, I know the card CAN provide a true, hi-res
> > pointer, since I occasionally, suring setup, had to boot without
> > startup-sequence, and have cgx promote the screen to the BVision, and the
> > pointer was a true hi-res then. I my setup, however, this is not the
> > case. How do I get the pointer right? The CyberGraphX I use is the one
> > that came with the board (Realease 3, version 41 r70a), and the
> > CVisionPPC driver from VGR's homepage. Do I need CGX4?
> No, not for a hires pointer anyhow.  Ensure that:
> 1. Workbench Pointer prefs is set to hi-res
> 2. ENVARC:CyberGraphX/HIRESCRSR is set to 1
>    (e.g "setenv CyberGraphX/HIRESCRSR 1" +
>         "copy env:cybergraphx/HIRESCRSR envarc:cybergraphx")
> -- 
>  Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
>   Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
>                  |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
>  Amiga Developer           |__/  
>     Pace 56 Solo mailing list ==>

Worked! Thanks.. Hadn't seen the part about the hirescrsr env variable...

 /Brian Riis

Message 13336

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: It's me really
Date: 2 Jun 1999 9:38:38 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> On Mon, 31 May 1999 12:54:18 +0100, Ferenczy paused for a moment's thought
> and chose to write this about
> [afb] Re: It's me really:
>> ECHO ATM1L3DT123 >COM2 (or whatever COM port your modem is on)

> Do you know how I'd go about it with a modem on a Surf Squirrel.
> I can't echo to SER: because that's isn't where it's plugged in.
> I s'pose it has something to do with squirrelserial.device

Doesn't the Squirrel come with a replacement handler? All the erial
cards I've used have something like this, like SER00-03 for the

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
What Aussies lack in Humour they make up for in Beer!

Message 13337

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 10:50:15 +0100
Hi Ben

>Has anyone on here had their AF yet?

They've not reached me down south yet either.  Mind you, I wasn't expecting it
until Saturday - that's when they usually arrive.  Unless it should have been
last Saturday of course.  Problems with the distributors?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13338

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 10:53:10 +0100
Hi Bomber Harris

>> I was thinking of getting OE5 (seeing as OE4 has caused me no end of grief)
>> when I saw it was over 10meg - bollox to it.
>Do what I did and get a magazine with IE5 on the cover disk there are loads on
the shelf ATM

That's not a bad idea.  Now then, just let me add PC Format to my already
lengthy list of magazines to buy this month...

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13339

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 10:55:33 +0100
Hi Andrew Crowe

>>> I was thinking of getting OE5 (seeing as OE4 has caused me no end of
>>> grief) but when I saw it was over 10meg - bollox to it.
>> Do what I did and get a magazine with IE5 on the cover disk there are
>> loads on the shelf ATM
>   10megs? where?
>When I upgraded it the download was 600k. Something finny going on here I
>thought and I was right: The EVIL B******DS at microsoft made me download
>that just so it could download a huge file from somewhere on its own.

That's what happened to me too.  I knew the 600k exe wouldn't be IE5 itself,
just the setup program.  It wasn't until I finally got it and ran it, chose
custom setup and did a minimal selection that it came to a bout 10meg.
Anyway, I'm off into town now to get some mags...

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13340

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 10:58:27 +0100

>> Neil Bullock ( wrote:
>> > > Richard Drummond said,
>> > >
>> > > >>>> PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
>> > > >>>
>> > > >>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
>> > > >>
>> > > >> Er,,yeh.
>> > >
>> > > > What flavour is it?
>> > >
>> > > Tuesday.
>> >
>> > Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
>> Constantinople
>Take your foot off my head!

Not until you call off your Yashmak.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13341

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: AMOS flame grilled?
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 11:02:44 +0100
Hi James Lowe

>>> But putting each declaration on a new line makes everything clearer
>> Surely it doesn't matter as long as it runs on your compiler. If you

>True, but what if you moved to a better Pascal compiler, and it was
as strict as that? :)

But I thought you said High Speed was the best.

>> use TP) you don't supply the source but an EXE. So long as it works
>> with your compiler, the EXE will work on anyone's machine.

>Within reason - there will be some machines that it won't work on,
>even though it's only a tiny program.

Obviously machines of the same platform.  Why, it would be foolish to try and
run a Windoze EXE in Workbench.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13342

Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 10:10:42 -0000
 Hi Ben (And Matt)
> >>> Is the address still current (printed from the latest form on the
> >> AFCD)?
> > Which address?
> The UK registration site is still marked as being Paul Jewell somewhere in
> Wales, but he's proved so unreliable that it's is faster and better for you
> piece of mind if you do as Matt did Sam and send money directly to Germany.

Ok.  I'm off to visit the webpage.  How do I make sure the cheque isnt cashed at any point? (No need to answer that, I'm sure my Bank can answer that one.)

Tatty bye.


Message 13343

Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 10:12:58 -0000
 > Hi,
> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost 

Nope.  Aldershot is still devoide of AFs.  Probably come wednesday or thursday (I'm getting to know your delivery system!)


Message 13344

Subject: [afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 10:16:16 -0000
Richard Lane wrote:

 > Hi All,
>        I noticed in WHSmiths this morning that VistaPro is on the cover CD
> of Mac Format and a Future publishing PC title who's name I've forgotton
> for the moment. I was wondering what the chances of seeing it on Amiga
> Format as they're also part of Future?

Dunno,  but this'll gut you - I picked up VistaPro, With MakePath, and Teraform for 4.00!  The paperwork in the box said they usually sell for $50 dollars each!

Actually, its very weird, as its the only disks that have ever worked from the place I picked it up (2nd hand computer shop).

Cool eh?


Message 13345

Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 10:23:16 -0000
 > > > > >>>> PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
> > > > >>> 
> > > > >>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
> > > > >> 
> > > > >> Er,,yeh.
> > > > 
> > > > > What flavour is it?
> > > > 
> > > > Tuesday.
> > > 
> > > Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
> > 
> > Constantinople
> > 
> Take your foot off my head!

"Here we go again!"


Message 13346

From: "Primo Busancano"
Subject: [afb] Microdot II
Date: 2 Jun 99 11:17:27 +0000
Fellow egroupers,
I wonder if you can help me.
I run microdot II for my e-mails,things seem to be running fine up
till now, now I am getting a message coming up when I try to send
an e-mail,not all the time,but it does appear.And the message is:
 "no response to PAP authenticate-requests o.k" I click on o.k. and
the whole thing shuts down.(no quotes,by the way) Can any one tell me
just what it means? I've looked in prefs,general settings etc,but
either I'm not looking in the right place or what ever it is is not
apperant to me. Many thanks.
Primo.     2/6/1999

Message 13347

Subject: [afb] WOA'99
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 10:26:59 -0000
Hi,  now as I cant make it to the Saturday half of WOA'99 (Work, dontcha know) I will definately be going on Sunday.  My question is how much of the events will be happening Sunday.  (Games contests, demos, registration, talks from the industry men etc. etc.) 'Cause I dont want to go and find not much on.  

It will, however, be the first year I've graced (ehem!) WOA with my presence.

Ta, Ta.


Message 13348

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 11:38:18 +0100
Hi Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **,

> The postman rang this morning, so I pegged it down to get my AF, only to
> find it was my IDE spiltter from Eyetech instead.
> Disappointed, yet not disaappointed IYSWIM....
> (only ordered it yesterday afternoon!)

Not bad at all. I did the same with Power yesterday for a Blizzard 1260,
with SCSI module and 256MB RAM and it's here this AM... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13349

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 11:52:51 +0100
Hi Alex,

> They've not reached me down south yet either. Mind you, I wasn't expecting
> it until Saturday - that's when they usually arrive. Unless it should have
> been last Saturday of course. Problems with the distributors?

Not at all, after all it isn't on sale until the eighth, but I just thought
that some of you would have already got it. It's a fine-looking issue even
though I do say so myself.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13350

Subject: [afb] Re: Virtual Memory
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 11:50:54 +0100

> > With memory so cheap these days,
> Uh? Hello? Prices have been rising for ages. Okay, it's not that bad
> but it could be better.

Well seeing as I originally bought a 4MB SIMM for =A3120 a few 
years ago and you can now get a at least 80MB for that price......

Bye for now


Message 13351

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 11:53:45 +0100
Hi all,

>>>>>>> Er,,yeh.
>>>>>> What flavour is it?
>>>>> Tuesday.
>>>> Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
>>> Constantinople
>> Take your foot off my head!

> Not until you call off your Yashmak.

Stop this now. It's silly.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
!   This is a test of the emergency      !
!      tagline stealing system           !

Message 13352

Subject: [afb] Re: Fw: Loch Ness Webcam is LIVE
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 10:59:43 -0000
 > > Loch Ness Spotters Newsletter
> > Yes, folks, the Loch Ness site is LIVE.
> > And, as promised, you are the first to know!
> > So start trying to spot Nessie at:
> >
> > Also included on the site are:

Hmm, not much happening at the Loch at the moment.  Mind you, my sister's in Colchester so the monster isnt in the Loch at the moment (and neither is her boy friend!)  


(Sister's nick named Nessy in case you think I'm deranged - and you would be right, I am.  Mowahahah!!)

Message 13353

Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 11:03:05 -0000
Ben replied

>but I just thought
> that some of you would have already got it. It's a fine-looking issue even
> though I do say so myself.
> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost 

So you implemented all those helpfull hints I and I gave?  The simpler graphics etc.?  

Golly good.


My shift button appears to be sticking - cant get capitals at all well!

Message 13354

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 12:32:19 +0100
Ben V. typed in an approachable manner:

>It's a fine-looking issue even though I do say so myself.

Thank God for that...
I was dreading when we would turn into a b&w recycled bog-paper
version with a free lollipop sellotaped to the front :)

Actually - there's an idea for AI - Amiga Boing Ball Lollipops...


Message 13355

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 12:34:15 +0100
Hi Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **,

> Actually - there's an idea for AI - Amiga Boing Ball Lollipops...

It's amazing - you must be psychic figuring out Petro's master sales plan to
make up for the fact that he hasn't got any product that anyone actually

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

Message 13356

Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 12:43:25 +0100

> Not bad at all. I did the same with Power yesterday for a Blizzard 1260,
> with SCSI module and 256MB RAM and it's here this AM... :)


Bye for now


Message 13357

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 13:25:01 +0100
> Hi Ben (And Matt)
> > >>> Is the address still current (printed from the latest form on the
> > >> AFCD)?
> >
> > > Which address?
> >
> > The UK registration site is still marked as being Paul Jewell somewhere
> > Wales, but he's proved so unreliable that it's is faster and better for
> > piece of mind if you do as Matt did Sam and send money directly to
> >
> Ok.  I'm off to visit the webpage.  How do I make sure the cheque isnt
> at any point? (No need to answer that, I'm sure my Bank can answer that

Right, don`t use cheques at all. Grab somebody's VISA or something. Hell,
a student and you don`t have a credit card??

The best way is to go down to the Bureau de Change and get 40DM from the
lovely people, and whack it in an envelope inside a card or something (so
can`t see that it`s 40DM). Do it by registered post if you like.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13358

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 13:26:30 +0100
> Dunno,  but this'll gut you - I picked up VistaPro, With MakePath, and
> Teraform for 4.00!  The paperwork in the box said they usually sell
> for $50 dollars each!

Gasp, so did I! They were on a CUCD ages ago. A very recent version, too.
Well worth a fiver..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13359

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 13:28:52 +0100
> Hi Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **,
> > The postman rang this morning, so I pegged it down to get my AF, only to
> > find it was my IDE spiltter from Eyetech instead.
> > Disappointed, yet not disaappointed IYSWIM....
> > (only ordered it yesterday afternoon!)
> Not bad at all. I did the same with Power yesterday for a Blizzard 1260,
> with SCSI module and 256MB RAM and it's here this AM... :)

Smarmy bastard. A 1260? With 256Mb RAM? What are you using that for?

Anyway, it`s not like this is exemplary performance. If you order something
before 2pm and they ship it it will arrive next day, that`s how it all

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13360

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Virtual Memory
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 13:32:00 +0100
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 11:50 AM
Subject: [afb] Re: Virtual Memory


>>> With memory so cheap these days,

>> Uh? Hello? Prices have been rising for ages. Okay, it's not that bad
>> but it could be better.

> Well seeing as I originally bought a 4MB SIMM for 120 a few
> years ago and you can now get a at least 80MB for that price......

Squeel!  80Mb for 120?

[looks at his trade price list]

You`re right, it`s 60 ex vat for a 32Mb FPM SIMM. Jeez.
Mind you, it`s only 28 ex vat for a 32Mb EDO SIMM, so you save
half and not that many people notice the difference anyway.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13361

Subject: [afb] Re: Virtual Memory
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 13:36:45 +0100

> Squeel!  80Mb for =A3120?

> [looks at his trade price list]
> You`re right, it`s =A360 ex vat for a 32Mb FPM SIMM. Jeez.
> Mind you, it`s only =A328 ex vat for a 32Mb EDO SIMM, so you save
> half and not that many people notice the difference anyway.

My point exactly - it doesn't cost much and it's sooooo much faster 
than vmem...

bye for now


Message 13362

Subject: [afb] Star Crusader
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 13:02:42 -0000
Hi all,

This is just a long shot. I wonder if anyone out there owns the original
version of "Star Crusader" game for AGA Amiga. 2 disks (4 & 6) of my 
"Star Crusader" have physical damage and noway that I could fix it. 

I would be most grateful if someone could email me the two files on disk 4 and 6 (scr_disk4.fil/scr_disk6.fil)so that I can reinstall the game onto my harddrive.



Message 13363

From: "Darren Steer"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: 2 Jun 99 14:09:10 +0100
> > BTW Why do you let things wind you up so much Ben? Having a go, and taking the
> > p**s does you no favours at all. I'm only putting across an opinion here, so
> > please take it as intended :-)
> It's taken me a loooong time to get this wound up, believe me.
> Ben


I can see why people get wound up, people moaning that no software is
available for the PPC card, and when someone releases something for
it, its *too* expensive.

Having said that, I have just checked prices for a PPC board from
White Knight and its 665 for a 200mhz PPC and 060, its way too bloody

Have to save up I guess :-/



Darren Steer.

Web :

Powered by A4000. Prepare to be Assimilated.

Message 13364

Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 13:33:14 -0000
Matt said:

> Right, don`t use cheques at all. Grab somebody's VISA or something. Hell,
> you`re
> a student and you don`t have a credit card??

Of course I do.
And I use it over the net frequently now (3.1 chips/Quake/Usergroup Subscriptions/book orders etc.) but I sent that cheque off before I started doing all this.   But never mind, the orders placed now (by web page).

> The best way is to go down to the Bureau de Change and get 40DM from the
> lovely people, and whack it in an envelope inside a card or something (so
> people
> can`t see that it`s 40DM). Do it by registered post if you like.

Too time consuming!  Im lazy.  (Like you said:  "Your (I'm) a student."


Message 13365

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 14:58:31 +0100
Hi Darren,

> Having said that, I have just checked prices for a PPC board from
> White Knight and its =A3665 for a 200mhz PPC and 060, its way too blood=
> expensive.

If only more people were buying all the secondhand A3000s and A4000s out
there, then perhaps things like that wouldn't be so expensive...

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Want to send something for the CD? Read
Submissions Advice on the AFCD first.

Message 13366

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: A Recuring Theme.
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 14:59:30 +0100
Hi Ferenczy,

> Interesting. BTW, is there any hard info on whether it's just the one
> model, or is there going to be a high end one out soon as well - I finally
> have cash for the first time in years, and I plan on going mad!

Make sure you get that PPC card and gfx card then for your current Amiga
before you do anything...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13367

Subject: [afb] Dafel IRC conference
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 14:17:38 -0000
Does anyone have logs of the Dafel conference? Or are they going to appear on AmigaCentral (they organised it), just no mention on the site.

Or if there are no logs, what kinda stuff was talked about.


Message 13368

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fw: Loch Ness Webcam is LIVE
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 16:26:25 +0100
Hi All

>> Loch Ness Spotters Newsletter
>> Yes, folks, the Loch Ness site is LIVE.
>> And, as promised, you are the first to know!
>> So start trying to spot Nessie at:

There - in the water, I've seen it!  Oh wait, it's just a bird.

>> Also included on the site are:
>> - Loch Ness Facts
>> - Media Monsters
>> - Previous Sightings
>> - About the Loch
>> - Send A Nessie Postcard
>> - The Loch Ness Newsletter
>> - Shop
>> - Where To Stay And Eat

I bet at least on cafe in the area serves "Nessie Burgers"

>> Have a monster visit! And let us know if you make a sighting!!!
>> Editor

That reminds me - anyone know any sites for the fantastic cartoons The Family
Ness or Ox-Tales?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13369

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 16:31:16 +0100
Hi Matt Sealey

>> >> I was thinking of getting OE5 (seeing as OE4 has caused me no end of
>> >> grief) but when I saw it was over 10meg - bollox to it.
>> >
>> > Do what I did and get a magazine with IE5 on the cover disk there are
>> > loads on the shelf ATM
>>    10megs? where?
>What? 10Megs? 182 more like for the full IE5 (with all language options

51.1 actually - the installer reckons it'll only take a mere 7 hours 16 mins to

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13370

From: "Even Sandvik Underlid"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: 02 Jun 99 17:50:19 +0500
Ben Vost wrote:

>>Having said that, I have just checked prices for a PPC board from
>>White Knight and its 665 for a 200mhz PPC and 060, its way too bloody
>If only more people were buying all the secondhand A3000s and A4000s out
>there, then perhaps things like that wouldn't be so expensive...

All the secondhand A3000s and A4000s? I see newsgroup adverts from 
people /wanting to buy/ such computers every day, and I see the same people 
getting fed up because no one has anything to sell who end up upgrading
their A1200s instead. The situation must be very different in England from 
up here. :/

Anyway, as I've said earlier on this list, I believe an A1200T might me
just as good a solution as an A4000 if you just upgrade it "the right way",
and parts for the A1200 are generally a lot less expensive anyway, aren't

Even Sandvik Underlid

Message 13371

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 17:00:54 +0100
Hi Even,

> All the secondhand A3000s and A4000s? I see newsgroup adverts from people
> /wanting to buy/ such computers every day, and I see the same people
> getting fed up because no one has anything to sell who end up upgrading
> their A1200s instead. The situation must be very different in England from
> up here. :/

I don't think it is, but I think Amiga owners aren't sensible that are only
looking inside the Amiga market for a new machine. The best place to look
is outside the Amiga market with people who don't know what they've got.
The machines are often cheaper that way too.

> Anyway, as I've said earlier on this list, I believe an A1200T might me
> just as good a solution as an A4000 if you just upgrade it "the right
> way", and parts for the A1200 are generally a lot less expensive anyway,
> aren't they?

Exactly my point. I know that a lot of people on this list have A1200T's and
are very happy with them, but it remains that they *are* a kludge...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Any sufficiently advanced bug is 
     indistinguishable from a feature.

Message 13372

From: "Andrew Korn"
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA'99
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 16:38:06 +0100
Bifford said:

> Hi,  now as I cant make it to the Saturday half 
> of WOA'99 (Work, dontcha know) I will definately
> be going on Sunday.  My question is how much 
> of the events will be happening Sunday.  (Games
> contests, demos, registration, talks from the 
> industry men etc. etc.) 'Cause I dont want to go 
> and find not much on.  

There is likely to be some sort of major presentation with a transatlantic
link up to the Amiwest show in glorious, 'net based simulcast on the Sat.
Other than that there should be a different but roughly equal programme on
both days. Scheduling of the events is the kind of thing that will be juggled
around up to the last minute, but keep an eye on
for updates on the schedule - we'll make sure there's lots to see & do both

For those of you who want to attend both days, remember that if you keep your
Saturday ticket, you can claim a Sunday ticket for just 2.


Andrew Korn

Message 13373

Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 17:05:41 +0100

> I don't think it is, but I think Amiga owners aren't sensible that are
> only
> looking inside the Amiga market for a new machine. The best place to
> look
> is outside the Amiga market with people who don't know what they've got.
> The machines are often cheaper that way too.

Yep agreed.  I am collecting an A1200, an A500, monitor and shite 
loads of other stuff tomorrow - all for a tenner!!!!

Gotta keep your eye's and ears open - always...

Bye for now


Message 13374

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 17:44:02 +0100
> >What? 10Megs? 182 more like for the full IE5 (with all language options
> >installed)
> 51.1 actually - the installer reckons it'll only take a mere 7 hours 16
mins to
> download!

No, it`s 182Mb. I mean EVERYTHING. Trust me, I installed it. It took 25
to download ;)

Praise the lord for many-hundred megabit internet connections!

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13375

From: "Chris Green"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 18:05:01 +0100
Hi Matt

> No, it`s 182Mb. I mean EVERYTHING. Trust me, I installed it. It took 25
> minutes
> to download ;)

No, the FULL (and I mean FULL) download is 51.1MB, and I know cos I did
nothing but eat, sleep and breathe it for two months before its launch while
I reviewed it. I'm not sure what you downloaded, unless it was a bundle up
of IE5 and the IEAK plus Visual Basic for Applications - that would come out
at about 182Mb!

Chris Green
Technical Editor @ Computing
VNU Business Publications

Message 13376

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: 2 Jun 1999 16:20:31 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Why load KCON? What's the matter with it being started in your user-startup?
> I get annoyed when I have to boot without a startup-sequence and don't have
> its features!


	Assign CON: dismount
	Mount CON:

You get a few "please insert volume ENV:" requesters, but it's worth
the hassle. Or you could "Assign ENV: ENVARC:" first.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
He who laughs last probably made a back-up.

Message 13377

From: "Phil Ellis"
Subject: [afb] MUI 68000 generic
Date: 02 Jun 99 18:05:38 +0000
I've been wondering for a while now, is there a 040 version of MUI. I'm a
registered user and I've noticed that it says that it is the generic 68000
version. Is there any other?

Phil Ellis Amiga 4000/040 PIV Magellan II ICQ 38892967
For information on Cystic Fibrosis
12th commandment - Covet not thy neighbor's Pentium.

Message 13378

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] AF125
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 15:43:34 +0000
Hello Ben,

I was just wondering when will us subscribers get our copies of AF125?
UIN: 30044173

Everybody is talking about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
-- Mark Twain

Message 13379

From: Keith Priestley
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 01:28:29 +0100
Hello Ben,

On 02-Jun-99, you wrote:
> Not bad at all. I did the same with Power yesterday for a Blizzard 1260,
> with SCSI module and 256MB RAM and it's here this AM... :)

I've been thinking of getting the Blizzard 1260 but I thought Phase 5
stopped making them ages ago. Anyway can you give me an idea of the speed
increase in decoding web pages (e.g. JPEGs) over a Blizzard 1230/50.

I've had a look at Power's web site for the price of the basic 1260 but it
just says "price to be announced", so (grovel grovel) can you tell me how
much they are.

All the best,


Message 13380

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] Re: A Recuring Theme.
Date: 2 Jun 99 18:40:20 +0000
> Hi Ferenczy,
> > Interesting. BTW, is there any hard info on whether it's just the one
> > model, or is there going to be a high end one out soon as well - I finally
> > have cash for the first time in years, and I plan on going mad!
> Make sure you get that PPC card and gfx card then for your current Amiga
> before you do anything...
> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost 

Practice what you preach....hey Ben... ;)



Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM....
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer.....

Message 13381

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: 2 Jun 99 19:01:03 +0000
Hi Darren, you wrote=2E=2E=2E=2E
> I can see why people get wound up, people moaning that no software is
> available for the PPC card, and when someone releases something for
> it, its *too* expensive=2E

I think we may have a similar situation to LightWave 5, which was
reviewed in AF95=2E  Ben rightly complained about the high price
(=A31170), and that could account for poor sales figures=2E  Which in
turn may lead them to believe that the market is dead BUT poor sales
can also mean that the product is too expensive!!

If Microcode don't hit their target of 1000 pre-orders for
Fusion/PCx=2E=2E=2EI'll bet a week's wages that they will state the Amiga
market is dead=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2Ebut the case may be that they've set the pr=
ice way
too high=2E

> Having said that, I have just checked prices for a PPC board from
> White Knight and its =A3665 for a 200mhz PPC and 060, its way too bloody
> expensive=2E

My 603 200Mhz-060 50Mhz was =A3579 about 13 months ago - must be the
fluctuation in the exchange rates=2E :(



Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM=2E=2E=2E=2E
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E

Message 13382

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Napalm probs
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 15:54:13 +0100
I've just got Napalm and it works fine up to the part where I choose my team.
I choose 'Humans' and then it goes to the UEDF screen, and stops. It stays
like this for about an hour and eventually goes into the game. I've gone
through the booklet that comes with the CD, but it's no help, and I've just
emailed clickboom. But does anyone know why this is happening?


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13383

From: Paul Hilder
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI Registration
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 15:40:30 +0100 wrote:

> Is the address still current (printed from the latest form on the AFCD)?  All I can think is that they havnt received it yet (change of address?) because the checque hasnt gone out of my account.

I never got a reply so I ended up reging at the same time as registering

The cheque was never cashed.



Message 13384

From: Paul Hilder
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 15:42:39 +0100
Ben Vost wrote:

> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?

I've had up to the Linux issue.

But not the one after that.



Message 13385

From: Paul Hilder
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 15:43:57 +0100
Stephen Harris wrote:

> > I was thinking of getting OE5 (seeing as OE4 has caused me no end of grief) but
> > when I saw it was over 10meg - bollox to it.
> Do what I did and get a magazine with IE5 on the cover disk there are loads on the shelf 

Then wonder why it keeps trying to load IE4. :(



Message 13386

Subject: [afb] Re: KingCON
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:24:35 -0000
> > Why load KCON? What's the matter with it being started in your user-startup?
> > I get annoyed when I have to boot without a startup-sequence and don't have
> > its features!
> Type:
>  Assign CON: dismount
>  Mount CON:
>  NewShell
> You get a few "please insert volume ENV:" requesters, but it's worth
> the hassle. Or you could "Assign ENV: ENVARC:" first.

It's okay, I was typing metaphorically. I have a bare startup that just gets
ENV: going and starts KingCON, but even so... :)


Message 13387

Subject: [afb] Re: MUI 68000 generic
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:25:19 -0000
> I've been wondering for a while now, is there a 040 version of MUI. I'm a
> registered user and I've noticed that it says that it is the generic 68000
> version. Is there any other?

There's never been one made available.


Message 13388

Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:26:03 -0000
> I was just wondering when will us subscribers get our copies of AF125?

I don't know, that's why I was asking... :)


Message 13389

Subject: [afb] Re: A Recuring Theme.
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:27:54 -0000
> > Make sure you get that PPC card and gfx card then for your current Amiga
> > before you do anything...
> Practice what you preach....hey Ben... ;)

Well, I have got the best gfx card going for the Amiga, but I do need to get my
hands on a CyberStormPPC, but I think I might wait for a G3 card, tbh.


Message 13390

Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:30:04 -0000
> I've just got Napalm and it works fine up to the part where I choose my team.
> I choose 'Humans' and then it goes to the UEDF screen, and stops. It stays
> like this for about an hour and eventually goes into the game. I've gone
> through the booklet that comes with the CD, but it's no help, and I've just
> emailed clickboom. But does anyone know why this is happening?

If you've registered it then it's probably worth while downloading the new
version of the executable (1.35), but you also don't say what Amiga setup you
have, so it's not easy to tell what the problem is...


Message 13391

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 19:50:57 +0000
Hello All,

On 02-Jun-99, wrote:

>> I was just wondering when will us subscribers get our copies of AF125?
> I don't know, that's why I was asking... :)

Sorry Ben, it was a classic case of writing the mail before reading the

UIN: 30044173

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 13392

From: Robert Simmonds
Subject: [afb] Re: Dixsons was Freeserve's mail servers
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 12:14:43 +0100
on 31-May-99, Ralph skillfully scrawled something along the subject of [afb]
Re: Dixsons was Freeserve's mail servers: 

>> What for? (if you don't mind me asking)
> For a broken A500 ( about 4-5 years ago ) I got a A1200 plus lots fof bits
> & bobs out of them .
> I was a presie for the two kids for xmas , and died 2 weeks before . They
> were given several oppertunities to sort it and did'nt of to the
> small claims court ....

To be fair, not all stores are like this. I work for Currys in Kings Lynn,
and a families PC went wrong on Christmas Eve, so the Mastercare field
engineer and I went out to them 3 times that day, trying to sort their PC
out. Even though we were not supposed  to, in the end we gave them a brand
new PC, and set it up, installed it etc, way past the store closing

It really did give a warm feeling all over :)

Thanks for your time...

 Robert Simmonds AKA *memoreks*, Member of teamAMIGA
 ARCnet #Amiga

 A1200T 030/40, 18mb RAM, Motorola Motivated! |

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 13393

From: Robert Johnston
Subject: [afb] Re: 2b or not 2b...
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 17:42:55 +0100
Kevin Fairhurst wrote:
> But there _IS_ such a thing, I'm sure there is (the grips are all aligned
> for the other hand to make it easier for left-handed people to use compared
> to a right handed or amibidextrous screwdriver). You can also get
> left-handed golf clubs, tin openers and all sorts!!
There's a shop in Soho, london, that sells everything for left-handed people,
including clocks that go anti-clockwise! :))
Robert "Anakha" Johnston
Anakha - Without Destiny
Remember, Remember, the 6th of June...

Message 13394

From: Robert Johnston
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 19:45:14 +0100 wrote:
> AMax II used to cost 249.95 and it could only do black and white Macs for
> god's sake.
But who bought it?
Robert "Anakha" Johnston
Anakha - Without Destiny
Remember, Remember, the 6th of June...

Message 13395

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 16:46:24 +0100
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 02 June 1999 19:30
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs

> If you've registered it then it's probably worth while downloading the new
> version of the executable (1.35), but you also don't say what Amiga setup
> have, so it's not easy to tell what the problem is...

Well, it's an A1200 Power Typhoon mk1, Eyetech 4x CD-Plus Mk1, 18MB memory.
I've was happily playing it for a while but we had a storm and the power went
off and when I tried to reload, it wouldn't get past the team screen.

The reason it worked the first time was I left it on the team screen while I
went to York, and when I got back (about 2 hrs later) the game was on the
briefing screen ready to be played.

I intend registering pretty soon, so I'll get that update soo as well.


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13396

From: Robert Johnston
Subject: [afb] Re:
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 19:56:49 +0100
Matt Sealey wrote:
> In Aweb? Ha, not surprising. Even proper Javascript from the Netscape docs
> fails. Microsoft use Javascript 1.3 on their pages and Aweb only does 1.2.
Actually, AWeb does JS1.1 (IIRC). and it's missing basic variable declarations,
such as screen.width and screen.depth
Robert "Anakha" Johnston
Anakha - Without Destiny
Remember, Remember, the 6th of June...

Message 13397

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs (update - read! :)
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 16:53:28 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Neil Bullock 
To: AFB 
Sent: 02 June 1999 16:46
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs

Oops, sorry. I neglected to say that when I chose 'Humans' from the team
screen, Snoopdos said the last action Napal did was opening audio.device and
for Robots, it said utility.library


Message 13398

From: Robert Johnston
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 20:06:13 +0100
Kevin Fairhurst wrote:
> Neil Bullock ( wrote:
> > > Richard Drummond said,
> > >
> > > >>>> PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
> > > >>>
> > > >>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
> > > >>
> > > >> Er,,yeh.
> > >
> > > > What flavour is it?
> > >
> > > Tuesday.
> >
> > Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
> Constantinople

#Istanbul, not Constinople#

> > P.S. is this supposed to be confusing? :)
> Bacon and philladelphia on a white baguette please.
With a large green milkshake
Robert "Anakha" Johnston
Anakha - Without Destiny
Remember, Remember, the 6th of June...

Message 13399

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: 2 Jun 99 20:10:13 +0100
Chris Green ( wrote:
> Hi Matt
> > No, it`s 182Mb. I mean EVERYTHING. Trust me, I installed it. It took 25
> > minutes
> > to download ;)
> No, the FULL (and I mean FULL) download is 51.1MB, and I know cos I did
> nothing but eat, sleep and breathe it for two months before its launch while
> I reviewed it. I'm not sure what you downloaded, unless it was a bundle up
> of IE5 and the IEAK plus Visual Basic for Applications - that would come out
> at about 182Mb!

Sounds like you had fun then, IE5 for breakfast, dinner and tea! How many
times did you resort to putting ketchup on it, or think "sod it I'll go to
the chippy"?   ;-)

Seriously, was it really ready 2 months before launch, or were "they"
adding stuff and fixing bugs right up to the last minute as they seem to do
with that GUI add-on for MS-DOS that they sell?
> Chris Green
> Technical Editor @ Computing
> VNU Business Publications

Hey I get that for the jobs pages! Was it you that got the mention of
"funkyb" and the Amiga in Backbytes this week?


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 13400

Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 19:11:11 -0000
<007101bead08$b322d2a0$b212883-@bumbox> wrote: 
Original Article:
> Hi,
> I've just got Napalm and it works fine up to the part where I choose my team.
> I choose 'Humans' and then it goes to the UEDF screen, and stops. It stays
> like this for about an hour and eventually goes into the game. I've gone
> through the booklet that comes with the CD, but it's no help, and I've just
> emailed clickboom. But does anyone know why this is happening?
> Thanks
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>   T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>      __                        Neil Bullock
> __  ///
> \\\///
>  \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010
> #trogsoft
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Best way to sort Napalm out is to select the drawer on your harddrive, then goto
the Icons menu and select delete ;))

Message 13401

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 20:22:41 +0100
Hi Matt Sealey

>> >What? 10Megs? 182 more like for the full IE5 (with all language options
>> >installed)
>> 51.1 actually - the installer reckons it'll only take a mere 7 hours 16
>mins to
>> download!
>No, it`s 182Mb. I mean EVERYTHING. Trust me, I installed it. It took 25
>to download ;)

If you insist, but this setup proggy here says 51.1meg with all boxes checked.

>Praise the lord for many-hundred megabit internet connections!

Curse the lord for my shitty 56k modem that only ever gets 31.2k connections.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13402

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm Probs REALLY fixed
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 17:58:32 +0100
Hi all,
I'm sure you were all racking your brains trying to help me get Napalm
working, but it's working now. when I wanted to play, I used to disable all my
commodities and proggies running. I just tried putting my gorgeous 256 colour
workbench down to 2 colours and it works now!! great!


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13403

From: "David Monk"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: 02 Jun 99 18:53:20 +0000
Got mine this morning


>> ----------
>> From:        Ben Vost[]
>> Reply To:
>> Sent:        Tuesday, June 01, 1999 06:03
>> To:  AFB mailing list
>> Subject:     [afb] New AF?
>> Hi,
>> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
>> All the best,
>> --
>> Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
>> Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> try this:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> home:
>> - Simplifying group communications


> home:
> - Simplifying group communications

Theres a Storm coming  -- It's name is AMIGA

Message 13404

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga NG
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 20:35:28 +0100
Hi Martin.

> >    The NG stands for Next Generation (Just like in ST:TNG - Star Trek:
> The
> > Next Generation :-). )
> So are we all going to be members of the
> Ami-gang when it comes out?  :-/

    I don't know... Maybe we could be 'miggers' :-)


Message 13405

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Windows and manuals (Was YAM filtering)
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 21:01:32 +0100
Hi James.

> ... Windows Error #00A: Promotional literature overflow. Mailbox full.

    This one made me think. It's quite ironic that new versions of Windows
are advertised so much, then when you actually buy them, the manuals are
little more than leaflets - when I bought Win98, it came with a load of
adverts for other M$ products, and a manual that's barely 150 pages thick!
This included instructions on how to use a mouse(!) and internet basics, but
very little on how to sort out any potential problems with the software
(which are, of course, only to be expected with a M$ product...)
    The statement on the back of the manual says "For product support,
contact the manufacturer of your PC". This could be a problem for me, as I
am the manufacturer!
    However, I would say I prefer to have a printed manual than in-built
help files. I can't take my Amiga everywhere with me, but I can learn to use
(eg) DOpus Mag II by reading the manual while I'm at work etc. What are
other people's opinions on printed manuals, or are we all waiting for Amiga
laptops/palmtops so we can work on our projects elsewhere? (I think I'll do
a poll on this, just need to decide on possible answers...)


Message 13406

From: Oliver Esberger
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 22:16:20 +0200
Hello Slash, (somehow I doubt you are the great guitar player :)

> Best way to sort Napalm out is to select the drawer on your harddrive,
> then goto the Icons menu and select delete ;))

I've read several statements from you about napalm. I think by now
everybody has realized you do not like napalm, but why?

Oliver Esberger -

Message 13407

From: "Chris Green"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 21:39:48 +0100
Hi Kevin

Believe me, there was plenty of 'Sod it I'll go to the chippy' moments while
reviewing IE5 - closely followed by 'Sod it I'll go to the pub and get
plastered rather than write about this poxy web browser'

> Seriously, was it really ready 2 months before launch, or were "they"
> adding stuff and fixing bugs right up to the last minute as they seem to
> with that GUI add-on for MS-DOS that they sell?

Yes surprisingly it was fully finished (well, about as finished as a
Microsoft product will ever be) a full 8 weeks before launch :) Just a shame
it's still so buggy and so bloody big :(

> > Chris Green
> > Technical Editor @ Computing
> > VNU Business Publications
> Hey I get that for the jobs pages! Was it you that got the mention of
> "funkyb" and the Amiga in Backbytes this week?

Guilty as charged. Also have a look at Andrew Korn's review of Macromedia
Fireworks 2 - the artwork has a very boing-ish look to it :)

Chris Green
Technical Editor @ Computing
VNU Business Publications

Message 13408

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: 2 Jun 99 21:46:38 +0100
Chris Green ( wrote:
> Hi Kevin

Hi Chris

> Believe me, there was plenty of 'Sod it I'll go to the chippy' moments while
> reviewing IE5 - closely followed by 'Sod it I'll go to the pub and get
> plastered rather than write about this poxy web browser'

Hey, and did you?  Ididn't read the review (well I don't remember doing)
but were there any parts of it written AFTER a trip to the pub?   ;-)
> > Seriously, was it really ready 2 months before launch, or were "they"
> > adding stuff and fixing bugs right up to the last minute as they seem to do
> > with that GUI add-on for MS-DOS that they sell?
> Yes surprisingly it was fully finished (well, about as finished as a
> Microsoft product will ever be) a full 8 weeks before launch :) Just a shame
> it's still so buggy and so bloody big :(

So they didn't think "oh we have 8 weeks yet, lets finish it off more"??
Blimey! I'm shocked!!

> > > Chris Green
> > > Technical Editor @ Computing
> > > VNU Business Publications
> > Hey I get that for the jobs pages! Was it you that got the mention of
> > "funkyb" and the Amiga in Backbytes this week?
> Guilty as charged. Also have a look at Andrew Korn's review of Macromedia
> Fireworks 2 - the artwork has a very boing-ish look to it :)

Is this in tomorrow's issue? I couldn't find it in last weeks ...


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 13409

From: "Andrew Gillen"
Subject: [afb] Re: Modems, was IE5 blah blah
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 21:50:35 +0100

>Curse the lord for my shitty 56k modem that only ever gets 31.2k

Aww leave the poor defenceless modem alone. Its more likely to be
a shity phoneline.


Message 13410

Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 20:53:47 -0000
> > AMax II used to cost 249.95 and it could only do black and white Macs for
> > god's sake.
> But who bought it?

Loads of people. I had one for a short time myself and I used to get loads in
for sale when I was purchasing at HB Marketing.


Message 13411

From: "Even Sandvik Underlid"
Subject: [afb] Re: A Recuring Theme.
Date: 02 Jun 99 23:00:21 +0500
Hi Ben,

>>Amiga Format is my main source of dates and I realise they can only
>>publish what the companies themselves tell them, but everytime a month for
>>release is mentioned the product doesnt appear for at least 6 months after
>>that date. Coincidence? Or do Amiga companpanies have something against
>Actually it's us. We make up unrealistic dates just to fool everyone - how
>we laugh... :) Hm, no not really. Actually I was fairly concerned that
>Amiga wouldn't be able to meet their self-imposed deadline of the end of
>this year, especially given the comments about logistics we've had on here,
>but when I spoke to them about it, they said that their ramp-up speed was
>very rapid and that they'd only be talking about getting 5-10,000 units in
>circulation before Christmas anyway. 

Do you know if there will be any major marketing together with these 
5-10,000 first units, or is this just to fill the instant demand from
Classic users wanting to upgrade? Can we expect any major software 
developers releasing software before christmas?

Even Sandvik Underlid

Message 13412

From: "David Monk"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs
Date: 02 Jun 99 22:06:46 +0000
I've had now reply to e-mails regarding probs with Napalm,

        1. No CD-Audio. I think I've narrowed it down to the game not liking
           the ATA3.driver for the power flyer.

        2. Unable to complete mission 3, even though I wipe the enemy of the
           face of the map the mission dosen't end.

 I'm about to give up playing it.


>I've just got Napalm and it works fine up to the part where I choose my team.
>I choose 'Humans' and then it goes to the UEDF screen, and stops. It stays
>like this for about an hour and eventually goes into the game. I've gone
>through the booklet that comes with the CD, but it's no help, and I've just
>emailed clickboom. But does anyone know why this is happening?


>  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
>     __                        Neil Bullock
>__  ///
> \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010
> #trogsoft


> home:
> - Simplifying group communications

Theres a Storm coming  -- It's name is AMIGA

Message 13413

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re:
Date: 2 Jun 1999 22:30:51 +0100
Robert Johnston said, 

> Actually, AWeb does JS1.1 (IIRC). and it's missing basic variable
> declarations, such as screen.width and screen.depth

screen.width and screen.depth aren't basic variable declarations.
They are object properties defined in JavaScript 1.2, hence their
absence from 1.1.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Bus: (n.) a connector you plug money into, something like a slot machine.

Message 13414

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: 2b or not 2b...
Date: 2 Jun 1999 22:27:39 +0100
Robert Johnston said, 

> Kevin Fairhurst wrote:
>> But there _IS_ such a thing, I'm sure there is (the grips are all aligned
>> for the other hand to make it easier for left-handed people to use compared
>> to a right handed or amibidextrous screwdriver). You can also get
>> left-handed golf clubs, tin openers and all sorts!!

> There's a shop in Soho, london, that sells everything for left-handed people,
> including clocks that go anti-clockwise! :))

Hell, we can't even get left-handed scissors up here, although I hear
some banks are now providing left-handed cheque books.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
IRQs?  We don't need no stinking IRQs!

Message 13415

From: "Chris Green"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 22:44:57 +0100
Hi Kevin

> Hey, and did you?  Ididn't read the review (well I don't remember doing)
> but were there any parts of it written AFTER a trip to the pub?   ;-)

er...most of it was written after a trip to the Blue Posts actually - it's
quite frightening - I'm doing most of my best work when I'm sozzled :)

> > Guilty as charged. Also have a look at Andrew Korn's review of
> > Fireworks 2 - the artwork has a very boing-ish look to it :)
> Is this in tomorrow's issue? I couldn't find it in last weeks ...

Sorry - Yes it is in tomorrow's edition.

Chris Green
Technical Editor @ Computing
VNU Business Publications

Message 13416

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Scanner Switchbox.
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 22:09:30 +0100
Hi folks,

>Before I took my switchbox to Maplins I did a pin check with a multimeter
>some pins did not cause a readout change. I assume the pins are mirrored
>that pin one on the i/o connects to pin one on any of the A,B,C,D

Hmm, that doesn't sound pin on the in should match the
corresponding pin on *all* four outs, when switched appropriately of course
:) Is it the same pin on each out that has no reading? In which case it
sounds that it might be "almost" fully wired, so appears to be at first
glance, but a few that were considered to be never used were left unwired.
That would explain why your scanner works from none of the outs, if it in
fact needed one of the missing pins.
Otherwise, if its different pins on each out, maybe you were really unlucky
and got a box which is faulty on all the outs randomly, and your scanner
needed one of the missing pins on each out. Both seem unlikely really, but
all pins really should be registering a current on all the corresponding out
pins. Do you know anyone who has a box you be sure is OK, maybe try it
there? If it works there you know its your box at fault.

Oh, here's one, are all the contacts clean on all the plugs? (You can tell
I'm just guessing now...)

>The chap said I could get hold of a unit that would split the parallel port
>that may work. I said I have an Amiga A1200. Dead end.

>Unless I can get a cable made up, and hopeful it will work, then it looks
>I will have to carry on the remove switchbox/connect scanner
>the scanner is not in constant use, I am not keen on cable removals due to
>and inconvenience.

The guy might have a point, although not necessarily what he meant. Before I
got my box I used a test ribbon cable (about 6 inches with one end that went
in the back of my 1200 a bundle of different sex ports on it) to give me, in
effect, three ports (although still only one device of course) and to
protect my port. I find those better than those ones that just plug in to
the existing port and sit there as they not only avoid you bending a pin on
the original port but they take the load off the motherboard connection
during changes, which on a 1200 is an important issue.
Better though, you could use one with two plugs on the back, like mine, plug
the box into one and the scanner into the other. It can't complain about
that, being ribbon you know every pin is wired and its so short there's no
way it can matter to the scanner. Plus, screw it in and you need never risk
damaging your original port ever again!

Otherwise you've got me stumpted, if everything is fully wired it *should*
work, I still think it will work, and I still blame your switch box - I
don't like the sound of those pins not registering, check them again and if
they don't register take it back as faulty. That really is the only probable
thing I can think of.

Best of luck, I hope that's some help :)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 13417

From: "Richard Lane"
Subject: [afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?
Date: 2 Jun 99 21:37:55 +0100
Hi Matt Sealey,

In reference to "[afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?",

> > Dunno,  but this'll gut you - I picked up VistaPro, With MakePath, and
> > Teraform for =A34=2E00!  The paperwork in the box said they usually sel=
> > for $50 dollars each!
> Gasp, so did I! They were on a CUCD ages ago=2E A very recent version, to=
> Well worth a fiver=2E=2E

Yes I've got that to, I don't have the CD to hand at the moment but iirc is
was only the lite version i=2Ee=2E no FPU needed=2E I also bought the origi=
version a long while ago but I can't remember what I paid for it=2E I was
really just curious more than anything as imho it would be a good program
to have on the coverdisk=2E BTW, it works really well on this Blizzard A126=
of mine with cyberpatcher installed=2E

Best Regards, Richard Lane - richard@amiga=2Eprestel=2Eco=2Euk

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a=2Elha
Magnum_Opus support site - http://www=2Ehomeusers=2Eprestel=2Eco=2Euk/amiga
                        Powered by *AMIGA*

Message 13418

From: "Richard Lane"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microdot II
Date: 2 Jun 99 21:30:26 +0100
Hi Primo Busancano,

In reference to "[afb] Microdot II",

> Fellow egroupers,
> I wonder if you can help me.
> I run microdot II for my e-mails,things seem to be running fine up
> till now, now I am getting a message coming up when I try to send
> an e-mail,not all the time,but it does appear.And the message is:
>  "no response to PAP authenticate-requests o.k" I click on o.k. and
> the whole thing shuts down.(no quotes,by the way) Can any one tell me
> just what it means?

Don't panic, there's nothing wrong with MicroDot, which I also use. The
Problem is with Prestel's Authentication server. It's been intermitant for
a few days now. Last night it me took several attempts to get on-line. The
worse part of it is that it's costing you everytime this happens as the
call is connected. Get yourself on the various Prestel newsgroups (at least
prestel.announce & prestel.misc) and you'll find a number of people
including myself having a good moan about this, and the responses from

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site -
                        Powered by *AMIGA*

Message 13419

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:47:12 +0100
Good greetings

On 02-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Richard Lane wrote:
> =

>> Hi All,
>>       I noticed in WHSmiths this morning that VistaPro is on the cover=

>> CD of Mac Format and a Future publishing PC title who's name I've
>> forgotton for the moment. I was wondering what the chances of seeing i=
>> on Amiga Format as they're also part of Future?
>> =

> =

> Dunno, but this'll gut you - I picked up VistaPro, With MakePath, and
> Teraform for =A34.00! The paperwork in the box said they usually sell f=
> $50 dollars each!

I got Vistapro 3.5, geomorph, makepath and a wad full of dems on a CD wit=
a magazine called CU-Amiga stuck to it.

Maybe Emap have some back issues. . .

Also, I don't think AF can have the rites to publish it just because PC
Format do (Ben?). IIRC PC Format had Imagine4.0 on the cover at the same
time as CU-Amiga had it.



/PGP Key available on request/
-- =

Reality is for people who lack imagination.

Message 13420

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga NG
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 22:42:14 +0000
Bother said Chris Pratt as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re: Amiga
NG again...

>> So are we all going to be members of the
>> Ami-gang when it comes out?  :-/

> I don't know... Maybe we could be 'miggers' :-)

Sounds like a very bad idea to me.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 13421

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 22:44:22 +0000
Bother said Neil Bothwick as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
Essential Programs again...

>>  Why load KCON? What's the matter with it being started in your
>>  user-startup? I get annoyed when I have to boot without a
>>  startup-sequence and don't have its features!

> Type:

>     Assign CON: dismount
>     Mount CON:
>     NewShell

> You get a few "please insert volume ENV:" requesters, but it's worth
> the hassle. Or you could "Assign ENV: ENVARC:" first.

Alternatively, you could do what I do and have a script that
assigns ENV: and T: then mounts KCON and my cd drives.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 13422

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?
Date: 2 Jun 1999 23:15:38 +0100
Richard Lane said, 

>> Gasp, so did I! They were on a CUCD ages ago. A very recent version, too.
>> Well worth a fiver..

> Yes I've got that to, I don't have the CD to hand at the moment but iirc is
> was only the lite version i.e. no FPU needed.

VistaPro Lite was on the September 96 CD, the full version was on the
September 97 CD.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?

Message 13423

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: 2 Jun 99 23:20:44 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Neil Bullock wrote on Tue, 1 Jun 1999 22:20:36 +0100 about [afb] Re: New AF?

Hi Neil Bullock

> I was expecting it today, but it didn't
> come, hopefully, AF and Napalm will arrive
> together tomorrow. That'll brighten up the fact
> that I have to go for a filling :(

M8, don't go, I had two done just over a week ago and I'm sure that's
why I have a virus ATM, about 5 Mouth ulcers in fact !

Bloody painful !

And to make things worse, I hade to extend my two week's holiday with
another week off work sick :)

Oh well:)

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13424

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: 2 Jun 99 23:24:18 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Stephen Harris wrote on Tue, 1 Jun 1999 20:08:00 +0100 about [afb] Re: Essential Programs

Hi Stephen Harris

> I'll go along with that, Just made a few modifacations this week.
> NC2 dock nows pops up on boot. I can now load Dopus and KCon with one click :-))))))

You mean your not running DOpus in WBR mode ??

Why not ?

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13425

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA'99
Date: 2 Jun 99 23:34:08 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format  wrote on Wed, 02 Jun 1999 10:26:59 -0000 about [afb] WOA'99

> Hi,  now as I cant make it to the Saturday half of WOA'99 (Work, dontcha know) I will definately be going on Sunday.  My question is how much of the events will be happening Sunday.  (Games contests, demos, registration, talks from the industry men etc. etc.) 'Cause I dont want to go and find not much on.  
> It will, however, be the first year I've graced (ehem!) WOA with my presence.

Well hopefully everything will be running on Sunday, I'm going to be
there in my capacity of *Amiga* *Support* *Association* and I'm
hopeing to attract a few more member to the Group.

I'll have my machine there and a m8's, so at least your see something,
no really, everything should be ok for both days:)

See you there.

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13426

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: 2 Jun 99 23:37:14 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Ben Vost wrote on Wed, 02 Jun 1999 12:34:15 +0100 about [afb] Re: New AF?

Hi Ben Vost

> > Actually - there's an idea for AI - Amiga Boing Ball Lollipops...
> It's amazing - you must be psychic figuring out Petro's master sales plan to
> make up for the fact that he hasn't got any product that anyone actually
> wants...

I don't think that this would surprise many of us:(

Your not serious are you ?

Nah, didn't think so:)

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13427

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: 2 Jun 99 23:45:24 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Ben Vost wrote on Wed, 02 Jun 1999 14:58:31 +0100 about [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!

Hi Ben Vost

> If only more people were buying all the secondhand A3000s and A4000s out
> there, then perhaps things like that wouldn't be so expensive...

I've bought two A4000's in the lasy year, not to mention 3 or was it 4
A1200's :)

My first A4000 was sold onto the chap running Power Amiga User Group.

He needs to upgrade, which he say's he's going to do soon :)

I've not stoped there either, I've spent a fortune on my present A4k
and just bought back one of my better A1200's:)

I now have 1 A4k and 2 A1200's, soon to be back to one, i hope:)

I haven't got a PPC, because I'd rather save up for a G4 Cyberstorm,
if they come out, I'll have one hopefully:)

So I'd have to agree, ppl need to shell out to get the stuff, but
unless they do, it won't come down in price !

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13428

Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 23:12:43 -0000
Original Article:
> Hello Slash, (somehow I doubt you are the great guitar player :)

He taught me though.

> > Best way to sort Napalm out is to select the drawer on your harddrive,
> > then goto the Icons menu and select delete ;))
> I've read several statements from you about napalm. I think by now
> everybody has realized you do not like napalm, but why?

Have you played it? It play's nothing like C&C and is just, well crap, I've
got no other words for it. Of course this is my opinion and I know a lot
of people like it.

People want command & conquer playability, not napalm ;))

Flame me at will ;)

 ^-- Home of Operation: Counterstrike

Message 13429

From: Oliver Esberger
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 01:25:27 +0200

On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> Hello Slash, (somehow I doubt you are the great guitar player :)
> He taught me though.

I also read/tried some tutorials by him!
> Have you played it? It play's nothing like C&C and is just, well crap,
> I've got no other words for it. Of course this is my opinion and I
> know a lot of people like it.

I like c&c and I have played Napalm (only the demo so far) and I found
it nice.
> Flame me at will ;)

mmm.. ;)
> ^-- Home of Operation: Counterstrike

Aaah! Let me guess: C&C playability?

Oliver Esberger -

Message 13430

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: 1 Jun 99 23:44:28 +0000
On Tue, 1 Jun 1999 20:08:00 +0100, Stephen Harris paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: Essential Programs:

> Not here. I HATE FOOTY
Yay! Me too.
> >> Netconnect 2 - Fantastic!
> I'll go along with that,
> I can now load Dopus and KCon with one click :-))))))
Why not have KCon installed all the time? There's no way I could cope
without it and I don't /think/ it wastes much(any) memory.
>     Bomber Harris

Message 13431

Subject: [afb] RSVP: Will you still buy FusionPPC?
This poll is only for the people that answered my last poll about FusionPPC.

If you said yes you will buy it, will you still buy it now you know the price?

Please select one of the following:

   o Yes - I've already pre-ordered.
   o Yes - I'm going to pre-order.
   o Yes - After it comes out.
   o No - It's just too much money for me. :(

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 13432

Subject: [afb] RSVP: Just who is going to WOA '99?
Are you going to WOA '99?

Please select one of the following:

   o Yes - On the Saturday.
   o Yes - On the Sunday.
   o Yes - On both days.
   o Hopefully.
   o No - But I want to.
   o No - I don't even want to.
   o No - I'll be at Amiwest.

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 13433

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: 03 Jun 99 01:00:24 +0000
Hello Alex Furmanski, on 02-Jun-99 19:22:41 you said about:
 [afb] Re: IE5       was 


>>Praise the lord for many-hundred megabit internet connections!

>Curse the lord for my shitty 56k modem that only ever gets 31.2k connections.

Unplug *anything* else you may have on yer phone line and try it then.

I had thne same problem, but worse. The max I could ever get was 26k :(.
I eventually traced it to the main phone downstairs, once I removed it I
was getting anyting up to 50k...

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
I either want less corruption, or more chance to participate in it.

Message 13434

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 23:31:17 +0100
Good greetings  Richard

On 02-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Matt Sealey,
> =

> In reference to "[afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?",
> =

>> =

>> Dunno,  but this'll gut you - I picked up VistaPro, With MakePath, and=

>> Teraform for =A34.00!  The paperwork in the box said they usually sell=

>> for $50 dollars each!
>> =

>> Gasp, so did I! They were on a CUCD ages ago. A very recent version,
>> too. Well worth a fiver..
>> =

> =

> Yes I've got that to, I don't have the CD to hand at the moment but iir=
> is was only the lite version i.e. no FPU needed. =

I think the "lite" meant that it had tons of stuff missing from it, there=

is an FPU executable with the lite version. =

In the lite version there's not much control over trees/clouds and stuff.=

No buildings or roads either. I could be wrong, but I don't think it
supports the HUGE size for dems either.

VistaPro 3.5 was released by CU. I have just that version on my Harddrive=

I also bought the
> original version a long while ago but I can't remember what I paid for
> it. I was really just curious more than anything as imho it would be a
> good program to have on the coverdisk. BTW, it works really well on thi=
> Blizzard A1260 of mine with cyberpatcher installed.

A PPC version would be cool, eh :) maybe for WCS. . .




/PGP Key available on request/
-- =

Experience is directly proportional to the value of equipment destroyed.
-- Carolyn Scheppner

Message 13435

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Sky subscriptions
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 00:20:29 +0100
Hi all.
    Just a gem I thought you may be interested in...

    My sister works at Currys, and tonight she was telling me about a couple
who had been in their store. When they were asked if they were interested in
Sky Digital, they said they had it and were only paying 20 a month for the
full package. When the salesperson asked how they had managed to get such a
cheap subscription, it transpired that they had rung Sky and said they
wished to cancel. Apparently they said if the subscription was cheaper they
would have kept it, but they couldn't afford/justify the price. Sky turned
round and offered them the full package for only 20 a month.
    So if any of you have Sky, here's a way to pay less :-)

    Hope this may help some of you. If you try it and it works, please tell
me, as mum pays our Sky subs so I can't try it myself.


Message 13436

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: AFB message numbers
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 00:38:21 +0100
Hi Ben.

> 31.5.99 How many messages are you willing to download each day from afb?

    I selected the last option in the poll (as many as you can get), though
I don't want you to misconstrue my opinions on the subject. I am prepared to
download (and read) as many mails as exist, but I don't want you getting the
impression that you ought to increase the limit to as much as possible. I
chose the most appropriate answer for my views - if there's 150 mails to
download, I'm quite happy to do that. If there's more, I don't mind. I feel
~150/day is a reasonable limit, but you asked how many I was willing to
download, not what I felt would be a good limit, which was why I picked that
option. HTH.


Message 13437

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 01:15:31 +0100
Hi Stephen.

>>(and we all know no one could live without SWOS ).
>Not here. I HATE FOOTY

    I have to admit, I'm not a great fan of football myself, but not long
after I got the A1200, my brother insisted I got a football game for it, so
I bought Sensi soccer (I think it was the '96 version - I can't find it
ATM). I thought - it's the most popular footy sim available, it should keep
him happy...
    He never played the f**king thing! I played it myself a couple of times,
and while I'll admit it's a good game, I can never get used to trying to
control 11 players with one joystick! Now give me a good platformer... :-)


Message 13438

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 01:38:12 +0100
Hi Ben.

> Why load KCON? What's the matter with it being started in your
> I get annoyed when I have to boot without a startup-sequence and don't
> its features!

    ITR, what does boot without startup-sequence leave out, IYSWIM? Also,
how do I start SnoopDos from the user-startup. I currently have it in
WBstartup, but would like the extra info from booting. I leave the Amiga on
24/7, but even the hallowed Amiga crashes/hangs sometimes - is there any way
to retrieve a Snoopdos log from these occurences? (It is set to save logs,
but I've never bothered too much before about it, but since I'm using it
more and for more important things recently, this sort of thing could be
important to me).
    BTW, what's KCON. I'm sure I ought to know, but Mr Brain is a bit
knackered ATM and can't remember. Is it really needed if you have DOpus?


    (PS I never did fathom that thing with prog's opening in WB screens
rather than DOpus screens - if I can get to WOA, I'll bring the '1200 along
and show you the problem,if it's OK - it's not major, but I have found if I
do a screengrab from PPaint it has the WB title bar at the top, so if I sent
a WB for the AFCD, people seeing it may not realize I've got DOpus running,

Message 13439

From: "Mark Lynn"
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: 1 Jun 99 20:46:36 +0000
With reference to [afb] Re: 100 mail limit on Sun, 30 May 1999 22:54:15 +0100

> Richard Lane  writes
> >
> >In reference to "[afb] Re: 100 mail limit",
> >
> >I have no objection to downloading 150+ mails a day from the afb list.
> >Increasing the limit was a good idea as those like myself who have to work
> >all day don't get a chance to post until the evening. There's also the fact
> >that there is now many more on this list than when it first started a few
> >months back.
> >
> >But, I'm becoming increasing fed up with the quantity of rubbish that's
> >being posted. During weekdays esspecially I've seen a quantity of off-topic
> >and pointless one line emails.
> >
> >If you want to email others during your lunch breaks at schools and
> >universities fine. If you just want to say "me to", fine... But do it
> >privatly. 
> >
> >There's also subjects that have absolutly nothing whatever to do with
> >either the Amiga or Amiga Format. A few recent subjects that come to mind
> >are... What a PC with no keyboard connected says at boot up, Star wars
> >names, peoples shoe sizes etc. This is not to say however that all that's
> >posted is rubbish, there's still a healthy amount of interesting subjects
> >and help. 
> >
> >
> >
> >Please everyone let's show a little more restraint in the quality and
> >quantity of what we post. There really should be no need to set a limit on
> >the number of postings. If there's a day when there's little happening so
> >be it if there are fewer mails. If there's a major event then they'll be a
> >lot more. Over time this will even itself out.
> >
> >
> I am totally in agreement with Richard here.
> Try leaving it at 150+, for a while to see how it goes.
> And please, no more posts about being bored at work/uni/school.
> Sometimes it`s about 9 at night when I get my first chance to browse
> through the mail, and after a long day it`s not a topic that does a lot
> for me. 

I agree with all this, so here is a suggestion for Ben that should
keep everyone happy if it is usable. I don't know if this will be easy
to implement or not but it might be worth considering and perhaps
voted on.

Suppose we all include a filtering code in the subject line, for
example [I] for informative, [T] for trivia or [U] for uninformative
and [O] for off topic. We could then set up our own filters to
separate out want we don't want to read or to read later. Of course
this will mean everyone using a degree of common sense to decide what
code to use but it should not be asking to much to add an extra two or
three characters into the subject line. Or is it?

What do you think Ben? It could be kept really simple with perhaps a
small reminder/key at the bottom of each mail. If it's a crap idea
then fair enough, just thought it was worth a mention.


Message 13440

From: Dominique Harelle
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI 68000 generic
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 10:43:16 +1000
From   : Phil Ellis 
Date   : 03-Jun-99
Subject: [afb] MUI 68000 generic

Hello Phil,

> I've been wondering for a while now, is there a 040 version of MUI. I'm a
> registered user and I've noticed that it says that it is the generic 68000
> version. Is there any other?

No. Possibly in the future but up to 3.x there is only the 68000 version.

Dominique Harelle -
E-Mail            : / (/
ICQ Number        - /17907440/

A2000/060-60, 130meg RAM, 7Gig HD's, 2 x 24x CD's, 56k Modem,
PicassoIV + Picasso96, Zip Drive, IOBlix i/o Board,
3x HD FDD, Epson GT-8500 Scaner, BJC-620 Printer, Catweasel Z2

Member of Team *AMIGA*

Message 13441

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 02:02:44 +0100
Hi Ben

On 02-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Not bad at all. I did the same with Power yesterday for a Blizzard 1260,
> with SCSI module and 256MB RAM and it's here this AM... :)

Sounds fab - I'm after a SCSI module for my old Blizzard 1230/50, so I can use
my Zip drive on my two main machines - do you know if the SCSI modules are
compatible? I seem to remember hearing that they're not, which probbaly means
scouring the net ...


Support bacteria - they're the only culture some people have.

Message 13442

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 02:17:18 +0100
Hi All.

> > Seriously, was it really ready 2 months before launch, or were "they"
> > adding stuff and fixing bugs right up to the last minute as they seem to
> > do with that GUI add-on for MS-DOS that they sell?
> Yes surprisingly it was fully finished (well, about as finished as a
> Microsoft product will ever be) a full 8 weeks before launch :) Just a
> it's still so buggy and so bloody big :(

    I have to admit I was using IE5 Public Beta for a while until the full
version came out. In fact, their website at one point said to stop using the
beta versions since the full version was due for release. The problem was, I
couldn't use AOL with IE4 that came with Win98, which was why I started
using the beta in the first place! So I ignored the statements to stop using
the beta until I could download the full version. I can't remember how big
it was or how long it took, but I would agree that it's still buggy. Size
isn't much of an issue for me, as I only have a few games on the PC, many of
which rely on the CD-ROMs for large parts of them. I feel the Amiga was
better designed for games in the first place :-)


Message 13443

Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 15:50:45 +0000
Hi all

> > BTW Why do you let things wind you up so much Ben? Having a go,
> > and taking the p**s does you no favours at all. I'm only putting
> > across an opinion here, so please take it as intended :-)
> It's taken me a loooong time to get this wound up, believe me.
> Ben

I don`t believe emotions are vulgar...ever 
heard of empathy?
Don`t let the buggers *calm* you down.

How about some ideas for a killer app? A top ten?

Albatross? As good a mascot as a penguin I suppose...

Hello to Liz@pagansoft

Dave S

Message 13444

From: "paulhill"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: 2 Jun 99 17:58:49 -0500
> Hi,
> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
Not as yet, although I await its arrival with anticipation.:)

Message 13445

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: 2 Jun 99 19:26:02 +0000
Hi Ben, you wrote.......
>  I know that a lot of people on this list have A1200T's and
> are very happy with them, but it remains that they *are* a kludge...
> All the best,
> -- 
> Ben Vost

But an extremely *fast* kludge...:)) 

For my next project.....I've just bought another A1200, which I'm
intending to "towerize", in anticipation of receiving my pre-ordered
G4 board........I'll then connect the G4 to
my current PPCAmiga for Quake/Malice Deathmatch's... :)


Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM....
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer.....

Message 13446

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 09:00:29 +0100
Ben V. typed fervently:

> > > Actually - there's an idea for AI - Amiga Boing Ball Lollipops...
> > 
> > It's amazing - you must be psychic figuring out Petro's master sales
> plan to
> > make up for the fact that he hasn't got any product that anyone actually
> > wants...
Which brings to mind a question - we have seen details of all the Amiga crap
that is available for marketing - matches, etc....

Where are these being sold? Are they being given away? Who wants them?


Message 13447

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 09:05:42 +0100
> Hi Matt
> > No, it`s 182Mb. I mean EVERYTHING. Trust me, I installed it. It took 25
> > minutes
> > to download ;)
> No, the FULL (and I mean FULL) download is 51.1MB, and I know cos I did
> nothing but eat, sleep and breathe it for two months before its launch
> I reviewed it. I'm not sure what you downloaded, unless it was a bundle up
> of IE5 and the IEAK plus Visual Basic for Applications - that would come
> at about 182Mb!

Well all I can remember is that it didn`t fit on a zip disk without some
archiving and chopping. It may have just been just over 100Mb, but it was
definitely way more than 50.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13448

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI 68000 generic
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 09:08:20 +0100
> I've been wondering for a while now, is there a 040 version of MUI. I'm a
> registered user and I've noticed that it says that it is the generic 68000
> version. Is there any other?

No. I asked Stefan and he says he regrets ever putting it there ;)

If you think about it, though, the "generic 68000 version" is a bit
anyway. I know I have some 020+ custom classes installed ;)

I think he said something about MUI 4 and there being processor optimised
versions, but he may have been joking.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13449

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: Will you still buy FusionPPC?
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 09:10:48 +0100
> This poll is only for the people that answered my last poll about
> If you said yes you will buy it, will you still buy it now you know the
> ----
> Please select one of the following:
>    o Yes - I've already pre-ordered.
>    o Yes - I'm going to pre-order.
>    o Yes - After it comes out.
>    o No - It's just too much money for me. :(

You forgot

o No - I can buy a REAL PowerMac for cheaper anyway :)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13450

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: 3 Jun 1999 8:32:15 +0100
Chris Pratt said, 

>     (PS I never did fathom that thing with prog's opening in WB screens
> rather than DOpus screens

If you run Opus as Workbench replacement, there should only be one
screen, Workbench, with Opus running on that.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Can you be a closet claustrophobic?

Message 13451

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:24:44 +0100
Hi Mark,

> Suppose we all include a filtering code in the subject line, for
> example [I] for informative, [T] for trivia or [U] for uninformative
> and [O] for off topic. We could then set up our own filters to
> separate out want we don't want to read or to read later. Of course
> this will mean everyone using a degree of common sense to decide what
> code to use but it should not be asking to much to add an extra two or
> three characters into the subject line. Or is it?

I can do it with no trouble (adding a line to the sig, that is), but the
problem with these schemes is that no-one ever uses them. I have experience
of a similar attempt on the Picasso Mailing List where all started well for
the first week, although some people flatly refused to do it, then some
people started putting silly codes in their subjects and now it's pretty
much a forgotten topic of conversation. Besides you always have the problem
that what might have started out as a sensible, Amiga-related topic has
descended into lunacy (as so often happens). What do others think?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      If at first you don't succeed, 
      try the switch marked "Power"

Message 13452

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm Probs REALLY fixed
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:27:08 +0100
Hi Neil,

> I'm sure you were all racking your brains trying to help me get Napalm
> working, but it's working now. when I wanted to play, I used to disable
> all my commodities and proggies running. I just tried putting my gorgeous
> 256 colour workbench down to 2 colours and it works now!! great!

Do you have a gfx card? If not, then running out of chip mem is quite a
likely candidate for the failure of the game.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Amiga - Not different for difference's
   sake, different because it's better.

Message 13453

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: A Recuring Theme.
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:28:38 +0100
Hi Even,

> Do you know if there will be any major marketing together with these 
> 5-10,000 first units, or is this just to fill the instant demand from
> Classic users wanting to upgrade? Can we expect any major software 
> developers releasing software before christmas?

We'll just have to wait and see. I guess that most people buying one of the
first machines will be existing Amiga owners, or the kind of people that
bought Japanese Dreamcasts - heck, they may even be exactly the same
people! :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Amiga - Not different for difference's
   sake, different because it's better.

Message 13454

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:30:03 +0100
Hi Chris,

> I think we may have a similar situation to LightWave 5, which was
> reviewed in AF95.  Ben rightly complained about the high price
> (=A31170), and that could account for poor sales figures.  Which in
> turn may lead them to believe that the market is dead BUT poor sales
> can also mean that the product is too expensive!!

But I don't think these products are too expensive.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
I know Karate, Kung Fu, and 47
other dangerous words.

Message 13455

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:35:13 +0100
Hi David,

>        2. Unable to complete mission 3, even though I wipe the enemy of
> the
>           face of the map the mission dosen't end.

Have you taken over buildings (large hint!)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Member of the International 
    Brotherhood of Tagline Thieves.

Message 13456

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Scanner Switchbox.
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:34:12 +0100
Hi David,

> The guy might have a point, although not necessarily what he meant. Before
> I got my box I used a test ribbon cable (about 6 inches with one end that
> went in the back of my 1200 a bundle of different sex ports on it) to give

Your real name's David Cronenburg isn't it? :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13457

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: Just who is going to WOA '99?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:37:17 +0100

> Are you going to WOA '99?

>   o Yes - On the Saturday.
>   o Yes - On the Sunday.
>   o Yes - On both days.
>   o Hopefully.
>   o No - But I want to.
>   o No - I don't even want to.
>   o No - I'll be at Amiwest.

It's a good poll, but I reckon you need another option:

    o No - I won't go to a WoA until they are based outside London

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13458

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: AFB message numbers
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:40:10 +0100
Hi Chris,

>    I selected the last option in the poll (as many as you can get),
> though I don't want you to misconstrue my opinions on the subject. I am
> prepared to download (and read) as many mails as exist, but I don't want
> you getting the impression that you ought to increase the limit to as much
> as possible. I chose the most appropriate answer for my views - if there's
> 150 mails to download, I'm quite happy to do that. If there's more, I
> don't mind. I feel ~150/day is a reasonable limit, but you asked how many
> I was willing to download, not what I felt would be a good limit, which
> was why I picked that option. HTH.

Okay, perhaps the question should have read "What's the largest number of
emails you are willing to download on a daily basis?"

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga Format - The worldwide mag for
          *all* Amiga owners.

Message 13459

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion/PCx PPC - Make it happen!
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 09:42:14 +0100
> Hi Chris,
> > I think we may have a similar situation to LightWave 5, which was
> > reviewed in AF95.  Ben rightly complained about the high price
> > (1170), and that could account for poor sales figures.  Which in
> > turn may lead them to believe that the market is dead BUT poor sales
> > can also mean that the product is too expensive!!
> But I don't think these products are too expensive.

Ben's right about Lightwave. If you really needed all that power and 3D
you'd be able to afford it. But Fusion and PCx? Well it's a bit much just
for the emulator. I can understand that they will have poor sales ANYWAY
whether it is high priced or not, but expecting people to pay that price
for the pre-order?

Imagine (pun intended ;) if Lightwave was subject to one of these polls -
250 preorders at 1300 each? [calculating.... 325,000] It would sure
get NewTek the cash they needed in the long run, but nobody in their
right minds would go for it.

What pisses me off, though, is that you send them the money, and it
sits in their account for 60 days. That`s 2 months of high interest on
100,000 if they get their way. And if they don`t, they refund the
money and keep the interest. At 1% per month that`s 2000. I
guess it could be higher (my current account does about 1.3%)

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13460

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: Just who is going to WOA '99?
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 09:44:23 +0100
> It's a good poll, but I reckon you need another option:
>     o No - I won't go to a WoA until they are based outside London

Now that`s just placist. :) Whoever started that argument in the
first place needs shooting.

It`s like saying they won`t go to the St. Louis show unless it`s
held in New York.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13461

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:44:54 +0100
Hi Chris,

>    ITR, what does boot without startup-sequence leave out, IYSWIM? Also,

Everything in the startup-sequence and user-startup :) You only have a
default display, no DOSdrivers and so on.

> how do I start SnoopDos from the user-startup. I currently have it in
> WBstartup, but would like the extra info from booting. I leave the Amiga
> on 24/7, but even the hallowed Amiga crashes/hangs sometimes - is there
> any way to retrieve a Snoopdos log from these occurences? (It is set to
> save logs, but I've never bothered too much before about it, but since I'm
> using it more and for more important things recently, this sort of thing
> could be important to me).

Why would you want to? Get InstallNewAlert which tells you which program
crashed your machine and why (it's only a translation of the guru code).
Don't run SnoopDOS unless you have to, it slows everything down.

>    BTW, what's KCON. I'm sure I ought to know, but Mr Brain is a bit
> knackered ATM and can't remember. Is it really needed if you have DOpus?

It's a shell replacement that offers a buffer, scrollback, file and
directory name completion and much more. You still need it even if you have
DOpus basically because of the fact that you will sometimes still need to
use the shell.

>    (PS I never did fathom that thing with prog's opening in WB screens
> rather than DOpus screens - if I can get to WOA, I'll bring the '1200
> along and show you the problem,if it's OK - it's not major, but I have
> found if I do a screengrab from PPaint it has the WB title bar at the top,
> so if I sent a WB for the AFCD, people seeing it may not realize I've got
> DOpus running, IYSWIM)

In Environment settings, in the display part, make sure you have "Workbench:
use" selected.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Just want the news on what's going to be
in the next issue of Amiga Format? Go to

Message 13462

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:45:39 +0100
Hi Andy,

> I had thne same problem, but worse. The max I could ever get was 26k :(=
> I eventually traced it to the main phone downstairs, once I removed it =
> was getting anyting up to 50k...

It probably doesn't help having it run through that long phone extension
cable either.

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  a m=F6bius tagline.  this is a m=F6bius tag
 line.  this is a m=F6bius tagline.  this is

Message 13463

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:46:30 +0100
Hi Ferenczy,

> Sounds fab - I'm after a SCSI module for my old Blizzard 1230/50, so I can
> use my Zip drive on my two main machines - do you know if the SCSI modules
> are compatible? I seem to remember hearing that they're not, which
> probbaly means scouring the net ...

Depends which version of the Blizzard 1230 you have. The same SCSI module is
compatible across the 1230IV, the 1240 and the 1260.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
   Amiga Format - The worldwide mag for
          *all* Amiga owners.

Message 13464

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: Just who is going to WOA '99?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:52:39 +0100
Hi Matt,

> Now that`s just placist. :) Whoever started that argument in the
> first place needs shooting.

Wasn't me, I think it was Slash.

> It`s like saying they won`t go to the St. Louis show unless it`s
> held in New York.

Ahhh, but that is the St. Louis show, not the World of Amiga. I reckon there
are good reasons to maintain that it should be held in Kuala Lumupur with a
name like that.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 13465

Subject: [afb] AF125
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:11:58 -0000
Hi Ben.  Great issue.  Nice to know DVD -is- finally comming to Amigas.

The CD Web pages didnt change to a less eye straining look yet then.  Next issue perhaps?  (Just a thought, while I prefer the new CD stripes look how's about changing the colour - varying shades of grey for example).

Query - Does United Colours Of Benetton know you have ripped off one of their photographs for the front cover?  Surely this aint legal, what will the 5% of any image rule!   Tut, tut!

And idea to follow the DVD & USB anouncment - how about a page on its features, requirements (why you cant play DVD through a normal CDRom drive etc.), facilities, benefites etc.  Some of us know about all this but there must be pleanty of people out there who think that DVD is just an expensive video player and have no idea about USB.   How 'bout it?


P.S.  I liked your face on the Ben Speaks Icon.  Much better than what we've got now!

Message 13466

Subject: [afb] Re MUI Registration
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:17:42 -0000
Paul replied:

>>Is the address still current (printed from the latest form on the AFCD)?  All I can think is that they havnt received it yet (change of address?) because the checque hasnt gone out of my account.  

>I never got a reply so I ended up reging at the same time as registering Voyager.
>The cheque was never cashed. 

Thats good to know cause I spoke to the bank today and they charge 8 to cancell a cheque!  How can they get away with that, its extortion!


Message 13467

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] yam file
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 10:14:47 +0100

  What file can I delete to speeed up yam (I'm sure you can safely)

using yam 2.7

See You
                   Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 13468

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: yam file
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 10:19:34 +0100

> Hi,
>   What file can I delete to speeed up yam (I'm sure you can safely)
> using yam 2.7


Delete #? Force All

and then watch how fast it disappears from your hard drive. Took
2 seconds on mine ;o)


Message 13469

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 10:18:39 +0100

> The CD Web pages didnt change to a less eye straining look yet then. Next
> issue perhaps? (Just a thought, while I prefer the new CD stripes look
> how's about changing the colour - varying shades of grey for example).

Have a closer look at the CD - the colours not the same as the previous

> Query - Does United Colours Of Benetton know you have ripped off one of
> their photographs for the front cover? Surely this aint legal, what will
> the 5% of any image rule! Tut, tut!

They can take it up with Petro - it's his poster we took the image from.

> And idea to follow the DVD & USB anouncment - how about a page on its
> features, requirements (why you cant play DVD through a normal CDRom drive
> etc.), facilities, benefites etc. Some of us know about all this but there
> must be pleanty of people out there who think that DVD is just an
> expensive video player and have no idea about USB. How 'bout it?

Good idea. We'll be covering DVD and USB in a forthcoming issue.

> P.S. I liked your face on the Ben Speaks Icon. Much better than what we've
> got now!

It wasn't very appropriate given what we have in the HTML any more, also
this new icon works much better in MWB colours.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
         Change is inevitable. 
     Except from a vending machine.

Message 13470

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: yam file
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 10:19:31 +0100
Hi Ken,

>  What file can I delete to speeed up yam (I'm sure you can safely)

> using yam 2.7

What do you mean?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
        All generalizations are false, 
             including this one.

Message 13471

Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 10:33:15 +0100

> > Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
> Not as yet, although I await its arrival with anticipation.:)

But doesn't she mind?   ;-)

Bye for now


Message 13472

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Re MUI Registration
Date: 3 Jun 1999 10:49:24 +0100
samuel_byford said, 

>>The cheque was never cashed. 

> Thats good to know cause I spoke to the bank today and they charge 8 to
> cancell a cheque!  How can they get away with that, its extortion!

It's partly to stop people issuing cheques then changing their mind.
tell them it got lost in the post and they'll probably cancel it at no

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
And what else floats.....?

Message 13473

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] New AF
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 01:51:54 +0100
Hey Ben,
Great issue, as usual (apart from the messy little hole which seems to be in
my copy's front cover). Nice idea incorporating the shops into the Reader Ads


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13474

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 01:54:37 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Stephens 
Sent: 03 June 1999 00:20
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?

> In PRIV.Amiga Format Neil Bullock wrote on Tue, 1 Jun 1999 22:20:36 +0100
about [afb] Re: New AF?
> Hi Neil Bullock
> > I was expecting it today, but it didn't
> > come, hopefully, AF and Napalm will arrive
> > together tomorrow. That'll brighten up the fact
> > that I have to go for a filling :(
> M8, don't go, I had two done just over a week ago and I'm sure that's
> why I have a virus ATM, about 5 Mouth ulcers in fact !

To be honest, mine bloody hurt too! She didn't use enough anaesthetic and it
was really hurting and I let the dentist know, but they just carried on. When
they'd finished, it hurt even more than when I went in, and it hasn't fixed
the original problem anyway!!!



Message 13475

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 06:18:09 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 3 Jun 1999 wrote: 
> The CD Web pages didnt change to a less eye straining look yet then. 
> Next issue perhaps?  (Just a thought, while I prefer the new CD stripes
> look how's about changing the colour - varying shades of grey for
> example). 

  Boring!!!  I liked the new sceme of web pages (I've not seen this
months yet).  I even missed the background on Richards GMT/BST rant...

> Query - Does United Colours Of Benetton know you have ripped off one of
> their photographs for the front cover?  Surely this aint legal, what
> will the 5% of any image rule!  Tut, tut! 

  No!  Not the cheesy, designed by committee, hands in the air poster?


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 13476

From: "Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR **"
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: Just who is going to WOA '99?
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 12:35:34 +0100
Matt S. penned in reply to a Ben V. scripting:

>> It's a good poll, but I reckon you need another option:
>>     o No - I won't go to a WoA until they are based outside London

>Now that`s just placist. :) Whoever started that argument in the
>first place needs shooting.

And that - from a man from Leicester :)


*Leicester - calculated the official centre of the Universe when using 3D
in a dark room with a bandage over one eye*

Message 13477

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm Probs REALLY fixed
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 02:02:48 +0100
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ben Vost 
Sent: 03 June 1999 09:27
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm Probs REALLY fixed

> Hi Neil,
> > I'm sure you were all racking your brains trying to help me get Napalm
> > working, but it's working now. when I wanted to play, I used to disable
> > all my commodities and proggies running. I just tried putting my gorgeous
> > 256 colour workbench down to 2 colours and it works now!! great!
> Do you have a gfx card? If not, then running out of chip mem is quite a
> likely candidate for the failure of the game.

Unfortunately not.


Message 13478

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm Probs REALLY fixed
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 13:02:30 +0100
Hi Neil,

>> I'm sure you were all racking your brains trying to help me get Napalm
>> working, but it's working now. when I wanted to play, I used to disable
>> all my commodities and proggies running. I just tried putting my
>> gorgeous 256 colour workbench down to 2 colours and it works now!!
>> great!

>> Do you have a gfx card? If not, then running out of chip mem is quite a
>> likely candidate for the failure of the game.

> Unfortunately not.

"Unfortunately not" what? Unfortunately you don't have a gfx card in which
case running a 256-colour Workbench is not only slowing your Amiga down,
but is also stealing all your chip RAM, or unfortunately that's not the
answer since you do have a gfx card?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Suborbital Ballistic-Propulsion Engineer
Not Exactly A Rocket Scientist

Message 13479

Subject: [afb] AF 125
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 12:32:18 -0000
>Hey Ben, 
>Great issue, as usual (apart from the messy little hole which seems to be in my copy's front cover). Nice idea incorporating the shops into the Reader Ads section.


Yeah, and my middle pages had to have a part of the page join cut off as I had extra paper folded under the staple!  Printers having a bad day?


Message 13480

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: I'd give my right arm.... (Was 2b or not 2b...)
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 01:02:19 +0000
Neil Bothwick scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: 2b or not 2b.=
=2E. :

> Hell, we can't even get left-handed scissors up here, although I hear
> some banks are now providing left-handed cheque books.

Of which I have one. :)

Best Regards
-- =

Peter Price                     =B7 IRC Channel @ ARCNet #amigaUni
Amiga Universe                  =B7 Mailing List, Message Board  =B7 The news, the views, the site

"I have no vices for you to exploit." -- Tosk

Message 13481

From: Pekka Sippola
Subject: [afb] Re: Virtual Memory
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 20:37:56 +0200

> Well seeing as I originally bought a 4MB SIMM for 120 a few 
> years ago and you can now get a at least 80MB for that price......

160 for 4 MB Zips to my Apollo A520 three years ago.


proud owner of A500 powerhouse ala '91
now cooking with A4000/233PPC

Message 13482

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Virtual Memory
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 13:57:09 +0100
Hi Pekka,

>> Well seeing as I originally bought a 4MB SIMM for =A3120 a few =

>> years ago and you can now get a at least 80MB for that price......

> =A3160 for 4 MB Zips to my Apollo A520 three years ago.

=A3160 per megabyte for my A3000...

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Why is the word abbreviation so long?

Message 13483

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF 125
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 13:57:53 +0100

> Yeah, and my middle pages had to have a part of the page join cut off as I
> had extra paper folded under the staple! Printers having a bad day?

What staple? You must be reading the wrong mag...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
    If this were an actual tagline, 
      I'm sure it would be funny.

Message 13484

Subject: [afb] Re AF125
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 13:07:52 -0000
>>Yeah, and my middle pages had to have a part of the page join cut off as I had extra paper folded under the staple! Printers having a bad day?  

Ben said:

>What staple? You must be reading the wrong mag... 

Did I say staple?  My mistake.  Still had to cut out the triangle of extra paper though whichever way you look at it.



Message 13485

Subject: [afb] come over to the chatroom
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 13:08:30 -0000
does anyone want to chat for a few minutes.
Come over to the AFB Chatroom.
Its now 2 o`clock Irish time.
So if no one shows up in the next couple of mins i will piss off.

Message 13486

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: come over to the chatroom
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 14:08:31 +0100

> does anyone want to chat for a few minutes.
> Come over to the AFB Chatroom.
> Its now 2 o`clock Irish time.
> So if no one shows up in the next couple of mins i will piss off.

That's not so easy. It's not really designed as a realtime environment, more
of a bulletin board really...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Always proofread carefully to 
       see if you any words out.

Message 13487

Subject: [afb] Re: come over to chatroom
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 13:19:29 -0000
Sorry i thought it was just a chatroom.
Hows it going anyway, Ben.
Netscape which i am using can`t send a reply the pile of shite.

Message 13488

Subject: [afb] re: come over to the chatroom
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 13:24:00 -0000
rock wrote:

>Sorry i thought it was just a chatroom. 
Hows it going anyway, Ben. Netscape which i am using can`t send a reply the pile of shite.

Funny, I'm having the same problem with Netscape.  Resorting to cut 'n' pasting all this text.

Fun business.


Message 13490

From: "james"
Subject: [afb] Re: I'd give my right arm.... (Was 2b or not 2b)
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 14:26:31 +0100
>   Hell, we can't even get left-handed scissors up here, although I hear some banks are now providing
>   left-handed cheque books. 
> Of which I have one. :) 

Did you know you can get left handed cups now!  : )


Message 13491

From: "Jillian Gibson"
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: Just who is going to WOA '99?
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 15:09:21 +0100
-----Original Message-----
From: Davies, Tudor (Tudor)** CTR ** 
To: '' 
Date: 03 June 1999 12:33
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: Just who is going to WOA '99?

>Matt S. penned in reply to a Ben V. scripting:
>>> It's a good poll, but I reckon you need another option:
>>>     o No - I won't go to a WoA until they are based outside London
>>Now that`s just placist. :) Whoever started that argument in the
>>first place needs shooting.
>And that - from a man from Leicester :)
>*Leicester - calculated the official centre of the Universe when using 3D
>in a dark room with a bandage over one eye*
> home:
> - Simplifying group communications
>Oi Don`t know Leicester there are alot of Amiga users here (and shops!!)
you only have to look at the classifieds here to see that, under computers
for sale. Ops I think I just made my point null and void, never mind till
next time..

AMIGA NG ..... Captain Pickard says "MAKE IT SO NUMBER ONE!!!!"

Message 13492

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: yam file
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 14:58:07 +0000
Ken Walsh scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] yam file :

>  What file can I delete to speeed up yam (I'm sure you can safely)

Try the .uidl file, which is used to ensure you don't download duplicate
mails. If you have "delete mail from server" ticked in your prefs, it sho=
matter anyway. :)

Best Regards
-- =

Peter Price                     =B7 IRC Channel @ ARCNet #amigaUni
Amiga Universe                  =B7 Mailing List, Message Board  =B7 The news, the views, the site

The wages of sin go unreported.

Message 13493

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm Probs REALLY fixed
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 06:05:59 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Vost 
Sent: 03 June 1999 13:02
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm Probs REALLY fixed

> > Unfortunately not.
> "Unfortunately not" what? Unfortunately you don't have a gfx card in which
> case running a 256-colour Workbench is not only slowing your Amiga down,
> but is also stealing all your chip RAM, or unfortunately that's not the
> answer since you do have a gfx card?

Unfortunately, I don't have a graphics card. I've got around 1.5MB chip memory
left after WB has loaded in 256 colour mode, of course, my backdrop is only 8

  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13494

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: I'd give my right arm.... (Was 2b or not 2b)
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 06:10:31 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: james 
Sent: 03 June 1999 14:26
Subject: [afb] Re: I'd give my right arm.... (Was 2b or not 2b)

> >   Hell, we can't even get left-handed scissors up here, although I hear
some banks are now providing
> >   left-handed cheque books.
> >
> > Of which I have one. :)
> Did you know you can get left handed cups now!  : )

You can even left handed smileys (:

Can't you get left handed mice now?


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13495

Subject: [afb] Left handy-ness
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 16:21:30 -0000
>Hell, we can't even get left-handed scissors up here, although I hear some banks are now providing left-handed cheque books. 
>Of which I have one. :) 
>Did you know you can get left handed cups now!  : ) 
>You can even left handed smileys (: 
>Can't you get left handed mice now? 

Wouldnt be supprised.  I am supprised that lefthandedness hasnt taken off quicker, after all - left handed cars have been around for absolutely ages.

(Ok, silly thing to say but its continuing the tread doncha know.)


Message 13496

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm Probs REALLY fixed
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 17:29:19 +0100
> Unfortunately, I don't have a graphics card. I've got around 1.5MB chip
> left after WB has loaded in 256 colour mode, of course, my backdrop is
only 8
> colours.

Do yourself a favour and drop to 128 or 64 colours. You`ll never notice the
difference other than the huge speedup ;)

I have about 1.6Mb of chip left after bootup on a 128 colour screen. My
is 16 colours and is in fast mem because of FBlit. I get about 26Mb memory
on my status bar which means I have lost 6Mb somewhere along the line to
keep my system fast and chip-ram happy. But who cares? I could still run
without breaking a sweat..


Message 13497

From: "Mark"
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: 3 Jun 99 17:21:01 +0100
> > Suppose we all include a filtering code in the subject line, for
> > example [I] for informative, [T] for trivia or [U] for uninformative
> > and [O] for off topic. ..
> I can do it with no trouble (adding a line to the sig, that is), but the
> problem .......... 
>.............................What do others think?

Its a nice idea, but it just wouldn't work. The self-disipline needed
to include a code with each mail would be too much for a number of
people on this list, they don't quote properly and don't have the
sense to write anything worth reading.

At least the f**king stupid Albatross thread seems to have ended!

  *Composed by -->  MO*

Message 13498

From: "Mark"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: 3 Jun 99 17:48:58 +0100
Hi Ben,

Recieved my issue of AF125 this morning, on the southcoast. Great
looking cover!  How about putting some of those concept drawings on
next months cover, so they are communicated to the masses while
sitting on the WHSmith shelf. Or has the front cover already been
decided on?

Message 13499

From: "David Monk"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs
Date: 03 Jun 99 13:22:49 +0000
Hello Ben Vost, on 03-Jun-99 08:35:13, you said,
>Hi David,

>>        2. Unable to complete mission 3, even though I wipe the enemy of
>> the
>>           face of the map the mission dosen't end.

>Have you taken over buildings (large hint!)

Yes, I normally take over one of thier oil rigs.
Time to go and try again I think.


Theres a Storm coming  -- It's name is AMIGA

Message 13500

From: Jayne Johnson
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 12:45:33 +0100
On 03-Jun-99 09:24:44 Ben Vost wrote:

> started well for the first week, although some people flatly refused to do
> it, then some people started putting silly codes in their subjects and now
> it's pretty much a forgotten topic of conversation. Besides you always
> have the problem that what might have started out as a sensible,
> Amiga-related topic has descended into lunacy (as so often happens). What
> do others think?

I don't think it would work, ppl would forget. Ages ago on the Pure Amiga
list it was suggested that ppl put [OT] in the subject for off-topic mail.
Now & again someone remembers to do it, but it's pretty rare.

Jayne Johnson
Team *AMIGA*
ICQ:12482805 ICQnick:Roheine

VIZ Top Tip #106: Snip the tails off several hundred small tadpoles using
nail scissors to make a tasty (& cheap) caviare substitute.

Message 13501

From: "Dale"
Subject: [afb] Re: A Recuring Theme.
Date: 3 Jun 99 17:37:31 +0200
With Ref. 
toBen Vost's comments 
dated Wed, 02 Jun 1999 14:59:30 +0100 on the 
subject of [afb] Re: A Recuring Theme.:-

> Hi Ferenczy,
> > Interesting. BTW, is there any hard info on whether it's just the one
> > model, or is there going to be a high end one out soon as well - I finally
> > have cash for the first time in years, and I plan on going mad!
> Make sure you get that PPC card and gfx card then for your current Amiga
> before you do anything...

Sorry for butting in, but why??


     Dale -x-

Reply to 

Message 13502

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: I'd give my right arm.... (Was 2b or not 2b)
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 17:49:07 +0000
james scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: I'd give my right arm=
=2E... (Was 2b or not 2b) :

> Did you know you can get left handed cups now!  : )

I hope that's a joke :)

Best Regards
-- =

Peter Price                     =B7 IRC Channel @ ARCNet #amigaUni
Amiga Universe                  =B7 Mailing List, Message Board  =B7 The news, the views, the site

Faith is powerful, but only when accompanied by enlightenment.

Message 13503

From: Iain Hamilton
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 14:54:17 +0000
On 03-Jun-99, Andy Mills wrote:

> Unplug *anything* else you may have on yer phone line and try it then.

Or alternatively, call the phone company and ask them to turn the gain on
the phone line up to the maximum.  That worked for me, I now get roughly
50k every time, that's if poxy demon don't connect me to a super slow
server (which seems to be happening more and more frequently, and has
encouraged me to move to another ISP). 


Iain - Slarti
Amiga, PPC help, Links, Downloads and some really bad poetry and some not so
bad ;)

Message 13504

From: Iain Hamilton
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 15:04:29 +0000
On 01-Jun-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?

Yes, it arrived this morning.
I'm having probs getting the Evils Doom Video to play btw on my 060, runs
fine on my 030 machine though.  


Iain - Slarti
Amiga, PPC help, Links, Downloads and some really bad poetry and some not so
bad ;)

Message 13505

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 18:15:09 +0100
Hi Iain,

> Yes, it arrived this morning.
> I'm having probs getting the Evils Doom Video to play btw on my 060, runs
> fine on my 030 machine though.  

It was a bit of a bugger. Jolly nice-looking video though eh?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13506

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 18:17:58 +0100
Hi Mark,

> Recieved my issue of AF125 this morning, on the southcoast. Great
> looking cover!  How about putting some of those concept drawings on
> next months cover, so they are communicated to the masses while
> sitting on the WHSmith shelf. Or has the front cover already been
> decided on?

Don't worry, snippets of the images accompanied by huge text saying NEW
AMIGA to entice all those techno-hungry punters out there...

What did you think of AF125? Did you like the feature? Did you like the C
comparison, Are you gonna vote for me in the AAA Awards? :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
 ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI

Message 13507

Subject: [afb] Mpeg players
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 18:04:19 -0000

Are their any good software mpeg players that will play video cd's, like media player on windoze? - preferably for a 68k Amiga (I haven't got my PPC.. yet!)


Robert Elson

Message 13508

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 11:24:55 +0000
Hello All,

On 02-Jun-99, Alex Furmanski wrote:

>> Praise the lord for many-hundred megabit internet connections!
> Curse the lord for my shitty 56k modem that only ever gets 31.2k
> connections.

I'd blame your ISP (Virgin?) before the modem. Also make sure the modem is
upgraded to full V90 not X2/K56Flex. My mates modem would not connect at
more than 31200 until he flash upgraded to V90, now it connects at
44000-49000. (And that's on Freeswerve!)
UIN: 30044173

Anyone can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
-- Cicero

Message 13509

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] AF125 - It's here
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 11:30:08 +0000

I have got my copy of AF125 and it's a good one. I like the new layout of PD
Select and the compiler head to head especially.

Oh the covers good aswell!

I like the new Start_Here icon instead of the 'Ben On Readybrek' icon.

UIN: 30044173

I like work ... I can sit and watch it for hours.

Message 13510

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] IDE CD-ROM LED
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 16:24:57 +0000
Hello All,

I have an Atapi CDROM (Samsung 40x) installed on my A1200ide i/face via
Power's 4xbuffered i/face.

The problem is the HD light reacts to CDROM activity aswell as the HD, which I
don't like.

I know this can be stopped by cutting one of the lines on the CDROM data
cable. I cannot remember which one it is. Can anyone help?


UIN: 30044173

Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
-- Mark Twain

Message 13511

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 15:05:53 +0100
Good greetings  Ben

On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Mark,
>> Suppose we all include a filtering code in the subject line, for
>> example [I] for informative, [T] for trivia or [U] for uninformative
>> and [O] for off topic. We could then set up our own filters to
>> separate out want we don't want to read or to read later. Of course
>> this will mean everyone using a degree of common sense to decide what
>> code to use but it should not be asking to much to add an extra two or
>> three characters into the subject line. Or is it?
> I can do it with no trouble (adding a line to the sig, that is), but the
> problem with these schemes is that no-one ever uses them. I have
> experience of a similar attempt on the Picasso Mailing List where all
> started well for the first week, although some people flatly refused to
> do it, then some people started putting silly codes in their subjects
> and now it's pretty much a forgotten topic of conversation. Besides you
> always have the problem that what might have started out as a sensible,
> Amiga-related topic has descended into lunacy (as so often happens).
> What do others think?
> All the best,

The imagine mailing list works like that. eg. you'd start your subject
with AMIGA:some-stuff
or AREXX:some-other-stuff, CHAT:some-general-stuff,
IFW:some-imagine-for-windows-stuff etc...

It works pretty well, but it's done on the ML side. i.e. you can specify
which topics you want the listserv to mail out to you. With the IML being
a multi-platform list, some Wintel users don't want to waste time
downloading AREXX and other AMIGA specific topics. . .

It's a pretty good system, but I'm not too sure if it would work well here
:) People just can't be arsed or forget to change the subject line. . .so
filtering out subjects could lead to usefull info being missed.



/PGP Key available on request/
Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else.

Message 13512

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] Re: Sky subscriptions
Date: 3 Jun 99 18:38:01 +0000
Hi Chrispy, you wrote=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E

>     Hope this may help some of you=2E If you try it and it works, please =
> me, as mum pays our Sky subs so I can't try it myself=2E
>     Chrispy

Indeed Chrispy, that does work :))

My mate used to work at Comet, and he advised me to try that little
scam - and it worked!!

I got multi-channels & the Sports package for =A35=2E99 a month for six
months=2E  When my mate left Comet, he pocketed a smart-card for me and
now I have the full package for nowt!! :->>>



Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM=2E=2E=2E=2E
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E

Message 13513

From: "Chris Millar"
Subject: [afb] AmigaNG styling
Date: 3 Jun 99 19:46:46 +0000
Hi all.....

I've been thinking about the styling of AmigaNG and it's reassuring
that AI have appointed a well-regarded design company.  Obviously the
iMac and G3 are possible directions to go and I must admit I'm
absolutely smitten by the G3....I *almost* got my wallet out when I
saw it.

But I think the Tower should be the first design, and maybe later an
"all-in-one" case.  A tower design that has caught my eye is the
Visual Workstation from Silicon Graphics.  This sexy beast was
reviewed in issue 33 of T3 - another fine Future publication.  ;->

The Visual Workstation has a smooth, swooping case in a super cool
dark matt grey and blue finish.

The case itself has a pull-down (automated?) hatch which reveals 2x3.5
inch bays and 1x5.25 bay, for sure this hasn't the capacity of the
Eyetech EZ tower.  What really got me excited was the monitor - a flat
panel.  Not just any flat panel - oh no - but a 17.3 inch 16x9
widescreen flat panel!

Now, if you've seen pictures of the Visual Workstation, it doesn't
take a lot of imagination to remove the gold embossed logo of SG and
replace it with a boing-ball.  Do the same with the monitor and
include one of those ergonomic keyboards with a trackball in the
middle.  Not just any trackball but a boing-trackball.  

The contrast in colours - the dark grey and blue of the case and the
red and white of the logo's - should really stand out and make a good
first impression and at least demand a second look.  

In  summary, T3 said, " The (Workstation) looks hard, mean and very

Ok....that's just my tuppence worth....;->



Powered by PowerAmiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC - 060 50Mhz, BVision, 74MbRAM....
Panasonic 36" Wiiddeesscrreeennnn, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD,
Denon AC3 Decoder, JBL Speakers & Kef SubWoofer.....

Message 13514

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 09:28:41 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Vost 
Sent: 03 June 1999 18:17
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125

> What did you think of AF125? Did you like the feature? Did you like the C
> comparison, Are you gonna vote for me in the AAA Awards? :)

Not being the person who wrote the message you replied to, I'm going to answer
anyway :) Haven't got around to reading the C comparison yet, but I like the
cover feature... very interesting. Well done :)

Hmmmm..... :) Guess who I voted for in the AAA Awards...


Message 13515

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Artist/Musician wanted! Great employment opitunity! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 19:57:10 +0000
Hello Andrew

On 31-May-99, you wrote:

>   I am currently working on a commercial bomberman game. I really need a
> good artist / musician to work on the gfx/sfx.
>   You'll need to produce 16x16 blocks and 16x24 characters with the
> limited OCS palette and 32 colours.
>   I'd also need someone that can compose decent music and sfx. but that
> don't take up too much chipram.

Umm, I hate to moan, but OCS?!?!  Are you sure about that.. Why not
support for AGA or even gfx cards?
plus it seems that the bomberman type game is becomiing the new MegaBall. 
If you want it to be a commercial success, its gonna have to offer something
new. Just some things for you to think about..


A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD & Coffee...

Message 13516

From: Gerard Mulcahy
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 20:05:15 +0000
Hello Ben

On 01-Jun-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> Hi,
> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
> All the best,

Nope it is my 3rd year of subscribing (I think) and I'm alway seem to be
waiting even somtimes after they are in Well Hards for about a week strange
I bet the postman does'nt always ring twice.
By the way I live in Birmingham city centre (Well survive ;)........
Looking 4ward to tomoz now you never know.

all the best Gerry X
Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else.

Message 13517

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI 68000 generic
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 19:40:36 +0000
Hello All,

On 03-Jun-99, Dominique Harelle wrote:

>> I've been wondering for a while now, is there a 040 version of MUI. I'm a
>> registered user and I've noticed that it says that it is the generic
>> 68000 version. Is there any other?
> No. Possibly in the future but up to 3.x there is only the 68000 version.
Is MUI actually still being developed we've been at 3.8 since 1997.

UIN: 30044173

The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that
the first one was useless.
-- Chamfort

Message 13518

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 20:10:28 +0000
Hello All,

On 03-Jun-99, Ben Vost wrote:

>> Yes, it arrived this morning.
>> I'm having probs getting the Evils Doom Video to play btw on my 060, runs
>> fine on my 030 machine though.  
> It was a bit of a bugger. Jolly nice-looking video though eh?
I got the video intro thing to work no problems but the playable demo won't
work. I think their may be something wrong with the installer as it only
copies the main icon and some saves files onto my HD.

UIN: 30044173

It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but
the result's the same.
-- Mike Dennison

Message 13519

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: This is an emergency!
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 22:18:47 +0100

 Gareth Asked
> Hi,
>    I just realised that because of the last hard drive crash (which
> every1 laughed at might I add :-( I had lost all of the source code
> for my AMOS games and Blitz stuff.
> or could u email me the following files from each one:
> Issue 102: The Alien Pong Trilogy v2
> Issue 103: The Shoot Out=20
> Issue 107: The shoot out2

Bomber Harris

Message 13520

From: "B. A . Volders"
Subject: [afb] Re: AmigaNG styling
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 21:18:28 +0100
Hello Chris

Sure, the NG Amiga case should have the looks but it realy has to be
something completely different. Something completely new. I mean everyone
spot's an IMAC miles away, even Stevie Wonder does. So whatever design is
used, the first edition should come in a drop-dead beautifull /
revolutionary design casing. The Girl has to attract attention from

I, for one, somehow loved the Walker design. It looked like a vacuum-cleaner
but it was something completely different. No where close to any
computer-case design. I am not saying that the Walker design should be used,
but it gives a good idea of what I am meaning.

On 03-jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi all.....
> I've been thinking about the styling of AmigaNG and it's reassuring
> that AI have appointed a well-regarded design company.  Obviously the
> iMac and G3 are possible directions to go and I must admit I'm
> absolutely smitten by the G3....I *almost* got my wallet out when I
> saw it.
> But I think the Tower should be the first design, and maybe later an
> "all-in-one" case.  A tower design that has caught my eye is the
> Visual Workstation from Silicon Graphics.  This sexy beast was
> reviewed in issue 33 of T3 - another fine Future publication.  ;->
> The Visual Workstation has a smooth, swooping case in a super cool
> dark matt grey and blue finish.
> The case itself has a pull-down (automated?) hatch which reveals 2x3.5
> inch bays and 1x5.25 bay, for sure this hasn't the capacity of the
> Eyetech EZ tower.  What really got me excited was the monitor - a flat
> panel.  Not just any flat panel - oh no - but a 17.3 inch 16x9
> widescreen flat panel!
> Now, if you've seen pictures of the Visual Workstation, it doesn't
> take a lot of imagination to remove the gold embossed logo of SG and
> replace it with a boing-ball.  Do the same with the monitor and
> include one of those ergonomic keyboards with a trackball in the
> middle.  Not just any trackball but a boing-trackball.  
> The contrast in colours - the dark grey and blue of the case and the
> red and white of the logo's - should really stand out and make a good
> first impression and at least demand a second look.  
> In  summary, T3 said, " The (Workstation) looks hard, mean and very
> sexy".
> Ok....that's just my tuppence worth....;->
> regards
> chris

Message 13521

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] DONE was This is an emergancy!!!!
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 22:21:39 +0100

Andy said,
> I've just installed YAM(2p7).
> It still took a bit longer to configure than MD, but these days I know
> what I'm doing, so it was just as easy 8)
Still trying to figure them both out

Why is it that in the NC2 dock bar the top line bubble, is a bubble :-o
 while all other lines are speech bubbles?

    Bomber Harris

Message 13522

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Subs mag
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 20:09:08 +0100
Hi Ben,
             Just to let you know the CD edition arrived today 3rd June =
with the subs disk

    Bomber Harris

Message 13523

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: 3 Jun 1999 19:44:9 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Are you gonna vote for me in the AAA Awards? :)

Trawling for votes, you must be desperate :)

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Are parttime band leaders semi-conductors?

Message 13524

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: 3 Jun 1999 19:46:5 +0100
Iain Hamilton said, 

> On 03-Jun-99, Andy Mills wrote:

>> Unplug *anything* else you may have on yer phone line and try it then.

> Or alternatively, call the phone company and ask them to turn the gain on
> the phone line up to the maximum.

Don't use maximum gain unless it's a data-only line. Maximum gain
distorts voice horribly. A setting of 30-5 usually works best.
Anything over 6 and you will get voice distortion.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
WinErr 006: Malicious error - Desqview found on drive

Message 13525

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: DONE was This is an emergancy!!!!
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 20:26:26 +0000
Hello All,

On 01-Jun-99, Stephen Harris wrote:

> Why is it that in the NC2 dock bar the top line bubble, is a bubble :-o
> while all other lines are speech bubbles?

Dunno but all of my NC help bubbles are speech bubble so it is possible,
maybe :)

UIN: 30044173

You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
-- Thoreau

Message 13526

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 20:28:14 +0000
Hello All,

On 03-Jun-99, Stephen Harris wrote:

> Hi Ben,
>             Just to let you know the CD edition arrived today 3rd June
> with the subs disk

Ben, why do we CD subscribers still get a subs disk when the subs.dms file
is on the CD anyway. It keeps me stocked with disks :) (though Subs125
wasn't formatted!)

UIN: 30044173

Experience is directly proportional to the value of equipment destroyed.
-- Carolyn Scheppner

Message 13527

From: "Primo Busancano"
Subject: [afb] New Amiga format.
Date: 3 Jun 99 20:44:27 +0000
I've taken delivery of the magazine this afternoon,my first AF on
subscription.I've not had much time to read  it as yet,just flicked
through the pages.Looks good.
I hope you don't mind me saying this,but I was a CU Amiga fan for
quite a few years and I still miss the mag' even now.
Primo.   3/6/1999
Bye the bye,no where in my part of south London can I find an
issue.Even my local Sainsbury's no longer keeps it.The only place I
could find one was in Tottenham court road,in a news agency shop It's
why I've taken out a subscription. P.B.

Message 13528

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: Scanner Switchbox.
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 20:26:42 +0100
Hi Ben,

>> The guy might have a point, although not necessarily what he meant.
>> I got my box I used a test ribbon cable (about 6 inches with one end that
>> went in the back of my 1200 a bundle of different sex ports on it) to
>Your real name's David Cronenburg isn't it? :)

Yes, but sshhhh! I don't want everyone knowing I'm using AFB to swop weird
new plot ideas ;)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 13529

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] A few jumbled up questions :)
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 11:22:37 +0100
I have a few jumbled up questions to ask.

1) If a reader wrote an article which would fill up 15 pages of AF (which you
probably wouldn't be able to fit in one issue) but actually paid for the pages
himself (or herself :) would you put the article in?

2) When a reader writes a letter like the one in AF125 where they ask a
question but don't really expect an answer, but get one in brackets like 'Is
that a real word (no it isn't - picky Prod Ed)'. Stupid though it may seem,
but is it actually written by the person who it says it is (in this case,

3) Why isn't John Kennedy on this list?

4) Not a question, but who cares. Great tutorial Richard, Keep it up :)

5) Can you do a complete walkthrough to Ultima 6 any time soon coz I've had it
for YEARS and can't complete it. Maybe someone can help on this list, or isn't
that allowed? Got rid of Gargoyles in Brittania, but can't get further if it
helps. I've tried solutions from the net, but they don't work.

6) Do the levels, terrains and enemy buildings appear in the same order on
everyones copy of Napalm, or is any of it random.

Thanks. I'm off to stay up till 3AM playing Napalm.... hmmmm... tunder storm
starting outisde. Two in two days, and I STILL didn't get a decent sound
sample of some thunder :( can anyone help me there?


  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13530

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Pick yer own a** (Beavis)
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 20:45:41 +0000
Hiya everyone

I just need some help with setting up my Picasso4 gfx card. I'm currently
running it at 800x600 with no problems at all. I want to go up to the next
highest resolution of 1024x768 or even higher. The problem is that when I
choose this res', I get the dredded flicker. Now I know my monitor can go up
to that res' because it sez so in the manual. I think its something to do
with the PicassoNG software, but the guides AND manual are less than
Can any afb'ers help?


A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD & Coffee...

Message 13531

From: "Jim McGovern"
Subject: [afb] Re: CD drives
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 21:18:45 -0700
Content-Type: text/plain;
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
content-type: text/plain;

  ----- Original Message ----- =

  From: Iain Hamilton =

  To: AF Mailing List =

  Sent: Monday, April 19, 1999 12:19 PM
  Subject: [afb] Re: CD drives

On 19-Apr-99, wrote:

> Does anyone know of a company that can / will sell a CD Rom drive that is
> less than a 24x ??...
> =

> I know it sounds pretty stoopid, but I've been looking for ages, and yet =
> cannot find one! :/

I take it you are looking for an ATAPI/IDE CD-Rom, in which case Power
Computing do a 6x internal or external model for =A329.95 or =A369.95
I have a 12x (Internal) here Atapi (works with the Amiga (Tested up to 060 =
Compatibility)) you can have for =A320 =

+ Postage Just send me your details and it`s yours

-- =


Iain - Slarti



        Track your stocks and funds in a StockMaster portfolio. With easy s=
etup, you get quotes, charts, and news for them all on just one page. No li=
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  eGroup home:
  Free Web-based e-mail groups by

Message 13532

From: "Jim McGovern"
Subject: [afb] Re: Code
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 21:37:53 -0700
Content-Type: text/plain;
content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
content-type: text/plain;

Ben do me a favour and get me OFF this mailing list !
I am new to the web scene and this is sort of un-solicitated junk mail is r=
eally getting on my tits
To get this type of mail through fidonet was fine becauase my transfer rate=
s were a lot faster but this internet thing is only telling BT that it`s co=
ol to charge you money for mail (The internet is Ideal for some place like =
the states where the local calls are free but here in the UK it only tells =
BT & Co that US suckers will pay for the same service as over there). Remem=
ber it may take you 1 Hour to get the mail you were expecting, Thats a lot =
of money for your local phone call.

So please SIN-DIE me or Bin Me or whatever it is you have to do because I a=
m sick of HAVING to read through buckets of SHIT just to find the mail I am=
 expecting !.

I regard this mailing list as one grave mistake of getting in to this inter=
net lark ! =

If I want JUNK Mail there`s enough coming through from the Post Office as i=
t is !
 So please get me off this JUNK REGISTER !

Message 13533

From: Oliver Masters
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 21:56:27 +0100
Hello, on 03-Jun-99 you inspired me to stab out my eyes w=
toothpicks by writing this:

>>> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
>> Not as yet, although I await its arrival with anticipation.:)
> =

> But doesn't she mind?   ;-)
> =

I don't post to this list much, preferring instead to lurk in the shadows=

absorbing the atmosphere. However, that is a truly inspirational "joke". =
And I
don't mean that in a good way. I look forward to your next opportunity to=

pump up my phone bill....perhaps involving a large seabird?
-- =

Oliver Masters  -  Stourbridge, West Midlands  -
Amiga user and loving it!
A1200T PPC603e@160MHz/040@25MHz with BVisionPPC (Sell your Gran to get on=
e. Seriously.) 26Mb RAM. 4.3Gb Seagate HD, 4x & 32x CD-ROMs, 4x CD-R, Zip=
 drive, etc, etc, etc.
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 13534

From: Vincenzo Morra
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 21:50:22 +0100
Hello Vincenzo

On 01-Giu-99, Vincenzo Morra wrote:

> Hello Ben
> On 01-Giu-99, Ben Vost wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
> No.

Yes, I got it today (Thu 3/6/99)

Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 13535

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: 3 Jun 99 19:34:46 +0100
Chris Green ( wrote:
> Hi Kevin
> > Hey, and did you?  Ididn't read the review (well I don't remember doing)
> > but were there any parts of it written AFTER a trip to the pub?   ;-)
> er...most of it was written after a trip to the Blue Posts actually - it's
> quite frightening - I'm doing most of my best work when I'm sozzled :)

Does that say something about you, or your work in general?  :)
> > > Guilty as charged. Also have a look at Andrew Korn's review of Macromedia
> > > Fireworks 2 - the artwork has a very boing-ish look to it :)
> > Is this in tomorrow's issue? I couldn't find it in last weeks ...
> Sorry - Yes it is in tomorrow's edition.

Which I got through the post this morning! How much more of a blatent add
for WOA 99 can you get eh?   ;-)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 13536

From: "Chris Green"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 22:15:35 +0100
Hi Kevin

> > er...most of it was written after a trip to the Blue Posts actually -
> > quite frightening - I'm doing most of my best work when I'm sozzled :)
> Does that say something about you, or your work in general?  :)


> Which I got through the post this morning! How much more of a blatent add
> for WOA 99 can you get eh?   ;-)

LOL - wel it was the least we could do, and besides - it looks bloody good
on the page :)

Chris Green
Technical Editor @ Computing
VNU Business Publications

Message 13537

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Albatross (was Read Me)
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 21:34:24 +0100
>>>>>>>>> PLEASE make the subject line relevant to the message.
>>>>>>>> What and spoil everyones surreal fun :))
>>>>>>> Er,,yeh.
>>>>>> What flavour is it?
>>>>> Tuesday.
>>>> Hmmm. I like Alphabet soup...
>>> Constantinople
>>Take your foot off my head!
> Not until you call off your Yashmak.

Could be, but then again who knows?

Message 13538

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 21:56:05 +0100
Hi Paul and Ben


> > >> Netconnect 2 - Fantastic!
> > I'll go along with that,
> Ditto.
> > I can now load Dopus and KCon with one click :-))))))
> Why not have KCon installed all the time? There's no way I could cope
> without it and I don't /think/ it wastes much(any) memory.

It is installed all the time, but I don't allways want/need the window =
open. When I do want a window open ie; similar to a shell window with =
all the mod (K)Cons it's only 1 click away.  :-))))

    Bomber Harris

Ben/ Ok .=20
I maybe should have said open/run  KCon shell window, not load.

Message 13539

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: come over to chatroom
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 21:44:53 +0100
Hi Rocky,
                From what I read about netscape is that it has it's own =
"unique" way of dealing with E-Mails

> Sorry i thought it was just a chatroom.
> Hows it going anyway, Ben.
> Netscape which i am using can`t send a reply the pile of shite.

    Bomber Harris

Message 13540

From: "Stephen Harris"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 22:00:08 +0100
Hi  Phil,

> > I'll go along with that, Just made a few modifacations this week.
> > NC2 dock nows pops up on boot. I can now load Dopus and KCon with =
one click :-))))))
> You mean your not running DOpus in WBR mode ??
> Why not ?

Coz 4.12cu don't have a WB replacement mode :-P
Looks like i'll be looking out for the aminet disk with it on.


Message 13541

From: Oliver Masters
Subject: [afb] Re: Code - And how's that a relevant topic?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 22:16:52 +0100
Hello Jim, on 04-Jun-99 you inspired me to stamp oj my own head by writin=
g this:

> Ben do me a favour and get me OFF this mailing list !

=2E...or perhaps you could just unsubcribe?

> So please get me off this JUNK REGISTER !

See below, or the mail you got when you signed up for the
list to find out how to get off it. I loved the rant about junk accompani=
by a mail twice as long as it needed to be due to the HTML bit that is
completely useless to Amiga mail progs BTW.

> home:

Go to this site, and unsubscribe. Am I making sense here?

> - *Simplifying group communications*

Obviously not enough!
God, am I having a bad day today.
-- =

Oliver Masters  -  Stourbridge, West Midlands  -
Amiga user and loving it!
A1200T PPC603e@160MHz/040@25MHz with BVisionPPC (Sell your Gran to get on=
e. Seriously.) 26Mb RAM. 4.3Gb Seagate HD, 4x & 32x CD-ROMs, 4x CD-R, Zip=
 drive, etc, etc, etc.
Reality is for people who lack imagination.

Message 13542

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: 3 Jun 99 22:25:02 +0100
Chris Green ( wrote:
> Hi Kevin

Hi CHris!

> > > er...most of it was written after a trip to the Blue Posts actually -
> it's
> > > quite frightening - I'm doing most of my best work when I'm sozzled :)
> > Does that say something about you, or your work in general?  :)
> Hic!

Hey, you got beers in on the company account and you didn't get us lot any?

> > Which I got through the post this morning! How much more of a blatent add
> > for WOA 99 can you get eh?   ;-)
> LOL - wel it was the least we could do, and besides - it looks bloody good
> on the page :)

Damn right - you gonna have any other amiga stuff in the future?


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 13543

From: Oliver Masters
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 22:28:32 +0100
Hello all,

I figured while I was in the typing mood I might as well knock together m=
essential software list, which so far today will also be me first non-ang=

I'll do this in the style of a chart rundown, so here goes:

At 5: Black's Editor - By far my fave text editor, small, simple, and doe=
everything I need it to.

At 4: FACTS - If only everyone had it this mailing list would make far mo=
re sense :)

At 3: YAM2P7 - The best email package I have used on any platform. I stil=
have trouble believing it's a beta release (most of the time). Roll-on th=
e full
version 2 release.

At 2: NetConnect2: Not strictly speaking an item of software I suppose, b=
certainly the best thing I ever won in an AF competition. Cheers Ben :)

At 1: Opus Magellan 2 (5.81): How could it not be #1 really? Opus has
totally altered the way I use my Amiga. On initially setting it up in WBR=

mode I hated it, but I saw the potential for greater speed then WB, so I
hung in there. 12 months later I could not possibly contemplate going bac=
to using WB everyday. I have yet to hear a valid argument against Opus, a=
I doubt I will.

So there you go, see ya later.
-- =

Oliver Masters  -  Stourbridge, West Midlands  -
Amiga user and loving it!
A1200T PPC603e@160MHz/040@25MHz with BVisionPPC (Sell your Gran to get on=
e. Seriously.) 26Mb RAM. 4.3Gb Seagate HD, 4x & 32x CD-ROMs, 4x CD-R, Zip=
 drive, etc, etc, etc.
Q: Why couldn't the aeroplane fly?
A: Because it was a tree.
-- =

Message 13544

From: "Anthony Prime"
Subject: [afb] Re: Chat transcript hosting
Date: 3 Jun 99 22:22:09 +0000
Hi Neil

> I'm gonna put all the afb chats I can on my site (if it's ok by you lot) so if
> you have a chat and I'm not there, someone save the buffer and send it to me
> please :)

I'm not sure about this? Many things could be said in the heat of the
moment, and regretted later. I sit now and compose postings which I
can then delete or retype prior to sending. Chat is different,

Hold fire until we've had a few more postings on this.


Powered by Amiga in Crewe
ICQ# 39564005

Message 13545

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Code
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 13:00:54 +0100
---- Original Message -----
From: Jim McGovern
Sent: 04 June 1999 05:37
Subject: [afb] Re: Code

>Ben do me a favour and get me OFF this mailing list !
>I am new to the web scene and this is sort of un-solicitated junk mail is
>really getting on my tits

As in AFB is junk mail? Why join in the first place?

>So please SIN-DIE me or Bin Me or whatever it is you have to do because I >am
sick of HAVING to read through buckets of SHIT just to find the mail I >am
expecting !.

Hmmm. I think this really is a case of language portrays intelligence... ever
thought of unsubscribing...

>I regard this mailing list as one grave mistake of getting in to this
>internet lark !
>If I want JUNK Mail there`s enough coming through from the Post Office as >it
is !
> So please get me off this JUNK REGISTER !

Junk register... great... what planet are you on? Next time you end up on a
mailing list through your own stupidity, try reading the bottom part of the
mail. There's usually some instructions telling you how to get off the list,
and also next time, don't bother the mailing list members with your bloody
stupid comments about it being junk mail. Doesn't hurt to show some politeness
on the net does it? It might be junk mail to you, but then you should
unsubscribe. Stands to reason. THINK next time....

To afb members... I know I shouldn't have replied... he pissed me off though.


Message 13546

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Chat transcript hosting
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 13:02:17 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Anthony Prime 
Sent: 03 June 1999 23:22
Subject: [afb] Re: Chat transcript hosting

> Hi Neil
> > I'm gonna put all the afb chats I can on my site (if it's ok by you lot)
so if
> > you have a chat and I'm not there, someone save the buffer and send it to
> > please :)
> I'm not sure about this? Many things could be said in the heat of the
> moment, and regretted later. I sit now and compose postings which I
> can then delete or retype prior to sending. Chat is different,
> spontaneous.
> Hold fire until we've had a few more postings on this.

Okay, but I did think about that. They can always be edited, but let me know
what you think


Message 13547

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: DONE was This is an emergancy!!!!
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 22:53:16 +0000
Hi Everybody,

> Why is it that in the NC2 dock bar the top line bubble, is a bubble :-o
> while all other lines are speech bubbles?

   Maybe because its too high up to fit the little pointy thingy and the
bubble on screen?

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Proportional to their weight, adult men are stronger than horses.
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 13548

From: "Gareth Knight"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 16:01:27 +0100
Ben Vost wrote:
>Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
Got it this morning but haven't had much chance to read it ATM. It seems to
be one of the best issues I've seen in quite a while. The Amiga Inc. feature
revealed little that hasn't been seen before on the internet, but AF added
some interesting touches such as the Collas Personal biography. In future
issues could you halve the number of pages dedicated to the floppy edition
and use the space for the CD?
Gareth Knight
Amiga Interactive Guide | ICQ No. 24185856    | "Shine on your star"

Message 13549

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Yam help
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 20:14:47 +0100

After a few days, YAM seems to much more reliable than microdot, though I
do miss the way MD threads mails. . .

Anyway, something is really bugging me. If folks don't knock a blank line
between quoted text and new text, YAM seems to carry the quote colour
through to the end of the new block of text. . .Very irritating! :) 

Can anything be done about this? I've gone through the docs, but can't
find anything that might sort it out. 

Other than that, and one or two other little things, I am liking it heaps



/PGP Key available on request/
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to
make it shorter.
-- Blaise Pascal

Message 13550

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 20:04:50 +0100
Good greetings  Danny

On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hello,
> Oh the covers good aswell!

Speaking of covers, my favourite ever AF cover was the red one with the
crash-helmeted g-forcibly challenged feller. . .issue 80 something. . .88
I think, could be wrong; I can't seem to lay my hands on it.




/PGP Key available on request/
It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but
the result's the same.
-- Mike Dennison

Message 13551

From: "Tom Miles"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: 03 Jun 99 22:57:20 +0000
On 03-Jun-99 20:05:15, Gerard Mulcahy said:

>By the way I live in Birmingham city centre (Well survive ;)........
>Looking 4ward to tomoz now you never know.

Wow!  Someone else in Birmingham, that makes two now :)
Where abouts are you?


Http://       :      /// Amiga 1200T/040 25Mhz
UIN: 15835139				    : __  ///  603e+ 160Mhz 50Mb RAM
Techno   Grebo   Skater   Geek	            : \\\///   BlizzardVisionPPC Gfx
Tatooed  Vegan  Piercing Freak	            :  \XX/    4620Mb HDs   6x CDROM

Message 13552

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: It's me really
Date: 3 Jun 99 00:55:22 +0000
On Wed, 02 Jun 1999 01:23:28 +0100, Ferenczy paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: It's me really:
> Use a program like AmTerm - you can type AT commands into there...
I knew that, thanks. I was just wondering if I could do it from shell.
I regularly use AmTerm to check speeds and general reports with AT&V1
but can't really be bothered to load it just for that.
> Don't know whether the location of the modem will matter with that...
No, it doesn't. In fact it doesn't even matter if you also have it
wedged between a speaker and your TV! Must see if I can get better
speeds with it somewhere else though :)
> Regards,
> Frost.

Message 13553

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: It's me really
Date: 3 Jun 99 00:58:19 +0000
On 2 Jun 1999 9:38:38 +0100, Neil Bothwick paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: It's me really:
> Doesn't the Squirrel come with a replacement handler?
I don't think so. I've got a surf squirrel (obviously) and it just
came with the squirrelserial.device version 37.565. I've seen
something about an update but that is just a newer version of the same

> All the serial cards I've used have something like this, like
> SER00-03 for the IOBlix.
Don't know about that.

> Neil

Message 13554

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Virtual Memory
Date: 3 Jun 99 01:01:25 +0000
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 11:50:54 +0100,  paused for a moment's thought and chose=
 to write this about
[afb] Re: Virtual Memory:
> Hello
> Well seeing as I originally bought a 4MB SIMM for =A3120 a few=20
> years ago and you can now get a at least 80MB for that price=2E=2E=2E=2E=
Hmm; well; I s'pose so=2E I still think saying "With prices _so_ cheap"
was a bit much=2E But then I'm just nit-picking because I don't wanna
lose the argument ;)
> Bye for now
> Paul
Paul again (again)=2E

Message 13555

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Dixsons was Freeserve's mail servers
Date: 3 Jun 99 01:03:11 +0000
On Wed, 28 Apr 1999 12:14:43 +0100, Robert Simmonds paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: Dixsons was Freeserve's mail servers:
> It really did give a warm feeling all over :)
Good looking woman, was it? ;-)


Message 13556

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?
Date: 3 Jun 99 01:07:50 +0000
On Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:47:12 +0100, Andy Kinsella paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?:
> I got Vistapro 3.5, geomorph, makepath and a wad full of dems on a CD with
> a magazine called CU-Amiga stuck to it.
Same here, but I had already paid for VistaPro(Lite) a few months
Didn't have many dems though, and there weren't any on the CD after it
like they promised. Or were there?
Never mind, it /did/ have TFX on it :)

P.S. Just had a thought: Does anyone know if you can get DEMs on the
internet. I'd love some of the UK;moon;mars etc. (if they exist)

Message 13557

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microdot II
Date: 3 Jun 99 01:29:36 +0000
On 2 Jun 99 21:30:26 +0100, Richard Lane paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: Microdot II:
> Get yourself on the various Prestel newsgroups (at least
> prestel.announce & prestel.misc) and you'll find a number of people
> including myself having a good moan about this, and the responses from
> Prestel.

Nice. Hello Mr Bothwick. Are you there? Do we U-Net users (far
superior to prestel I bet) have newsgroups (and I mean about U-Net)?
No need I suppose, as you're always lurking anyway ;)


Message 13558

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: 3 Jun 99 01:11:01 +0000
On Wed, 02 Jun 1999 22:44:22 +0000, fool paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: Essential Programs:
> Alternatively, you could do what I do and have a script that
> assigns ENV: and T: then mounts KCON and my cd drives.
Labouring the point here, you could set up about ten different scripts
like me, all with slightly different commands in them depending on
needs and speed. I actually get bored with waiting for it to make a
few assigns!


Message 13559

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: KingCON
Date: 3 Jun 99 01:15:32 +0000
On Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:24:35 -0000,  paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: KingCON:
> I have a bare startup that just gets ENV: going and starts KingCON,
> but even so... :)
Ooh, ooh [excitement building]
How d'you do that? I use a proggy called WaitMouse by Mike Archer
(ripped from an old AFCD) to have three different startups depending
on which buttons you hold.
Is there a better way? Not involving early-startup control.
> Ben
Still can't get over that. The editor of /the/ mag having
conversations (often pointless) with his readers.
Just wait till the NGs come out (if they do). You'll be hiding then!

P.S. Just realised why you do it. Great excuse for skiving off work ;)

Message 13560

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: 3 Jun 99 01:24:39 +0000
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 12:43:25 +0100,  paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: New AF?:
> and it's here this AM... :)
>            ^^^^^^^^^^
> git
Just between you and me, I reckon he gets special treatment so he
writes nice stuff about them.
> Bye for now
> Paul
Can't be bothered to mail privately, will mail to the list instead.
/Damn/, bad idea ;)

Message 13561

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA'99
Date: 3 Jun 99 01:36:50 +0000
On Wed, 02 Jun 1999 10:26:59 -0000,  paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] WOA'99:
> Hi,  now as I cant make it to the Saturday half of WOA'99
> (Work, dontcha know)
I didn't know that! Get a Sunday job anyway, usually better paid.
Ignore what they say, insist on getting your hours changed.
> I will definately be going on Sunday.  My question is how much of
> the events will be happening Sunday.
Cant say about that, although previous writeups in AF indicate that a
lot of the decent stuff gets sold pretty quick on Saturday.
Which is when I want to go (Can't make Sunday, work, dontcha know ;))

> It will, however, be the first year I've graced (ehem!) WOA with my
> presence.

Now, can anyone tell me about the tickets. I know they're probably
rectangular and made of paper and you have to pay for them, but do you
have to book? I always thought you did but can't actually find any
reference to it in AF124.
> Ta, Ta.
Ta ra
> Bifford.

Message 13562

Subject: [afb] Circulation
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 22:24:01 -0000
If the magazine is getting harder to find then surely there will be a big drop in circulation.     We are all aware about the running/costs of the magazine such as maintaining a profit(to which I except) but will it be too late before the Amiga comes back for proper.

A few years ago AF was in every shop.  Newsagent, supermarket and the cornershop but now its only in WHSmith (to which I have to travel to, sadly not local for me) and thats seems to be stacked full of the DD edition.

I`m not complaining, rather than the hassle its causing me. Youv`e got me as a guaranteed subscriber.  Well I might as well after 8 years!

Message 13563

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Storm See?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 18:53:26 +0100
>> Luckely I live on the top of a hill, which turns into an island during
>> floods :-D
> Luckily I live in Southampton, it's got a Port, so if it floods, I'll
> get on a boat:)

Luckily it doesn't rain in Scotland.


Message 13564

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: A Recuring Theme.
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 19:09:55 +0100
> To be prefectly honest, I have no doubt whatsoever that Amiga will MISS
> their intended release date. Perhaps we'll see the November box at the end
> of this year, that isn't an actual NG Amiga, and it's been in production a
> while, so I think they might be capable of getting this one out on time.
> The actual Amiga's are another matter altogether.

Why is it so many people seem to be under the impression that the whole
"November Box" plan is still going ahead? ISTR quite a few articles in the
Amiga related press detailing all the new release date plans. Don't you
people pay attention?


Message 13565

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Chat type thing
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 19:11:01 +0100
>> Just a little whinge... What's with the damn return receipts?
> hehehe I don't get them, or so it seems
> coz I have never seem them :-))

You get them, but OE probably automatically responds for you.


Message 13566

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: There's another chat
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 19:16:30 +0100
> Yep, another chat right now if anyone's interested :) It's on DALnet only

In case people aren't aware, IRC channels are available for anyone to join
at any time. In my experience "organised" chats are a waste of time because
people turn up and ask "when is it going to start" instead of just joining
when they feel like. People know the channels are there now, I'm sure some
of us will pop in when we have time.


Message 13567

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Windows and manuals (Was YAM filtering)
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 22:40:21 +0100
>    However, I would say I prefer to have a printed manual than in-built
> help files. I can't take my Amiga everywhere with me, but I can learn to
> use (eg) DOpus Mag II by reading the manual while I'm at work etc. What
> are other people's opinions on printed manuals, or are we all waiting for
> Amiga laptops/palmtops so we can work on our projects elsewhere? (I think
> I'll do a poll on this, just need to decide on possible answers...)

Why wait for an Amiga laptop? It's not too difficult to pick up a cheap
Windows laptop, powerful enough to run UAE and with the added "benefit" of
Windows compatibility should you need it. I've thought about doing this but
since I have no real need for a laptop, or any real money to buy one with,
it's just an idea atm.


Message 13568

From: Gerard Mulcahy
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 23:43:10 +0000
Hello Oliver

On 03-Jun-99, Oliver Masters wrote:

> Hello, on 03-Jun-99 you inspired me to stab out my eyes
> with toothpicks by writing this:
>>>> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
>>> Not as yet, although I await its arrival with anticipation.:)
>> But doesn't she mind?   ;-)
I did'nt know she was pregnant ;-)

Congrats Gerry X
Anyone can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
-- Cicero

Message 13569

From: Oliver Masters
Subject: [afb] Re: Circulation
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 23:46:30 +0100
Hello, on 03-Jun-99 you inspired me to =
dust off my keyboard by writing this:

> If the magazine is getting harder to find .......

My local WH Smith (Merry Hill Centre, West Midlands) has taken to hiding =
behind piles of other mags. Until recently it had pride of place on the
front row amongst all the PC and Mac mags.

-- =

Oliver Masters  -  Stourbridge, West Midlands  -
Amiga user and loving it!
A1200T PPC603e@160MHz/040@25MHz with BVisionPPC (Sell your Gran to get on=
e. Seriously.) 26Mb RAM. 4.3Gb Seagate HD, 4x & 32x CD-ROMs, 4x CD-R, Zip=
 drive, etc, etc, etc.
Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is
time to reform.
-- Mark Twain

Message 13570

From: Oliver Masters
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 23:53:15 +0100
Hello Gerard, on 04-Jun-99 you inspired me to dust off my keyboard by wri=
ting this:

> Hello Oliver
> =

> On 03-Jun-99, Oliver Masters wrote:
> =

>> Hello, on 03-Jun-99 you inspired me to stab out my eye=
>> with toothpicks by writing this:
>> =

>>>>> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
>>>> Not as yet, although I await its arrival with anticipation.:)
>>> =

>>> But doesn't she mind?   ;-)
>>> =

> I did'nt know she was pregnant ;-)

Actually I'm pretty sure what I wrote was less polite than that, I believ=
you may have quoted the wrong message.

See ya later, when I've slept more and hopefully cheered up a bit.
-- =

Oliver Masters  -  Stourbridge, West Midlands  -
Amiga user and loving it!
A1200T PPC603e@160MHz/040@25MHz with BVisionPPC (Sell your Gran to get on=
e. Seriously.) 26Mb RAM. 4.3Gb Seagate HD, 4x & 32x CD-ROMs, 4x CD-R, Zip=
 drive, etc, etc, etc.
Anyone can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
-- Cicero

Message 13571

From: "Thomas Hurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: JavaScript (Was:
Date: 04 Jun 99 00:01:25 +0000

On 01-Jun-99 11:30:28, Alex Furmanski ( wrote:

> Hi Matt Sealey

>>> I've been to Micorsoft's site and almost every page I went to threw up
>>> at least 2 Javascript errors!  Hahahahahahaha.
>>In Aweb? Ha, not surprising. Even proper Javascript from the Netscape
>>docs fails. Microsoft use Javascript 1.3 on their pages and Aweb only
>>does 1.2.

If they declare it as JS 1.3, AWeb shouldn't try to execute it.

> That's got me thinking - there's an HTML validator on the web, but is
> there a Javascript validator anywhere?

Yes, it's called a web browser with "Warn on JS errors" enabled :)


Editor, AmiSITE <---------->
ICQ:17701673 - IRC:Freaky - RC5: 31738 2^28 blocks done
C code. C code run. Run, code, run. PLEASE!

Message 13572

From: "Thomas Hurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subscribers
Date: 02 Jun 99 03:33:03 +0000

On 29-May-99 19:58:36, Phil Stephens ( wrote:

> Cool and to think I've only got 21 onto my {Plug}
> {End Plug} sofar, but hey it's early days yet:)

The arexx ml has somewhere in the region of 100.

One of these days I'll get around to sorting out that website for it... I've
had the space on OwlNet for ages :/


Editor, AmiSITE <---------->
ICQ:17701673 - IRC:Freaky - RC5: 31742 2^28 blocks done
Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue...

Message 13573

From: "Thomas Hurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: 02 Jun 99 03:15:53 +0000

On 31-May-99 20:04:55, Adam Bartlett ( wrote:

> ok once again for the dim witted

> goto

The network that has you killed for using the wrong nick, and has the worst
reputation for lagging, splits, warez, kiddie porn and all sorts of other
unsavoury stuff?  No, not even if you payed me.


Editor, AmiSITE <---------->
ICQ:17701673 - IRC:Freaky - RC5: 31738 2^28 blocks done
If it works, rip it apart and find out why.

Message 13574

From: "Thomas Hurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Redirection services (Was: Come to Mars)
Date: 02 Jun 99 03:31:32 +0000

On 28-May-99 14:41:40, Michael O'Hara ( wrote:

> Hi Ben,

> On 27-May-99, you wrote

>> Hi,
>> Talking of Martian TCP/IP domains, has anyone been to Marcel Beck's
>> site of late? He now also has a address :)

> That's been up for a LONG time hasn't it ??

Judging by the state of, I expect it's uptime's a little under 5

I'd recommend anyone with a URL dump it in favour for something like are utter shite - 1/4 the time you get
Connection Refused, 1/4 the time you get some dodgy error page and half the
time you wait 30 seconds for it to redirect you...


Editor, AmiSITE <---------->
ICQ:17701673 - IRC:Freaky - RC5: 31742 2^28 blocks done
I made a mistake, but it was only one isulated ovent.

Message 13575

From: "Thomas Hurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Phone bill costs
Date: 02 Jun 99 04:32:24 +0000

On 29-May-99 17:03:34, Tim Seifert ( wrote:

> I'd like something that could have a little window left open somewhere
> that would show my on-line running time for this session,

Chris from World Foundry wrote an app launcher with this ability.  Can't
remember it's name....

> and my IP.

MUIRexx+ARexx+rxsocket. Easy (well, I can write one in 2 minutes flat if
you're interested :)

> Oh, and the ability to display a byte count in each direction would be
> nice too.


> I've thought about using ARexx between Miami and a console window, but
> hadn't figured out how to keep the time updating (rather than just
> frozen at the moment you run it),

address MIAMI.1
do forever
   call delay(whatever)

That should work. It's 4:32, and I can't be bothered to test it :)

Cooking the output is left as an exercise for the reader.

> nor how to count the data traffic in bytes.

Use MiamiNetStat and cook the output.


Editor, AmiSITE <---------->
ICQ:17701673 - IRC:Freaky - RC5: 31746 2^28 blocks done
0217 Do you have a personal magnetic tape library?
0218 ... Is it unlabelled?
     -- from THE HACKER TEST

Message 13576

From: "Mark Lynn"
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: 3 Jun 99 21:54:39 +0000
With reference to [afb] Re: 100 mail limit on Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:24:44 +0100

Hi Ben,

> I can do it with no trouble (adding a line to the sig, that is), but the
> problem with these schemes is that no-one ever uses them. I have experience
> of a similar attempt on the Picasso Mailing List where all started well for
> the first week, although some people flatly refused to do it, then some
> people started putting silly codes in their subjects and now it's pretty
> much a forgotten topic of conversation. Besides you always have the problem
> that what might have started out as a sensible, Amiga-related topic has
> descended into lunacy (as so often happens). What do others think?

Point taken. Ah well, to hell with that idea!


Message 13577

From: Gerard Mulcahy
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 00:33:51 +0000
Hello Oliver

On 03-Jun-99, Oliver Masters wrote:

> Hello Gerard, on 04-Jun-99 you inspired me to dust off my keyboard by
> writing this:

> Actually I'm pretty sure what I wrote was less polite than that, I
> you may have quoted the wrong message.
> See ya later, when I've slept more and hopefully cheered up a bit.

Having had another look at the message more closely ( you know reading all
of it) I feel like a resident  near an airport  or a midget in bed with a
super model (I wish) it wentover my head ;-)

All the best Gerry X

Message 13578

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: 3 Jun 1999 23:13:39 +0100
Stephen Harris said, 

>> Why not have KCon installed all the time? There's no way I could cope
>> without it and I don't /think/ it wastes much(any) memory.

> It is installed all the time, but I don't allways want/need the window open.
> When I do want a window open ie; similar to a shell window with all the mod
> (K)Cons it's only 1 click away.  :-))))

Why force yourself to reach for the mouse to open a windowthat mainly
uses the keyboard for input? A hotkey to open a shell is much more
sensible. Any hotky program, including the C= FKey will do this,
although I use MCP, still using the same key combination from good old

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Tagteam:  A bunch of people thinking up taglines.

Message 13579

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: AMOS flame grilled?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 19:49:48 +0100
Excuse me Alex, what was that you were saying about AMOS flame grilled??

>> True, but what if you moved to a better Pascal compiler, and it was
> as strict as that? :)

> But I thought you said High Speed was the best.

I did, but there might be a better Pascal compiler released in the
future. So far, there hasn't been, but you never know :)

>>> use TP) you don't supply the source but an EXE. So long as it
>>> works with your compiler, the EXE will work on anyone's machine.

>> Within reason - there will be some machines that it won't work on,
>> even though it's only a tiny program.

> Obviously machines of the same platform. Why, it would be foolish to
> try and run a Windoze EXE in Workbench.

I was talking about the source code. Not every program will compile -
for example, if it's been programmed in, Borland C, there's no
guarantee it'll compile on VBCC or Storm C.

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#Chameleon GUI System - Want a face lift?#

... Goodbye to the summer, sold down the river.
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 56% - 61 tags in Lyrics.tags >>

Message 13580

From: James Lowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Windows and manuals (Was YAM filtering)
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 22:10:00 +0100
Hey, Chris! Can I have some Windows and manuals?

>> ... Windows Error #00A: Promotional literature overflow. Mailbox
>> full.


> mouse(!) and internet basics, but very little on how to sort out any
> potential problems with the software (which are, of course, only to
> be expected with a M$ product...)

Well, the information on how to use a mouse is in the Workbench
manual, too. Remember that newbies don't always know how to use them,

>    The statement on the back of the manual says "For product
> support, contact the manufacturer of your PC". This could be a
> problem for me, as I am the manufacturer!

Yeah, I can see how that could be a problem :)

Windows (well, any Microsoft package) help files are next to useless.
They don't tell you much to do with your problem, which leaves you to
figure it out yourself. Another example of how everything for Windows
is *too* idiot-proof :(

>    However, I would say I prefer to have a printed manual than
> in-built help files. I can't take my Amiga everywhere with me, but I

I think that both have their place, but both should have the same
information. The printed manual is handy for when you want to read it
somewhere you can't take your computer (such as the bathroom), and the
on-line manual is good for when you need information quickly (for
example, when you press Help, an Amigaguide document will appear at
the page you need help with).

> projects elsewhere? (I think I'll do a poll on this, just need to
> decide on possible answers...)

How about:

  o  Printed manuals are better
  o  Printed manuals have their place, but on-line manuals are better
  o  Both have their place, as long as the same info is contained in
  o  Both have their place, as long as some info is included in both.
  o  Both have their place, as long as no duplication of info
  o  On-line manuals have their place, but printed manuals are
  o  On-line manuals are better
  o  Don't care

I think that gives a good spread of opinions, and still fits in the 8
choices limit (just) :)

James Lowe   Team *AMIGA*   *E-Mail:*
*ICQ:* 15846720   *WWW:*
#Chameleon GUI System - Takes less than 512Kb (MUI takes 1Mb, minimum)#

... "Powerful Drinks"                       By Micky Finn
 << Tag-o-Miga 1.3 - Quoted 30% - 332 tags in Wacky_Books.tags >>

Message 13581

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 01:10:15 +0100
Hi folks,

>> Which I got through the post this morning! How much more of a blatent add
>> for WOA 99 can you get eh?   ;-)
>LOL - wel it was the least we could do, and besides - it looks bloody good
>on the page :)

True, it looks great! I had no idea that anyone here works for Computing...

>Chris Green
>Technical Editor @ Computing
>VNU Business Publications

...ah, probably because I have a strange phobia of reading peoples sigs, or
something. So, does everyone at Computing know what an Amiga is? Many IT
professionals I've spoken to didn't have a clue or thought it was a games
console. Do you get the kind of jokes I've had in the past from Mac or PC
fans? A friend who was very high in IT at the BBC, thought an Amiga was a
toy, showed him the Switchback demo, he asked how big it was and I told two
DD floppies and it was an Amiga showing, ahhhh, you should have seen his
chin drop :)

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 13582

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Code
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 01:57:57 +0100
> Ben do me a favour and get me OFF this mailing list ! I am new to the web
> scene and this is sort of un-solicitated junk mail is really getting on my
> tits

In order to join this list you must specifically ask for it, someone else
can't join it for you, so this "junk mail" is *not* unsolicited.

> Remember it may take you 1 Hour to get the mail you were
> expecting, Thats a lot of money for your local phone call.

Remember you could just dial up for 5 minutes every couple of hours instead
of staying online for an entire hour. email is probably the cheapest aspect
to the Internet when it comes to phone call costs.
> So please SIN-DIE me or Bin Me or whatever it is you have to do because I
> am sick of HAVING to read through buckets of SHIT just to find the mail I
> am expecting !.

You don't HAVE to read it all. Each mail is fairly clearly marked [afb], and
it shouldn't be too difficult to set up some sort of kill-file to
automatically delete afb mails.

> I regard this mailing list as one grave mistake of getting in to this
> internet lark ! If I want JUNK Mail there`s enough coming through from the
> Post Office as it is !

It may be a grave mistake, but it's *your* grave mistake. No one held a gun
to your head and forced you to join the list, so stop moaning.


Message 13583

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 02:01:51 +0100
> The network that has you killed for using the wrong nick, and has the
> worst reputation for lagging, splits, warez, kiddie porn and all sorts of
> other unsavoury stuff? No, not even if you payed me.

Haha, maybe so, but it's a lot more fun than arcnet is :)
And it doesn't have you killed for using the wrong nick, you are just forced
to choose another... seems sensible to me.
Lagging and splits are annoying, but tbh most of the time everything's
fairly stable.
As for warez and kiddie porn, you're unlikely to encounter it unless you
actively go looking for it, so why should it bother you?


Message 13584

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI 68000 generic
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 01:29:46 +0000
Danny Shepherd scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: MUI 68000 ge=
neric :

> Is MUI actually still being developed we've been at 3.8 since 1997.

I mailed (read nagged :) Stefan about it a few weeks ago - "work continue=

Best Regards
-- =

Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*

Mac Classic: The COPY CON of Computers!

Message 13585

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: Code
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 01:34:40 +0000
Jim McGovern scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: Code :
> Ben do me a favour and get me OFF this mailing list ! I am new to the web

Yes, Ben, please DO get him off AFB. Honestly, some people shouldn't be
allowed to surf the 'Net. :\

> So please get me off this JUNK REGISTER !

Who once said "If you want to get out of it, you must have gotten into it in
the first place?"

Best Regards
Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*

I love sex with redheads, but my wife doesn't appreciate it.

Message 13586

From: Dominique Harelle
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI 68000 generic
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 11:28:40 +1000
From   : Danny Shepherd 
Date   : 04-Jun-99
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI 68000 generic

Hello Danny,

> Is MUI actually still being developed we've been at 3.8 since 1997.

It has been rumored for some time that MUI 4 has been developed and in beta
test. I don't know anything otherwise so this is just a rumor.

Dominique Harelle -
E-Mail            : / (/
ICQ Number        - /17907440/

A2000/060-60, 130meg RAM, 7Gig HD's, 2 x 24x CD's, 56k Modem,
PicassoIV + Picasso96, Zip Drive, IOBlix i/o Board,
3x HD FDD, Epson GT-8500 Scaner, BJC-620 Printer, Catweasel Z2

Member of Team *AMIGA*

Message 13587

From: Matthew Garrett
Subject: [afb] Re: Windows and manuals (Was YAM filtering)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 02:33:25 +0100
On Thu, Jun 03, 1999 at 10:40:21PM +0100, Gerald Mellor wrote:

> Why wait for an Amiga laptop? It's not too difficult to pick up a cheap
> Windows laptop, powerful enough to run UAE and with the added "benefit" of
> Windows compatibility should you need it. I've thought about doing this but
> since I have no real need for a laptop, or any real money to buy one with,
> it's just an idea atm.

Or one of the free unices - there's something oddly appealing about having
a multi-user machine that can be carried around the place. Oh, and sitting
outside on a balcony in the sun while reading email - did I mention how
great that was? :)

Matthew Garrett |

Message 13588

From: Neville Cox
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 03:03:19 +0100
Andy Kinsella  writes
>Good greetings  Ben
>On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:

>The imagine mailing list works like that. eg. you'd start your subject
>with AMIGA:some-stuff
>or AREXX:some-other-stuff, CHAT:some-general-stuff,
>IFW:some-imagine-for-windows-stuff etc...
>It works pretty well, but it's done on the ML side. i.e. you can specify
>which topics you want the listserv to mail out to you. With the IML being
>a multi-platform list, some Wintel users don't want to waste time
>downloading AREXX and other AMIGA specific topics. . .
>It's a pretty good system, but I'm not too sure if it would work well here
>:) People just can't be arsed or forget to change the subject line. . .so
>filtering out subjects could lead to usefull info being missed.
Andy has described this idea well.
I am on a WIN98 ML, which works the same way, There are 10 valid topics,
eg) Apps, Network, Hardware etc. and you must start your post with one
of these topics.
Again it`s done on the listserv, and you select which topics you want to
subscribe to on the web site.
works well over 95% of the time.

It also stamps a tag at the bottom of each mail, just to remind you what
the topics are.
ICQ : 32478611  

C=... * "File MOUSE.DRV not found. Please reinstall Windows '95." 

Message 13589

From: Neville Cox
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 04:00:02 +0100
Iain Hamilton  writes
>On 03-Jun-99, Andy Mills wrote:
>> Unplug *anything* else you may have on yer phone line and try it then.
>Or alternatively, call the phone company and ask them to turn the gain on
>the phone line up to the maximum.  That worked for me, I now get roughly
>50k every time, that's if poxy demon don't connect me to a super slow
>server (which seems to be happening more and more frequently, and has
>encouraged me to move to another ISP). 
Assuming the phone company is BT, which department do you ask to speak
I only ever seem to get passed to somebody, attempting to get me to take
up another service eg) call waiting, so I have to explain that I don`t
need it, as I wait long enough for my calls anyway. :-)
ICQ : 32478611  

C=... * "File MOUSE.DRV not found. Please reinstall Windows '95." 

Message 13590

From: Neville Cox
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 03:43:51 +0100
Andy Mills  writes
>Hello Alex Furmanski, on 02-Jun-99 19:22:41 you said about:
> [afb] Re: IE5       was 
>>>Praise the lord for many-hundred megabit internet connections!
>>Curse the lord for my shitty 56k modem that only ever gets 31.2k connections.
>Unplug *anything* else you may have on yer phone line and try it then.
>I had thne same problem, but worse. The max I could ever get was 26k :(.
>I eventually traced it to the main phone downstairs, once I removed it I
>was getting anyting up to 50k...
> Andy Mills,
> South West Amiga Group
Great I thought, this is going to be one of those brilliant tips,
obvious but true.
Unfortunately it didn`t work, still stuck at 31.2k.
Weird thing was, I always connect first time, but with the phone
disconnected it took 3 attempts, both times I tried.
put the phone back and connected first time again.

Ah the wonders of BT (a truly cutting edge telephone provider). 
ICQ : 32478611 

C=... * "File MOUSE.DRV not found. Please reinstall Windows '95." 

Message 13591

From: Iain Hamilton
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 07:04:53 +0000
Hello Neil

On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Don't use maximum gain unless it's a data-only line. Maximum gain
> distorts voice horribly. A setting of 30-5 usually works best.
> Anything over 6 and you will get voice distortion.

Nope, not here.  The gain has been at max here for 4 months now and I have
never had distortion on the ordinary phone.


Iain - Slarti
Amiga, PPC help, Links, Downloads and some really bad poetry and some not so
bad ;)

Message 13592

From: Iain Hamilton
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 07:08:16 +0000
On 03-Jun-99, Danny Shepherd wrote:

> Ben, why do we CD subscribers still get a subs disk when the subs.dms file
> is on the CD anyway. It keeps me stocked with disks :) (though Subs125
> wasn't formatted!)

I thought we had covered this already.  If it wasn't for the subs disk,
where else would I get a supply of DD floppies from. :)


Iain - Slarti
Amiga, PPC help, Links, Downloads and some really bad poetry and some not so
bad ;)

Message 13593

From: Andy Sillwood
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 21:09:28 +0100
On 03-Jun-99, Danny Shepherd ( wrote:

> Ben, why do we CD subscribers still get a subs disk when the subs.dms file
> is on the CD anyway. It keeps me stocked with disks :) (though Subs125
> wasn't formatted!)

My sub disk 124 hadn't go the usual label, it said "CODENAME: HELLFIRE Amiga disk 1" on it :))

Is AF recycling disks?



Andrew Sillwood - ICQ:13697313 - Free Internet Access

Message 13594

From: Andy Sillwood
Subject: [afb] Re: DONE was This is an emergancy!!!!
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 20:57:31 +0100
On 01-Jun-99, Stephen Harris ( wrote:

> Why is it that in the NC2 dock bar the top line bubble, is a bubble :-o
> while all other lines are speech bubbles?

Do you have it at the top of the screen? If so, its so it doesn't overlap
the titlebar. Move the dockbar down, and you get all speech bubbles :)



Andrew Sillwood - ICQ:13697313 - Free Internet Access

Message 13595

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: It's me really
Date: 4 Jun 1999 0:52:51 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> On 2 Jun 1999 9:38:38 +0100, Neil Bothwick paused for a moment's thought and
> chose to write this about
> [afb] Re: It's me really:

>> Doesn't the Squirrel come with a replacement handler?

> I don't think so. I've got a surf squirrel (obviously) and it just
> came with the squirrelserial.device version 37.565. I've seen
> something about an update but that is just a newer version of the same
> file.

Nothing installed in SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers or DEVS:DOSDrivers?

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Don't just read the Tagline; read the MESSAGE!

Message 13596

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?
Date: 4 Jun 1999 0:58:17 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> On Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:47:12 +0100, Andy Kinsella paused for a moment's
> thought and chose to write this about

>> I got Vistapro 3.5, geomorph, makepath and a wad full of dems on a CD with
>> a magazine called CU-Amiga stuck to it.

> Same here, but I had already paid for VistaPro(Lite) a few months
> before.

So you got the upgrade for 5.99, with a free magazine thrown in :)

> Didn't have many dems though, and there weren't any on the CD after it
> like they promised. Or were there?
> Never mind, it /did/ have TFX on it :)

Which meant no room for DEMs :)

They were on CUCD22.

> P.S. Just had a thought: Does anyone know if you can get DEMs on the
> internet. I'd love some of the UK;moon;mars etc. (if they exist)

The Mars ones were on that CD, I don't know of any UKones.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
It's kinda fun to consummate the impossible.

Message 13597

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microdot II
Date: 4 Jun 1999 1:2:49 +0100
Paul Cundle said, 

> Nice. Hello Mr Bothwick. Are you there? Do we U-Net users (far
> superior to prestel I bet) have newsgroups (and I mean about U-Net)?
> No need I suppose, as you're always lurking anyway ;)

Naturally, there's 36 u-net.* newsgroups, the most relevant ones being


Others you may want to look at include


Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
My wallet's cache is disabled.

Message 13598

From: Anthony Sherratt
Subject: [afb] Updating my Amiga
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 09:05:49 +0000
Hello all,

I have decided I would like to update my Amiga so that it has
a graphics card.  Now the easiest way for me todo this in an
A1200 is to have a PPC and a BVision right ?  So Im just 
wondering what would be the best way to update my Amiga
todo so.  Could someone who has gone through the 
transformation of a stock A1200 to a A1200T PPC BVision
please explain to me what I need and which are best 
options ?

Kind regards

Anthony Sherratt
 *ASP Software* 
 *Last Updated: 25th May 1999*
 ICQ Num : 16295659   

 Montys Jelly Beans - [#####=--------------]25%
 Conquest - [##=-----------------]14% 

Message 13599

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: A few jumbled up questions :)
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 09:47:56 +0100
Hi Neil,

> 1) If a reader wrote an article which would fill up 15 pages of AF (which
> you probably wouldn't be able to fit in one issue) but actually paid for
> the pages himself (or herself :) would you put the article in?

No, I don't think so. It would depend on what the author was writing about
anyway, but 15 pages?

> 2) When a reader writes a letter like the one in AF125 where they ask a
> question but don't really expect an answer, but get one in brackets like
> 'Is that a real word (no it isn't - picky Prod Ed)'. Stupid though it may
> seem, but is it actually written by the person who it says it is (in this
> case, Mark)?

It certainly was in that case.

> 3) Why isn't John Kennedy on this list?

Because he's rarely involved with Amiga stuff these days.

> 4) Not a question, but who cares. Great tutorial Richard, Keep it up :)

It's good isn't it? Hopefully people will actaully put it to use.

> 5) Can you do a complete walkthrough to Ultima 6 any time soon coz I've
> had it for YEARS and can't complete it. Maybe someone can help on this
> list, or isn't that allowed? Got rid of Gargoyles in Brittania, but can't
> get further if it helps. I've tried solutions from the net, but they don't
> work.

Go to and search there.

> 6) Do the levels, terrains and enemy buildings appear in the same order on
> everyones copy of Napalm, or is any of it random.

I don't think so.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Want to learn about Japanese daily life?

Message 13600

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 09:48:47 +0100
Hi Danny,

> I like the new Start_Here icon instead of the 'Ben On Readybrek' icon.

It's just "AF on Ready Brek" now :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13601

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 09:52:20 +0100
Hi Neil,

>> Are you gonna vote for me in the AAA Awards? :)

> Trawling for votes, you must be desperate :)

Don't think that taking the moral high ground is going to help you! :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
  Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

Message 13602

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: A few jumbled up questions :)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 09:54:25 +0100
> > 3) Why isn't John Kennedy on this list?
> Because he's rarely involved with Amiga stuff these days.

That would explain why most of the information he gives out
in Workbench is either plain wrong or entirely incomplete or
even dangerous.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13603

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: 4 Jun 1999 8:41:43 +0100
Iain Hamilton said, 

> Hello Neil

>> Don't use maximum gain unless it's a data-only line. Maximum gain
>> distorts voice horribly. A setting of 30-5 usually works best.
>> Anything over 6 and you will get voice distortion.

> Nope, not here.  The gain has been at max here for 4 months now and I have
> never had distortion on the ordinary phone.

What is it set to, it's quite possible they have told you it's a "max"
when it's at 6, because that's the maximum recommendedlevel.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
All generalizations are false, including this one.

Message 13604

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 09:55:58 +0100
Hi Andy,

> My sub disk 124 hadn't go the usual label, it said "CODENAME: HELLFIRE
> Amiga disk 1" on it :))

> Is AF recycling disks?

Charming! And yes, TIB (the company that produces the disks) *is* recycling
disks. When was the last time you saw DSDD disks on sale in the shops?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     New sig wanted good price paid.

Message 13605

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 09:58:37 +0100
Hi Danny,

> Ben, why do we CD subscribers still get a subs disk when the subs.dms file
> is on the CD anyway. It keeps me stocked with disks :) (though Subs125
> wasn't formatted!)

You shouldn't be. It's a screw-up with subscriptions, and we've told them
several times about it. However, you won't be bothered by it for much
longer since we're stopping the subs disk with the September issue.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      Beware of geeks bearing GIF's

Message 13606

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Pick yer own a** (Beavis)
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 10:02:25 +0100
Hi 4-0,

> I just need some help with setting up my Picasso4 gfx card. I'm currently
> running it at 800x600 with no problems at all. I want to go up to the next
> highest resolution of 1024x768 or even higher. The problem is that when I
> choose this res', I get the dredded flicker. Now I know my monitor can go
> up to that res' because it sez so in the manual. I think its something to
> do with the PicassoNG software, but the guides AND manual are less than
> helpfull.

You should be able to get resolutions much higher than that if you've
installed it properly. The restriction is the max speed you've set for the
board to prevent it damaging your monitor. You'll need to use Picasso96TNG
by Olaf Barthel to edit the speed at which you can run your card, or simply
re-install choosing a higher frequency driver.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      Beware of geeks bearing GIF's

Message 13607

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 10:10:25 +0100
Hi Neil,

>> P.S. Just had a thought: Does anyone know if you can get DEMs on the
>> internet. I'd love some of the UK;moon;mars etc. (if they exist)

> The Mars ones were on that CD, I don't know of any UK=A0ones.

The best place to look would be the USGS website. I'll take a guess and s=
that it will probably be at

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
      I don't have any solution, =

   but I certainly admire the problem.

Message 13608

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Code
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 10:18:15 +0100
Hi Jim,

> Ben do me a favour and get me OFF this mailing list ! I am new to the web

I've read some ten or so emails telling this guy what to do, before I read
hi email. Either his clock is screwy, or your are. Please check your clocks
are set correctly - it's vital for a mailing list.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13609

From: "Paul Venton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Virtual Memory
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 10:28:37 +0100

> > Hello
> > 
> > Well seeing as I originally bought a 4MB SIMM for =A3120 a few 
> > years ago and you can now get a at least 80MB for that price......
> Hmm; well; I s'pose so. I still think saying "With prices _so_ cheap"
> was a bit much. But then I'm just nit-picking because I don't wanna
> lose the argument ;)
> > 

Well you lost anyway - so there!!

Bye for now


Message 13610

From: Adam Bartlett
Subject: [afb] Re: Moaning bastards
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 11:45:42 +0100
I've noticed alot of people on this list who are complaining about nobody
writing anything worth reading. Why don't they just unsubscirbe then if
they don't like whats being talked about??

The way I see it there is more to life than just Amigas (no matter how good
they are :) and if something Amiga related happens that can be talked
about, it will be talked about, and any problems that people may have with
their Amigas will be sorted out (Napalm, IDE Harddisks etc.) if they ask a
question on the list, otherwise let's just talk about other fun stuff, like
Albatrosses, and PC's that say "Press F1 to continue", when there's no
keyboard plugged in :)

Bye for now

I hope you don't think I'm moaning, because I'm not :)


From the desk of Adam Bartlett (jherek:)

Everybody is talking about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
-- Mark Twain

Message 13611

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] Re: IDE CD-ROM LED
Date: 03 Jun 99 22:57:59 +0100
Hi Danny,

On 03-Jun-99 17:24:57 BST, Danny Shepherd wrote:

> I have an Atapi CDROM (Samsung 40x) installed on my A1200ide i/face via
> Power's 4xbuffered i/face.
> The problem is the HD light reacts to CDROM activity aswell as the HD,
> which I don't like.
> I know this can be stopped by cutting one of the lines on the CDROM data
> cable. I cannot remember which one it is. Can anyone help?

Get - it's
invaluable for this sort of information.

Note that some drives allow you to connect external LEDs, so it may be
worth checking both the CD and HD drives out.  If only one of them has an
external LED option, then cut the cable for that drive and then you can
hook up an external LED for that drive instead.

In answer to your question, pin 39 is the one you need to cut - here's
the relevant section from the aforementioned A1200 hardware guide:


Internal IDE Header

                                    Type: Male 44-way High Density DIL Header
                                    Used: IDE Devices
                                          DataFlyer SCSI Controller
                                          Catweasel HD Floppy Controller

  | 1  3  5  7  9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 |
  | 2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 |
    1: _RESET    Drive Reset            23: _IOWR      IO Write
    2: GND       Ground                 24: GND        Ground
    3: D7        Data Bit 7             25: _IORD      IO Read
    4: D8        Data Bit 8             26: GND        Ground
    5: D6        Data Bit 6             27: WAIT       IO Channel Ready
    6: D9        Data Bit 9             28:            --
    7: D5        Data Bit 5             29:            --
    8: D10       Data Bit 10            30: GND        Ground
    9: D4        Data Bit 4             31: _IDE_IRQ   Interrupt Request
   10: D11       Data Bit 11            32:            --
   11: D3        Data Bit 3             33: A1         Address 1
   12: D12       Data Bit 12            34:            --
   13: D2        Data Bit 2             35: A0         Address 0
   14: D13       Data Bit 13            36: A2         Address 2
   15: D1        Data Bit 1             37: _IDE_CS[1] IDE CS 1
   16: D14       Data Bit 14            38: _IDE_CS[2] IDE CS 2
   17: D0        Data Bit 0             39: _IDE_LED   Drive active LED
   18: D15       Data Bit 15            40: GND        Ground
   19: GND       Ground                 41: VCC        +5V DC
   20:           --                     42: VCC        +5V DC
   21:           --                     43: GND        Ground
   22: GND       Ground                 44:            --

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

 Amiga F1GP Mailing List ==> To:; "subscribe amigaf1gp"

Message 13612

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: Code
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:21:50 +0100
Hello Neil

On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:
>> Ben do me a favour and get me OFF this mailing list !
>> I am new to the web scene and this is sort of un-solicitated junk mail is
>> really getting on my tits
> As in AFB is junk mail? Why join in the first place?

> To afb members... I know I shouldn't have replied... he pissed me off
> though. Sorry.
> Neil

Yes you should have replied .... but to him direct , not the list 


mind you at least it was on topic ;-)

Message 13613

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:17:35 +0100
Hello Jayne

On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:
>> started well for the first week, although some people flatly refused to
>> do it, then some people started putting silly codes in their subjects and
>> now it's pretty much a forgotten topic of conversation. Besides you
>> always have the problem that what might have started out as a sensible,
>> Amiga-related topic has descended into lunacy (as so often happens). What
>> do others think?
> I don't think it would work, ppl would forget. Ages ago on the Pure Amiga
> list it was suggested that ppl put [OT] in the subject for off-topic mail.
> Now & again someone remembers to do it, but it's pretty rare.

People just need to be reminded from time to time , and those who just won't
should be given  short submit bans . A bit like being ' sin bined '

If the subscriber numbers keep going up (600 and still going)  the list will
decend into anarcy , if there are not rules .

There is a lot of good stuff on this list , but I find I have to delete 50%
as it is so OT or just chat between to people :-(


Message 13614

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 12:33:12 +0100
Hi Ben

Got AF125 through my door yesterday.  Have to agree, it does look mighty fine.
My faves are the news pages and the "Future's Bright" feature.  I'm full of
renewed hope and expectation now!

One thing - that Simon Goodwin is undoubtedly a clever chap and really know his
Amiga, but that jumper?  What was he thinking?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13615

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] I'm tired
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 12:36:51 +0100
Hi all

I've cycled to a mate's house to fix his sound-card.

Then back home.

Then to another person's house to install Windows on their PC.

And now mine has just buggered.

So I've just had to re-install Windows 98 on my PC.

Then set it up.

This week sucks.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13616

From: "Chris Green"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 12:35:17 +0100
Hi David

> So, does everyone at Computing know what an Amiga is?
> Do you get the kind of jokes I've had in the past from Mac or PC
> fans?

No, only me I'm afraid :( Thankfully most people know better than to say
anything like that to me at work, though I do get lost of people crowding
around my desk to gorp at my A3000, that now has pride of place next my
Piece of Crap Dell workstation.

Chris Green
Technical Editor @ Computing
VNU Business Publications

Message 13617

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:36:49 +0100
Hi Alex,

> Got AF125 through my door yesterday. Have to agree, it does look mighty
> fine. My faves are the news pages and the "Future's Bright" feature. I'm
> full of renewed hope and expectation now!

Glad you like 'em.

> One thing - that Simon Goodwin is undoubtedly a clever chap and really
> know his Amiga, but that jumper? What was he thinking?

Simon's choice of computer, dress, food and, indeed, lifestyle are all best
(and kindest) described as "alternative"... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
I'd like to change the world, 
but they won't give me the source code.

Message 13618

From: "Richard Lane"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: 4 Jun 99 11:02:16 +0100
Hi Ben Vost,

In reference to "[afb] Re: Subs mag",

> > Is AF recycling disks?
> Charming! And yes, TIB (the company that produces the disks) *is* recycli=
> disks=2E When was the last time you saw DSDD disks on sale in the shops?

Errr, yesterday actually=2E I bought a pack from Dixons in Ipswich =A33=2E4=
9 for
a box of ten=2E And no they're not HD but real DD ones=2E

Best Regards, Richard Lane - richard@amiga=2Eprestel=2Eco=2Euk

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a=2Elha
Magnum_Opus support site - http://www=2Ehomeusers=2Eprestel=2Eco=2Euk/amiga
                        Powered by *AMIGA*

Message 13619

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Storm See?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:47:25 +0000
Hello Gerald

On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Luckily it doesn't rain in Scotland.

Yup, Nessie would go on the rampage :-)

A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD & Coffee...

Message 13620

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: DSDD disks
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:48:44 +0100
Hi Richard,

>> Charming! And yes, TIB (the company that produces the disks) *is*
>> recycling disks. When was the last time you saw DSDD disks on sale in =
>> shops?

> Errr, yesterday actually. I bought a pack from Dixons in Ipswich =A33.4=
9 for
> a box of ten. And no they're not HD but real DD ones.

Doh! :)

All the best,
-- =

Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
       Behaviorist psychology: =

      pulling habits out of rats

Message 13621

Subject: [afb] Back to work...
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 11:52:37 -0000
Hi all
As you can tell I'm back on the AFB... So have I missed any hot topics??  I could read all the mails from the last 2 weeks but that's just plain masochism!  So this mail is just to appologise in advance for repeating stuff you all might have said already...

On a different note - it seems that the AFB gathering is gonna be big!  I've just checked the poll and loads of us have put our names down; it seems the North might be the most popular after all!!
Time to close the poll then....  could you do it Ben?
I can't get back in on my old username 'cos I forgot the password (2 weeks is a long time!!) and don't have access to the mail account anymore, so if you could delete and close the 2 polls I left open I'd appreciate it!!



Message 13622

From: Ralph
Subject: [afb] Re: Moaning bastards
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:50:50 +0100
Hello Adam

On 04-Jun-99, you wrote:
> Bye for now
> I hope you don't think I'm moaning, because I'm not :)

No but you should no that I do have a farther who was maried to my mother

Please watch you language  


Message 13623

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: MUI 68000 generic
Date: 03 Jun 99 13:56:18 +0000
Hello Matt Sealey, on 03-Jun-99 08:08:20 you said about:
 [afb] Re: MUI 68000 generic 

>> I've been wondering for a while now, is there a 040 version of MUI. I'm a
>> registered user and I've noticed that it says that it is the generic 68000
>> version. Is there any other?

>No. I asked Stefan and he says he regrets ever putting it there ;)

>If you think about it, though, the "generic 68000 version" is a bit
>anyway. I know I have some 020+ custom classes installed ;)

>I think he said something about MUI 4 and there being processor optimised
>versions, but he may have been joking.

IIRC, someone posted on c.s.a.m. that he'd emailed Stefan for some
reason. He said that MUI v4 was being worked on and that it would be
processor optimised.

Unfortunately, I no longer have the message to check if this is correct
and I'm buggered if I'm running up my phone bill any higher, looking on
Deja News to check... ;)

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Memories keep the wolf of insignificance from the door.

Message 13624

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: 04 Jun 99 01:09:31 +0000
Hello Iain Hamilton, on 03-Jun-99 14:54:17 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: IE5       was 

>On 03-Jun-99, Andy Mills wrote:

>> Unplug *anything* else you may have on yer phone line and try it then.

>Or alternatively, call the phone company and ask them to turn the gain on
>the phone line up to the maximum.  That worked for me, I now get roughly
>50k every time, that's if poxy demon don't connect me to a super slow
>server (which seems to be happening more and more frequently, and has
>encouraged me to move to another ISP). 

Tried it, made no difference - it's something with that particular
phone, it's either faulty or doesn't like modems. Any other phone on the
line and it's OK any other modem with that phone also has probs...

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
"Press Return to Continue" - known as "The Mail Menupause".

Message 13625

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA'99
Date: 04 Jun 99 01:51:32 +0000
Hello Paul Cundle, on 03-Jun-99 01:36:50 you said about:
 [afb] Re: WOA'99 


>Now, can anyone tell me about the tickets. I know they're probably
>rectangular and made of paper and you have to pay for them, but do you
>have to book? I always thought you did but can't actually find any
>reference to it in AF124.

I was trying to come out with a witty reply, but I'm just too tired
after a rather good SWAG pub meeting... z-)

You can book them in advance (which is cheaper), or pay on the day....

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Daddy?  What's this little red button for?

Message 13626

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: 04 Jun 99 12:35:55 +0000
Hello Ben Vost, on 04-Jun-99 08:52:20 you said about:
 [afb] Re: AF125 

>Hi Neil,

>>> Are you gonna vote for me in the AAA Awards? :)

>> Trawling for votes, you must be desperate :)

>Don't think that taking the moral high ground is going to help you! :)

Now, now, you two - that's enough. Let's keep it a clean fight.... ;)

BTW Ben, did you notice that I nearly drove into the wall opposite your
place last night? And to think that I never even touched a drop of
booze :-/

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
TOURIST SEASON OPEN!  Does that mean we can shoot them?

Message 13627

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Virtual Memory
Date: 04 Jun 99 12:39:47 +0000
Hello Phil Stephens, on 01-Jun-99 22:32:16 you said about:
 [afb] Re: Virtual Memory 


>Well I know the A4k's motherboard can take 16MB, but I thought it was
>in the order of 4x4MB simms ??

>I maybe wrong and you might be able to put one 16MB in, I did hear a
>rumour once that you can fit 4x32Mb in it, but I could never find out
>if this was true.

I checked last night and it is 4x4Mb simms, so my 16Mb simm would be no
good :(.

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
A motion to adjourn is always in order.

Message 13628

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: I'm tired
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 12:49:20 +0100
Hi folks,

>I've cycled to a mate's house to fix his sound-card.

>So I've just had to re-install Windows 98 on my PC.

Ahh, you gotta love microsoft hey! I make ten quid an hour for fixing
people's PCs or just giving lessons on how to use their
scanner/printer/internet access, its money for just sitting there :)

>This week sucks.

Here, let me make you feel better, last night a printer blew up in my face,
so I'll have to replace that before I can replace the Amiga's nice
USRobotics modem which I, er, knocked off the desk a few months back, (dumb
ass.....) and only after I replace the NIC I "borrowed" from my Dad's

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 13629

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Back to work...
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:55:26 +0100

> As you can tell I'm back on the AFB... So have I missed any hot topics?? I
> could read all the mails from the last 2 weeks but that's just plain
> masochism! So this mail is just to appologise in advance for repeating
> stuff you all might have said already...

Just have a look for the thread that starts with "Star Wars Names" - I think
you (personally - not necessarily anyone else on the list, OK?) will get a
kick from it, although others aren't so keen...

> seems the North might be the most popular after all!! Time to close the
> poll then.... could you do it Ben? I can't get back in on my old username

Sure thing.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13630

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:56:42 +0100
Hi Andy,

> BTW Ben, did you notice that I nearly drove into the wall opposite your
> place last night? And to think that I never even touched a drop of
> booze :-/

I can vouch for Andy's sobriety. All he had was a single Diet Pepsi. Oh yes,
and it was "laced" with a triple Vodka... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
Click...Click... Damn!  Out of taglines!

Message 13631

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Hey! Dave Hunt! Yes, you!
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:58:43 +0100
Hi Dave,

Sorry, just had to do it to see the look on your face... :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13632

From: "Paul Venton"
Subject: [afb] Re: I'm tired
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:21:03 +0100

> Here, let me make you feel better, last night a printer blew up in my
> face, so I'll have to replace that

Sorry to hear that - hope you can replace your face quickly...

Bye for now


Message 13633

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 12:47:46 +0100
Hi guys

>>>Praise the lord for many-hundred megabit internet connections!
>>Curse the lord for my shitty 56k modem that only ever gets 31.2k connections.
>Unplug *anything* else you may have on yer phone line and try it then.
>I had thne same problem, but worse. The max I could ever get was 26k :(.
>I eventually traced it to the main phone downstairs, once I removed it I
>was getting anyting up to 50k...

Cool!  So why does that help?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13634

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem speeds (was IE5)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:05:18 +0100
Hi Danny Shepherd

>>> Praise the lord for many-hundred megabit internet connections!
>> Curse the lord for my shitty 56k modem that only ever gets 31.2k
>> connections.
>I'd blame your ISP (Virgin?) before the modem. Also make sure the modem is
>upgraded to full V90 not X2/K56Flex. My mates modem would not connect at
>more than 31200 until he flash upgraded to V90, now it connects at
>44000-49000. (And that's on Freeswerve!)

I don't think it's Virgin cos I've tried other ISP's and I usually get a sub-36k
connection.  I'm fairly sure my modem is V90 (I've only had it ~3 months) - is
there any easy way to find out?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13635

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Windows and manuals (Was YAM filtering)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:26:29 +0100


>> projects elsewhere? (I think I'll do a poll on this, just need to
>> decide on possible answers...)
>How about:
>  o  Printed manuals are better
>  o  Printed manuals have their place, but on-line manuals are better
>  o  Both have their place, as long as the same info is contained in
>     both
>  o  Both have their place, as long as some info is included in both.
>  o  Both have their place, as long as no duplication of info
>     occurs
>  o  On-line manuals have their place, but printed manuals are
>     better
>  o  On-line manuals are better
>  o  Don't care

Not forgetting:

  o On-line manuals, but only if they have a search option
  o On-line manuals, but only if they have troubleshooters
  o Don't mind as long as they have nice piccies!
  o Manuals are for wusses.


Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13636

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:38:01 +0100
Hi Chrispy

>>>(and we all know no one could live without SWOS ).
>>Not here. I HATE FOOTY
>    I have to admit, I'm not a great fan of football myself, but not long
>after I got the A1200, my brother insisted I got a football game for it, so
>I bought Sensi soccer (I think it was the '96 version - I can't find it
>ATM). I thought - it's the most popular footy sim available, it should keep
>him happy...
>    He never played the f**king thing! I played it myself a couple of times,
>and while I'll admit it's a good game, I can never get used to trying to
>control 11 players with one joystick! Now give me a good platformer... :-)

Well that's your problem - I find SWOS impossible to play with a joystick.  But
stick a Megadrive joypad in there and I top the league every time.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13637

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Code
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:27:29 +0100
Hi Bauglir

>> Ben do me a favour and get me OFF this mailing list ! I am new to the web
>> scene and this is sort of un-solicitated junk mail is really getting on my
>> tits
>In order to join this list you must specifically ask for it, someone else
>can't join it for you, so this "junk mail" is *not* unsolicited.

I seem to remeber seeing something on the site about "inviting" someone to join.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13638

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Code
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:29:49 +0100
Hi Peter Price

>Jim McGovern scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: Code :
>> Ben do me a favour and get me OFF this mailing list ! I am new to the web

Do you think he's Jimmy McGovern?  (as in Cracker)

>Yes, Ben, please DO get him off AFB. Honestly, some people shouldn't be
>allowed to surf the 'Net. :\
>> So please get me off this JUNK REGISTER !
>Who once said "If you want to get out of it, you must have gotten into it in
>the first place?"

Harry Houdini?

Bill Clinton?

Those are guesses BTW.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13639

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re:
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:38:23 +0100
Hi Anton

>> >In a weak moment, Alex decided that Microsoft were not the anti
>> >christ, but...
>> If that's an automated feature of your mailer, it was possibly the most
>> inappropriate one it could have chosen.
>You will be relieved to hear that this was a "humourous" one off.  If
>it offended you.. Sorry, that was not the intention.

It's alright, it's just from time-to-time random sigs/greets need editing.
Would you send a mail to a Princess Diana fan with that old "Princess Diana
Scalextric" joke as you tagline?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13640

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: JavaScript (Was:
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:38:31 +0100
Hi Thomas Hurst

>> That's got me thinking - there's an HTML validator on the web, but is
>> there a Javascript validator anywhere?
>Yes, it's called a web browser with "Warn on JS errors" enabled :)

But different browsers handle different versions of JScript in different ways.
I've heard AWeb and IE5 are very picky, IE4 quite lax and IE3 just plain pants.
Anyway of comparing a JScript against the Netscape specs?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13641

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: AMOS flame grilled?
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:38:41 +0100
Hi James Lowe

>>> True, but what if you moved to a better Pascal compiler, and it was
>> as strict as that? :)
>> But I thought you said High Speed was the best.
>I did, but there might be a better Pascal compiler released in the
>future. So far, there hasn't been, but you never know :)

The words "horse", "dead" and "flogging" spring to mind ;-)

>>>> use TP) you don't supply the source but an EXE. So long as it
>>>> works with your compiler, the EXE will work on anyone's machine.
>>> Within reason - there will be some machines that it won't work on,
>>> even though it's only a tiny program.
>> Obviously machines of the same platform. Why, it would be foolish to
>> try and run a Windoze EXE in Workbench.
>I was talking about the source code. Not every program will compile -
>for example, if it's been programmed in, Borland C, there's no
>guarantee it'll compile on VBCC or Storm C.

Fairly doos - I'll agree with you on that :-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13642

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] ICQ
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:40:39 +0100
Hi all

There's been a fair bit of rumbling about ICQ of late, but what is ICQ?

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13643

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
Date: 4 Jun 99 13:10:57 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format  wrote on Wed, 02 Jun 1999 23:12:43 -0000 about [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!


> Have you played it? It play's nothing like C&C and is just, well crap, I've
> got no other words for it. Of course this is my opinion and I know a lot
> of people like it.
> People want command & conquer playability, not napalm ;))

I have Command & Conquer, I also have Red Alert & Red Alert

I bought Napalm and think it's great, there are a few little bugs, but
most of them are sorted now and although yes I agree it's not Command
& Conquer it is still a great game !

It seems to have the right level of difficulty, perhaps that's why you
don't like it ?

I'm running it also using a graphics card which I know makes alot of
difference coupled with my 060, but I'm glad I've bought it:)

Now if I could only get off mission 1:)

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13644

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: RSVP: Will you still buy FusionPPC?
Date: 4 Jun 99 13:12:36 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format  wrote on ??? about [afb] RSVP: Will you still buy FusionPPC?


> If you said yes you will buy it, will you still buy it now you know the price?
> ----
> Please select one of the following:
>    o Yes - I've already pre-ordered.
>    o Yes - I'm going to pre-order.
>    o Yes - After it comes out.
>    o No - It's just too much money for me. :(

I would if I had a PPC, but if I managed to get a G4 at the end of the
year, then the answer will be probably, if I've enough money left

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13645

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: 4 Jun 99 13:41:46 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Ferenczy wrote on Thu, 03 Jun 1999 02:02:44 +0100 about [afb] Re: New AF?

Hi Ferenczy

> Sounds fab - I'm after a SCSI module for my old Blizzard 1230/50, so I can use
> my Zip drive on my two main machines - do you know if the SCSI modules are
> compatible? I seem to remember hearing that they're not, which probbaly means
> scouring the net ...

Yes it's the same module for the 1230IV, 1240 and the 1260, infact
1240 and 1260 user's have to use 1230scsi.device in order to use it as
that's the devices name IIRC.

You also might consider Hisoft Zip tools, which I believe is about 10
now, I've been running this from the start with my Zip Drive, and it's
worked on every SCSI Module and IDE drive I've had except one:)

It's a shame power have priced the SCSI module so high IMO, IIRC I
paid only 56 for it from White Knight previously and to now have it
for sale at 70 seem's unfair, I hope White Knight bring it out
cheaper than that, as I wouldn't mind getting one for my second
machine, but not at that price !

Hope this help's

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13646

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: 4 Jun 99 13:37:02 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Neil Bullock wrote on Thu, 3 Jun 1999 01:54:37 +0100 about [afb] Re: New AF?

Hi Neil Bullock


> > M8, don't go, I had two done just over a week ago and I'm sure that's
> > why I have a virus ATM, about 5 Mouth ulcers in fact !
> >
> To be honest, mine bloody hurt too! She didn't use enough anaesthetic and it
> was really hurting and I let the dentist know, but they just carried on. When
> they'd finished, it hurt even more than when I went in, and it hasn't fixed
> the original problem anyway!!!

Well you can have them for neglect then, especially if you said it was
hurting ATM, goto your doctor's and explain to them, that's what I'd

My infection seem's to be at last going, but so it should, I've had it
over a week !

Also I've still yet to have my Wisdom Tooth out, I hope that doesn't
cause me similar problem's, I can't afford to have more time off work
like this:(

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13647

From: Iain Hamilton
Subject: [afb] Interview with Ted Waitt of Gateway
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:39:00 +0000

Has anyone else read the Guardian interview with Ted Waitt?

If not I suggest you do, as it makes for extremely interesting reading.
Quite a lot of the article completely contradicts a lot of the things coming
from the Amiga camp.  Most worrying of all is his continual reference to a
gateway/router/set top box which will be produced by gateway and will
allow... ack, can't be bothered typing anymore, go to the following url and
read it yourself if you haven't already done so.,3605,55081,00.html

Kind regards

Iain - Slarti
Amiga, PPC help, Links, Downloads and some really bad poetry and some not so
bad ;)

Message 13648

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Code
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:41:19 +0100
Hi Alex,

> I seem to remeber seeing something on the site about "inviting" someone to
> join.

Yeah, but that's all it is, just an invite.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
 ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI

Message 13649

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Interview with Ted Waitt of Gateway
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:45:28 +0100
Hi Iain,

> If not I suggest you do, as it makes for extremely interesting reading.
> Quite a lot of the article completely contradicts a lot of the things
> coming from the Amiga camp. Most worrying of all is his continual
> reference to a gateway/router/set top box which will be produced by
> gateway and will allow... ack, can't be bothered typing anymore, go to the
> following url and read it yourself if you haven't already done so.

Don't worry, it's not bad news I assure you, neither is the comment about
Amiga not being a computer company...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Member of the International 
    Brotherhood of Tagline Thieves.

Message 13650

From: Iain Hamilton
Subject: [afb] Re: Interview with Ted Waitt of Gateway
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:46:50 +0000
On 04-Jun-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> Don't worry, it's not bad news I assure you, neither is the comment about
> Amiga not being a computer company...

um, do you know something we don't, or is it just journalistic instinct ;)


Iain - Slarti
Amiga, PPC help, Links, Downloads and some really bad poetry and some not so
bad ;)

Message 13651

From: "Andrew Korn"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:07:55 +0100
Alex Furmanski said:

> One thing - that Simon Goodwin is undoubtedly a clever chap and really know
> Amiga, but that jumper?  What was he thinking?

You should have seen the shoelaces he took to Cologne last year - I think he
needed to wear sunglasses when he tied them. I've got a photo somewhere...


Andrew Korn

Message 13652

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Interview with Ted Waitt of Gateway
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:49:11 +0100
Hi Iain,

>> Don't worry, it's not bad news I assure you, neither is the comment about
>> Amiga not being a computer company...

> um, do you know something we don't, or is it just journalistic instinct ;)

I'd hope it was a bit of both, after all, I am supposed to be editor of an
Amiga magazine! :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 13653

From: Iain Hamilton
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:55:10 +0000
Hello Neil

On 04-Jun-99, you wrote:

> What is it set to, it's quite possible they have told you it's a "max"
> when it's at 6, because that's the maximum recommended=A0level.

When I first asked them to up the gain they put it up to 6 and I still ha=
some problems with the 15 metre extension cable I had running to my miggy=
so I got them to up it again.  Since then I manage to get pretty much a
stable 56k (or whatever Demon is currently running at)line.  I definately=

don't have distortion on the telephone, though my phone is a rather neat
=A360 BT model, though I can't see that making much difference.

-- =


Iain - Slarti
Amiga, PPC help, Links, Downloads and some really bad poetry and some not=
bad ;)=

Message 13654

From: Iain Hamilton
Subject: [afb] Re: Interview with Ted Waitt of Gateway
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:00:35 +0000
On 04-Jun-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> I'd hope it was a bit of both, after all, I am supposed to be editor of an
> Amiga magazine! :)

Pardon me for saying so but my missus thinks that you are a dead ringer for
the actor Joe Montegna. Only shorter, not as old and less italian looking


Iain - Slarti
Amiga, PPC help, Links, Downloads and some really bad poetry and some not so
bad ;)

Message 13655

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem speeds (was IE5)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 14:05:59 +0100
> >I'd blame your ISP (Virgin?) before the modem. Also make sure the modem
> >upgraded to full V90 not X2/K56Flex. My mates modem would not connect at
> >more than 31200 until he flash upgraded to V90, now it connects at
> >44000-49000. (And that's on Freeswerve!)
> I don't think it's Virgin cos I've tried other ISP's and I usually get a
> connection.  I'm fairly sure my modem is V90 (I've only had it ~3
months) - is
> there any easy way to find out?

Yes, there is an AT command that shows modem diagnostics. I think it`s AT&V1
If you open a terminal and type that in, it should tell you which protocol
it supports.

Oh yeah, the slow connection thing is because your phone line is crap. Mine
is on
a telegraph pole over the street and the darn thing disconnects on every
three trucks
that go by.

Pick up your phone and dial a number. Now listen....
It`s a silent sort of hiss, but enough to break the v90 protocol.

You could also be a) too far away from the telephone exchange or b) two
away from the ISP interconnect - v90 relies on there being you,
interconnect, ISP
and if there are more than two "jumps" in the middle that convert digital to
or otherwise, you`re stuffed.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13656

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Interview with Ted Waitt of Gateway
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:10:12 +0100
Hi Iain,

> Pardon me for saying so but my missus thinks that you are a dead ringer
> for the actor Joe Montegna. Only shorter, not as old and less italian
> looking ;)

Well, it makes a pleasant change from people thinking I'm David Baddiel at
least, although I'm wondering now - how tall would you say that Joe
Mantegna is? I'm 6'3".

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
If at first you do succeed, try to hide
your astonishment.

Message 13657

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: JavaScript (Was:
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 14:14:06 +0100
> Hi Thomas Hurst
> >> That's got me thinking - there's an HTML validator on the web, but is
> >> there a Javascript validator anywhere?
> >
> >Yes, it's called a web browser with "Warn on JS errors" enabled :)
> But different browsers handle different versions of JScript in different
> I've heard AWeb and IE5 are very picky, IE4 quite lax and IE3 just plain
> Anyway of comparing a JScript against the Netscape specs?

No, because JScript and JavaScript are VERY different things. JScript is to
MS J++ as VBScript is to Visual Basic. Javascript is ECMAScript with knobs
on and a confusing name to make people look. Just so you know ;)

With regards to checking Javascript, your best bet is to use the Javascript
debugger you get with AWeb, IE5 or Netscape. They all flash warnings up
on crap JS.

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13658

From: Adam Bartlett
Subject: [afb] Re: DOpu titlebar
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:21:45 +0100
Hmm, does anyone know how to make the DOpus window fullscreen, i.e. without
the titlebar??
When I used Workbench, I had a little Iprefs replacement called FastIPrefs
that did this for me, but I can't seem to get DOpus to do it???

Anyone got any ideas?


From the desk of Adam Bartlett (jherek:)

Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.
-- Mark Twain

Message 13659

From: "Paul Venton"
Subject: [afb] Re: DOpu titlebar
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 14:24:11 +0100

> Hmm, does anyone know how to make the DOpus window fullscreen, i.e.
> without the titlebar?? When I used Workbench, I had a little Iprefs
> replacement called FastIPrefs that did this for me, but I can't seem to
> get DOpus to do it???
> Anyone got any ideas?

Don't know about that, but does anyone know why I have over 4GB 
of fast memory in my title bar - only when I choose that feature. If 
only I had 4GB of memory, heck even 1GB would be fine!!!!

Bye for now


Message 13660

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Pick yer own a** (Beavis)
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:19:19 +0000
Hello Ben

On 04-Jun-99, you wrote:

The restriction is the max speed you've set for the
> board to prevent it damaging your monitor. You'll need to use Picasso96TNG
> by Olaf Barthel to edit the speed at which you can run your card, or
> simply re-install choosing a higher frequency driver.

Yup, I'm using the Picasso96TNG software supplied. I go through all the
settings, and set up a monitor with the same vertical & Horizontal
frequencies as my own. I then select the screenmodes i want to edit. When I
use the test screenmode button, it displays the screenmode perfectly with no
flicker. I save the settings to PIV defaults, quit and the program informs
me I need to reset, so I do. Upon reloading WB, I change the screenmodes to
only get a flickery display.

I'm sure the software is installed correctly. I think I'm just missing one
crucial step in setting up th board.

If it helps, heres my monitor specs:
Iris 15" colour monitor
*    scanning frequencies*
        Horizontal -30 ~ 68KHz
        Vertical - 50 ~ 90Hz



A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD & Coffee...

Message 13661

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] 0 6 Ohhhhh
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:28:48 +0000
Hiya everyone.

I'm considering upgrading my miggy to an 060, but I dont want to fork out
for the cyberstorm Mk3 as my MK2 is capable of accepting an 060 chip. I just
need to know if anyone knows where I can get an 060 chip and Xstal from and
for how much?
Btw, I would get a PPC except aswell as it costing a bomb for an A4000, It
also uses Ultra wide SCSI which costs a bit aswell.


A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD & Coffee...

Message 13662

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Mr. & Mrs. Horgan
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:38:54 +0000
To Tony H

I've just read my AF and came accross THAT story.

Well, Congratulations Tony , I'm sure all the other afb'ers wish you and
your other half well.
Btw, How long before wee see lots of baby Horgans running about the
place and bothering uncle Vost?  ;-) hehe

Anyway, as for your tune.. Is there any chance of putting a sample of it on
a coverCD as I'm dying to hear it :-)


A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD & Coffee...

Message 13663

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Funny photos
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:53:45 +0000
Hiya afb'ppl

I was wondering who actually took the photos for the main feature in the new
AF, because most of them are ideal for funny caption competitions. The ones
with Jim Collas in especially. :-)

1) bottom, page 16..
    Jim & Petro Chinchekov (ahem) look like siamese twins :-)
2) top/right, page 17..
    El Collas, major drugs baron of columbia, poses in front of his "shrubbery"
3) Bottom, page 18..
    Jim Collas (again) starting a pub brawl.. "C'mon then if ya think ya
'ard enuff"
4) Top, page 18..
    Neil Bothwick lets one rip, and is relegated to his own window to
attempt contain the pong.

Btw, great issue.


A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD & Coffee...

Message 13664

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:24:18 +0000
Gerald Mellor scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: IRC :

> Haha, maybe so, but it's a lot more fun than arcnet is :) 

Bzzzt! Wrong!

> And it doesn't
> have you killed for using the wrong nick, you are just forced to choose
> another... seems sensible to me. 

Thus forcing you to use a nickname which people from other networks may not
recognise you by. No-one on IRC OWNS a nickname. Just like no-one in real
life OWNS their name. Remind me to go around killing every Peter Price on
the planet because it seems sensible ;)

> As for warez and kiddie porn, you're unlikely to encounter it unless you
> actively go looking for it, so why should it bother you?

I was on Dalnet daily for about a week, never left #amiga, and was offered
warez and porn around 10-15 times by random private message. Suffice to say
I haven't been back...

Best Regards
Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*

Bus drivers DO IT in transit.

Message 13665

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Mr. & Mrs. Horgan
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:58:46 +0100
Hi 4-0,

> Anyway, as for your tune.. Is there any chance of putting a sample of it
> on a coverCD as I'm dying to hear it :-) l8rs

Don't worry Tony's going to write a whole feature on making your own record
and we'll definitely have snippets of it on the CD...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
try this:

Message 13666

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:27:07 +0000
Hi Andy,

> BTW Ben, did you notice that I nearly drove into the wall opposite your=

> place last night? And to think that I never even touched a drop of
> booze :-/

You should've seen my dad hit the curb at 30Mph outside our house!  I tho=
ught we
was going to end up in our nextdoor-neighbours garden !

-- =

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:     |=


Message 13667

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:27:07 +0000
Hi Andy,

> BTW Ben, did you notice that I nearly drove into the wall opposite your=

> place last night? And to think that I never even touched a drop of
> booze :-/

You should've seen my dad hit the curb at 30Mph outside our house!  I tho=
ught we
was going to end up in our nextdoor-neighbours garden !

-- =

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:     |=


Message 13668

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:25:14 +0000
Hi Ben,

> I can vouch for Andy's sobriety. All he had was a single Diet Pepsi. Oh yes,
> and it was "laced" with a triple Vodka... :)

Alright. I admit it. I did put quarter pint of Gin in Andy's pepsi when he
wasn't looking.... no wonder the meeting was more lively than usual :)

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:     |

Message 13669

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:06:18 +0000
Hi Richard,

> Errr, yesterday actually. I bought a pack from Dixons in Ipswich =A33.4=
9 for
> a box of ten. And no they're not HD but real DD ones.

It must be and end-of-line thing - I can only find DSDD disks in my very =
local computer shop, RJ Computers, and they normally only have 1 box at m=
The Amiga is the only format still using DD floppys isn't it ?

-- =

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:     |=


Message 13670

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: Hey! Dave Hunt! Yes, you!
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:59:45 +0000
Hi Ben,

> Sorry, just had to do it to see the look on your face... :)

You just couldn't resist it could you ?  :)

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:     |

Message 13671

From: Tim Seifert
Subject: [afb] Re: It's me really
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 00:00:56 +0930
_Replying to a message_:

  From:  Paul Cundle 
   Via:  Amiga Format mailing list 
 Dated:  Tuesday, 01-Jun-99, 08:42:53
 About:  [afb] Re: It's me really 

Hello Paul,

>> ECHO ATM1L3DT123 >COM2 (or whatever COM port your modem is on)

(that was the IBuM information)

> Do you know how I'd go about it with a modem on a Surf Squirrel.
> I can't echo to SER: because that's isn't where it's plugged in.
> I s'pose it has something to do with squirrelserial.device

Not directly, I got rid of my Surf Squirrel, as it just would not work
on my computer (nor the two replacement Surf Squirrels, nor on two
other A1200s - a point not often talked about, but they're NOT very
good, compatibility wise).  

But try typing in ASSIGN DEVICES in the CLI, and look at the list of
available devices.  See if anything looks obviously belonging to the
Surf Squirrel.  

Failing that, try its manual.  I seem to remember it having a fairly
elaborate printed instruction book.

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


Lucky for you I typed this, nobody can read my handwriting.

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 13672

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Hey! Dave Hunt! Yes, you!
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 15:34:31 +0100
Hi Philip,

> You just couldn't resist it could you ?  :)

Ahh, young master Edwards. Good to see you return to the fold...

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Always proofread carefully to 
       see if you any words out.

Message 13673

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 15:35:01 +0100
Hi Philip,

> It must be and end-of-line thing - I can only find DSDD disks in my very
> small local computer shop, RJ Computers, and they normally only have 1 box
> at most. The Amiga is the only format still using DD floppys isn't it ?

It's about the only format using floppies at all.

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13674

From: Robert Johnston
Subject: [afb] Re:
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 15:34:40 +0100
Neil Bothwick wrote:
> screen.width and screen.depth aren't basic variable declarations.
> They are object properties defined in JavaScript 1.2, hence their
> absence from 1.1.

That'd be why, then.
Robert "Anakha" Johnston
Anakha - Without Destiny
Remember, Remember, the 6th of June...

Message 13675

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: 4 Jun 1999 14:46:59 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Hi Neil,

>>> Are you gonna vote for me in the AAA Awards? :)

>> Trawling for votes, you must be desperate :)

> Don't think that taking the moral high ground is going to help you! :)

I wouldn't know the moral high ground if Ifell over it :-/

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider

Message 13676

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 16:01:28 +0100
Hi Neil,

>> Don't think that taking the moral high ground is going to help you! :)

> voteformevoteformevoteformevoteformevoteformevoteformevoteformevoteforme

So I see... (/me archly raises eyebrow and gives a knowing and sardonic look
in the hope that potential voters will be impressed by his willingness to
deal with issues and not stoop to sling mud... )

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
 ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI

Message 13677

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: Circulation
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 10:04:11 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Oliver Masters wrote: 
> > If the magazine is getting harder to find ....... 
> My local WH Smith (Merry Hill Centre, West Midlands) has taken to hiding
> AF behind piles of other mags. Until recently it had pride of place on
> the front row amongst all the PC and Mac mags. 

  My WHSmiths, (North Finchley, London), seems to have an ever expanding
Amiga Format presence.  They had about 8 copies glowing thier way off of
the top self this month.  Proudly alongside a few high profile computer

  The lesser spotted amiga mags club opens soon!  :)


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 13678

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: A few jumbled up questions :)
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 23:33:22 +0100
Good greetings  Neil

On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:

> HI,
> I have a few jumbled up questions to ask.
> 1) If a reader wrote an article which would fill up 15 pages of AF
> (which you probably wouldn't be able to fit in one issue) but actually
> paid for the pages himself (or herself :) would you put the article in?

I could use a pint of whatever you're on! ;)

> Neil



/PGP Key available on request/
It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but
the result's the same.
-- Mike Dennison

Message 13679

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Circulation
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 16:06:30 +0100
Hi Chris,

>  My WHSmiths, (North Finchley, London), seems to have an ever expanding
> Amiga Format presence.  They had about 8 copies glowing thier way off of
> the top self this month.  Proudly alongside a few high profile computer
> mags.

What? They've already got AF125?

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275

Message 13680

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Re: Circulation
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 10:13:50 -0500 (CDT)
On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Ben Vost wrote:
> >  My WHSmiths, (North Finchley, London), seems to have an ever expanding
> > Amiga Format presence.  They had about 8 copies glowing thier way off of
> > the top self this month.  Proudly alongside a few high profile computer
> > mags.
> What? They've already got AF125?

  Sorry,  last month.  Hence the "glowing".  I've not seen this months,
but bright covers certainly do stand out amoungst the usual white and
black crowd.

  As a guide, they usually arrive at mid afternoon on a Saturday.  Well,
the past few have. 


Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 13681

From: Mark
Subject: [afb] Re: Circulation
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 16:20:29 +0100 (BST)
On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Chris Andrews wrote:

>   As a guide, they usually arrive at mid afternoon on a Saturday.  Well,
> the past few have. 

When I worked in WHSmith's we tended to get them in Saturday morning.
You're lucky if you're getting them put up by the afternoon - we were
usually too busy on Saturdays to get round to reshelving the news dept. Or
maybe we were just lazy :)

I know one thing - I was always the first person to pick up the latest
edition in that shop (the 25% discount didn't discourage me either ;)

Subscribe to the Philippa Forrester Mailing List at:
or send a blank e-mail to:

Message 13682

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: 0 6 Ohhhhh
Date: 4 Jun 1999 16:4:2 +0100
4-0 said, 

> I'm considering upgrading my miggy to an 060, but I dont want to fork out
> for the cyberstorm Mk3 as my MK2 is capable of accepting an 060 chip. I just
> need to know if anyone knows where I can get an 060 chip and Xstal from and
> for how much?

There's a bit moreto it than that, the 060 is 3.3V whereas the 040
runs at 5V.

> Btw, I would get a PPC except aswell as it costing a bomb for an A4000, It
> also uses Ultra wide SCSI which costs a bit aswell.

The drives cost around the same (they're the same drives, only the
interface circuitry is different). Cabling for UW drives is a bit more
expensive, but not silly like it was a year ago. Or you can fit a
68-50pin adaptor for about 15 and use your existing drives.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
There's got to be more to life than compile-and-go.

Message 13683

From: "Richard Lane"
Subject: [afb] Re: Moaning bastards
Date: 4 Jun 99 13:20:34 +0100
Hi Adam Bartlett,

In reference to "[afb] Re: Moaning bastards",

> I've noticed alot of people on this list who are complaining about nobody
> writing anything worth reading. Why don't they just unsubscirbe then if
> they don't like whats being talked about??

The reason I and a lot of others no doubt subscribed in the first place is
because the this list is supposed to be Amiga and Amiga Format related. 

> The way I see it there is more to life than just Amigas (no matter how good
> they are :) and if something Amiga related happens that can be talked
> about, it will be talked about, and any problems that people may have with
> their Amigas will be sorted out (Napalm, IDE Harddisks etc.) if they ask a
> question on the list, otherwise let's just talk about other fun stuff, like
> Albatrosses, and PC's that say "Press F1 to continue", when there's no
> keyboard plugged in :)

Yes there is more to life than the Amiga. But, I think you're missing the
point a bit. If there's nothing of relevence to talk about (something I
find very hard to believe) why post just for the sake of it? Some of us
have to pay by the minute to download email. If I'd have wanted to join a
mailing list of general chat or other things then there's plenty of others,
take a look on http:/ or There's also
tens of thousands of newsgroups that cater for every subject under the sun.

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site -
                        Powered by *AMIGA*

Message 13684

From: "Bill"
Subject: [afb] Abackup
Date: 4 Jun 99 16:42:20 +0000
Hi Ben,

Having seen your report in AF125 I thought I would try out Abackup for the
following reason:

 I have a 1200 untowered and use Quarteback to backup to zips.
My son did the same on his 1200 until he had it towerised (atapi). Now
Quarterback will not recognised his zip drive.

To test Abackup I installed it on my system but it keeps on crashing, causing
the following guru:

Task  : 01005B52 "Unknown"
Error : 8000000B (DEADEND)
By    : CPU
Cause : unexpected LINEF

Would you need to know more to possibly offer a solution?



Message 13685

From: "Even Sandvik Underlid"
Subject: [afb] Re: Circulation
Date: 04 Jun 99 15:40:51 +0500
Oliver Masters wrote:

>My local WH Smith (Merry Hill Centre, West Midlands) has taken to hiding AF
>behind piles of other mags. Until recently it had pride of place on the
>front row amongst all the PC and Mac mags.

Well, we cannot do much about this, but what we can do - as readers of the 
mag - is to get more people to subscribe, and at least secure the current 
readers for another year. Or half a year. AF won't recruit large numbers of 
new readers in the current Amiga situation anyway, so it's better to 
concentrate on keeping those who are here. (I hear some people disagree.)

If most of the current readers took out subscriptions, this should secure
that AF is still 100 pages and top quality in 7-8 months - and that's when
the saviour, AmigasoftOE, is being released, isn't it? ;) 
ATM I'm paying less than 2/5 of the price per issue of AF compared to what
I paid at my newsagents. I know the difference isn't /that/ big in England,
but there's still a lot to save. Backstage and faster delivery of the mag
is also good bonuses, in my opinion.

Even Sandvik Underlid,
extremely happy AF-subscriber,

Message 13686

From: Chris Andrews
Subject: [afb] Amiga's bank details.
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 11:03:38 -0500 (CDT)
  Now call me old fashioned.  But, why do Amiga list their bank details
on the web site?  I've never see anyone do this before. 



Sid4Amiga - - Server Side Internet Development  -

Message 13687

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: 0 6 Ohhhhh
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 17:04:46 +0100

> Hiya everyone.
> I'm considering upgrading my miggy to an 060, but I dont want to fork out
> for the cyberstorm Mk3 as my MK2 is capable of accepting an 060 chip.

Are you sure? I thought only the Mk3 was dual CPU compatible.. and besides,
you can get the much faster Mk4 now anyway.

> I just need to know if anyone knows where I can get an 060 chip and Xstal
> from and for how much?

060 chip? Dunno. Try Blittersoft or Eyetech and see if they`ll sell you one
standalone. Same for crystals, although your local electrnoics people should
stick crystals. Maplins? RS?

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13688

From: "Ben Vost"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's bank details.
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 17:04:22 +0100
Hi Chris,

>  Now call me old fashioned.  But, why do Amiga list their bank details
> on the web site?  I've never see anyone do this before. 

It's probably a handy reference for dealers wanting to buy from Petro - I
assume he gets just as fed up with repeating his bank details as I do with
repeating about how to start a usergroup! :)

All the best,
Ben Vost (x2337)     T: (+44) 01225 442244
Editor, Amiga Format F: (+44) 01225 732275
     Member of the International 
    Brotherhood of Tagline Thieves.

Message 13689

From: Adam Bartlett
Subject: [afb] Re: Moaning bastards
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 17:06:46 +0100
On 04-Jun-99, Richard Lane skillfully penned:

> Yes there is more to life than the Amiga. But, I think you're missing the
> point a bit. If there's nothing of relevence to talk about (something I
> find very hard to believe) why post just for the sake of it? Some of us
> have to pay by the minute to download email. If I'd have wanted to join a
> mailing list of general chat or other things then there's plenty of
> others, take a look on http:/ or
> There's also tens of thousands of newsgroups that cater for every subject
> under the sun.

Yes but on this list you can talk about things not Amiga related with other
Amiga users :)

Things like Large Sea Birds.....


From the desk of Adam Bartlett (jherek:)

I like work ... I can sit and watch it for hours.

Message 13690

From: "Matt Sealey"
Subject: [afb] Re: Amiga's bank details.
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 17:06:58 +0100
>   Now call me old fashioned.  But, why do Amiga list their bank details
> on the web site?  I've never see anyone do this before. 
>   (

So that you can send them money? It`s for all that spare parts crap IIRC
so they just say "bank details are on the website" instead of quoting
hundreds of little numbers and german words..

Matt Sealey
Distributed Systems Support
Computer Centre
University of Leicester

Message 13691

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: Code
Date: 4 Jun 99 16:56:15 +0100
Ralph ( wrote:
> Hello Neil

> mind you at least it was on topic ;-)

Makes a change, and you didn't even mention Neil Bothwick visiting the
Wigan & West Lancs user group this coming Sunday, 1pm 'til 4pm! 

D'oh!   ;-)


PS If you show up and he doesn't, blame him not me  :)

Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 13692

From: "Kevin Fairhurst"
Subject: [afb] Re: A4000 memory (was Virtual Memory)
Date: 4 Jun 99 17:13:58 +0100
Andy Mills ( wrote:
> Hello Phil Stephens, on 01-Jun-99 22:32:16 you said about:
>  [afb] Re: Virtual Memory 
> [snip]
> >Well I know the A4k's motherboard can take 16MB, but I thought it was
> >in the order of 4x4MB simms ??
> >I maybe wrong and you might be able to put one 16MB in, I did hear a
> >rumour once that you can fit 4x32Mb in it, but I could never find out
> >if this was true.
> I checked last night and it is 4x4Mb simms, so my 16Mb simm would be no
> good :(.

You can only have a maximum of 16Mb FAST ram on the motherboard of an
A4000. However, if you're SIMMS are up to it 9and your m/b) then you can
use 2 8mb simms or 1 16mb simm. You just have to put it in the right slot!

Slot 1 -  [---------------] - 2Mb Chip ram SIMM
Slot 2 -  [---------------]
Slot 3 -  [---------------]
Slot 4 -  [---------------]
Slot 5 -  [---------------]

With slots 2-5 as the FAST ram simms, you can replace 2 4mb simms from
adjacent pairs of slots with a single 8mb simm in the 2nd of the pairs, or
just 1 16mb simm in slot 5.

I think.

EG take 2 4mb simms out of slots 2 and 3 and replace with an 8 mb simm in
slot 3. It wont work in slot 2! And you can't replace 2 4mb simms from
slots 3 and 4 with one 8mb simm in slot 4 - slots 2 and 3 are a pair, as
are 4 & 5.

If you try this and it blows your machine up, don't blame me! However if it
works and you wnat to send me gifts, then by all means! Oh and if you have
3 or less simms in total (not inc chip ram simm) and they're all 60ns+ then
you can use the FAST RAMSEY option of MCP. This doesn't work with 4 4mb
simms as I found out to my dismay   :(

Hope this helps!


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 14701124

Message 13693

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: 04 Jun 99 15:44:57 +0000
Hello Alex Furmanski, on 04-Jun-99 11:47:46 you said about:
 [afb] Re: IE5       was 

>>Unplug *anything* else you may have on yer phone line and try it then.
>>I had thne same problem, but worse. The max I could ever get was 26k :(.
>>I eventually traced it to the main phone downstairs, once I removed it I
>>was getting anyting up to 50k...

>Cool!  So why does that help?

Either that phone is just f**ked, or it just doesn't like modems....

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Feature : BUG with seniority.

Message 13694

From: "Andrew Mills"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: 04 Jun 99 15:51:05 +0000
Hello Ben Vost, on 04-Jun-99 11:56:42 you said about: 
 [afb] Re: AF125 


>I can vouch for Andy's sobriety. All he had was a single Diet Pepsi. Oh yes,
>and it was "laced" with a triple Vodka... :)

"Well ossifer, I was just driving along minding me own business, when
this bloody great big stone wall jumped out in front of me for no reason
whatsoever..." :#)

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Don't tug on that. You never know what it might be attached to.

Message 13695

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: Funny photos
Date: 04 Jun 99 16:04:31 +0000
Hello 4-0, on 04-Jun-99 14:53:45 you said about:
 [afb] Funny photos 

>Hiya afb'ppl

>I was wondering who actually took the photos for the main feature in the new
>AF, because most of them are ideal for funny caption competitions. The ones
>with Jim Collas in especially. :-)

>1) bottom, page 16..
>    Jim & Petro Chinchekov (ahem) look like siamese twins :-)

Or Petro on the top right of page 18, "Look, if I move my hand fast
enough, it'll look blurred in his photo..."


>4) Top, page 18..
>    Neil Bothwick lets one rip, and is relegated to his own window to
>attempt contain the pong.

Heh, he does have that "oh god, I hope no-one smells that" look on his
face... ;)

Or there's Ben on page 19, "that jumper's giving me a headache..."

Hmm, I know Ben disagrees, but without the beard, I still reckon Jim
Collas resembles Tom Hanks....

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
Insufficient memory: get a bigger brain.

Message 13696

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: Yam help
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:57:46 +0100
On 03-Jun-99, Andy Kinsella Wrote........

[=> Greetings

Geetings to you toooooo :).

[=> Can anything be done about this? I've gone through the docs, but can't
[=> find anything that might sort it out.

Nor me.  But adding an extra space doesn't really hurt... Does it?

[=> Other than that, and one or two other little things, I am liking it
[=> heaps :)

I think that Yam is THE BEST mailer on ANY platform.  It has a couple of
bugs.... But still less than MicroPants products!!!!!

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams #AFB   ICQ: 34655410
The most marvelous fugue was the one between the Hatfields and McCoys.

Message 13697

From: Jon Barker
Subject: [afb] Re: ICQ
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 18:10:12 +0100
Hello Alex

On 04-Jun-99, Alex Furmanski wrote:
> Hi all

> There's been a fair bit of rumbling about ICQ of late, but what is ICQ?

   Download STRicq from Aminet and find out, but you need an Amiga connected
to the net to use it Alex, try Mirabilis' home page for PeeCee info, bet you
can't guess the address :-)

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 13698

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Official Chat?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 11:28:42 +0000
Hello All,

Ben, are you going to setup an official channel for AFB? People are
becomming confused with the amount of unofficial spin offs. I think we need
a well publicised channel which will meet at the same time each week,
fornight or whatever. 

I'm just say my five euros so tell me if this is a crap idea.

PS. I've just finished reading the cover feature. I think we live in very
interesting times and it is nice to see I haven't wasted my money on that
PPC even though I /still/ haven't got it. (Ordered 3/4/99!)

UIN: 30044173

Everybody is talking about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
-- Mark Twain

Message 13699

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Mac Emulation
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 15:02:48 +0000

I have a 1Mb Mac Rom (don't worry the Mac is not used anymore) but
unfortunatly I have no System disks. I'd just like to know if anyone had
starting disk and a method of converting the System7.5.3 files on AFCD39?

UIN: 30044173

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat
us as equals.
-- Winston Churchill

Message 13700

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 17:06:09 +0100
Hi Ben

On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:

>> Sounds fab - I'm after a SCSI module for my old Blizzard 1230/50, so I can
>> use my Zip drive on my two main machines - do you know if the SCSI modules
>> are compatible? I seem to remember hearing that they're not, which
>> probbaly means scouring the net ...
> Depends which version of the Blizzard 1230 you have. The same SCSI module is
> compatible across the 1230IV, the 1240 and the 1260.

Pants! Mine is the 1230-III. I wish I'd bought it when it was still
advertised in those old Gordon Harwood adverts...


Praise: What you receive when you are no longer alive.

Message 13701

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 17:32:09 +0100
Hi Ben,

Like the new issue styling a lot - the jigsaw cover is very effective, and the
whole look and feel of the magazine is very clear and positive.

Also over the moon to hear that Shogo might be ported to the Amiga - I'll not
hold my breath, but this game was great on the PC and if we have programs of
this quality then I'm definitely forking out for them...

BTW, received my copy on Thursday, 3rd, much as the other local subscribers


In 1820 the branding iron was invented. The cattle were impressed.

Message 13702

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: AmigaNG styling
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 17:30:06 +0100
Hi B.

On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:

> I, for one, somehow loved the Walker design. It looked like a vacuum-cleaner
> but it was something completely different. No where close to any
> computer-case design. I am not saying that the Walker design should be used,
> but it gives a good idea of what I am meaning.

I have to agree with you about the Walker design - I was one of the few people
who seemed t like it as well. The only thing I didn't like was that they hadn't
coloured the FDD and CD covers to match, but apart from that, I thought it was
good-looking, and eye-catching.

>> The Visual Workstation has a smooth, swooping case in a super cool
>> dark matt grey and blue finish.

>> Now, if you've seen pictures of the Visual Workstation, it doesn't
>> take a lot of imagination to remove the gold embossed logo of SG and
>> replace it with a boing-ball.  Do the same with the monitor and
>> include one of those ergonomic keyboards with a trackball in the
>> middle.  Not just any trackball but a boing-trackball.  
>> The contrast in colours - the dark grey and blue of the case and the
>> red and white of the logo's - should really stand out and make a good
>> first impression and at least demand a second look.  

Sounds interesting - I'll try and track that down. Personally, I like the sound
of your boing ball trackball idea - even though I suspect that's about as much
of the stylish side of things that we'd be likely to get! ;-)


Everybody is talking about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
- Mark Twain

Message 13703

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: 4 Jun 1999 18:31:21 +0100
Ben Vost said, 

> Hi Neil,

>>> Don't think that taking the moral high ground is going to help you! :)

>> voteformevoteformevoteformevoteformevoteformevoteformevoteformevoteforme

> So I see... (/me archly raises eyebrow and gives a knowing and sardonic look
> in the hope that potential voters will be impressed by his willingness to
> deal with issues and not stoop to sling mud... )

You don't get mud on high ground, the water runs downhill...

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Adolescence, n.: The stage between puberty and adultery.

Message 13704

From: Ben Rothwell
Subject: [afb] Free Amiga Needs You!!!
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 18:17:58 +0000

The Free Amiga Organisation, which originally began with just aMozillaX o=
n its
books, is trying to recruit existing freeware projects, and programmers t=
o begin
new projects onto our books. =

If you are working on a freeware project, consider joining us, we will de=
sign a
web presence for you, we will give you space on our web server
(, we will give you publicity, we will write documentat=
and catalogs for your program in upto 14 languages, we will set up other
resources if you require them, such as mailing lists, anonymous ftp, cvs
repositories etc. We have skilled graphics artists whose work has appeare=
d in
the major amiga magazines, who can work on gfx for your program, and prog=
who will offer assistance and help in C, C++, and Blitz. We are working o=
n a
searchable database of Beta Testers to help you find beta-testers who mee=
t your
requirements exactly.

If this appeals to you, please contact me, and I will send you the inform=
and will welcome you gladly into the project. =

Two such projects which have joined the Free Amiga Organisation are Dry I=
ce and
CD2Mpexer. =

-- =

=2E..*ben rothwell*....   ...*Resistance is futile. You will be aMozillia=
ted*...                                      =


    - * - project manager - [free amiga]  - * -
        ...|.......... dedicated to the memory of Jay Miner............|.=

Message 13705

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 17:25:29 +0100
Good greetings  Paul

On 03-Jun-99, you wrote:

> On Wed, 02 Jun 1999 18:47:12 +0100, Andy Kinsella paused for a moment's
> thought and chose to write this about [afb] Re: VistaPro on CD ?:
>> I got Vistapro 3.5, geomorph, makepath and a wad full of dems on a CD
>> with a magazine called CU-Amiga stuck to it.
> Same here, but I had already paid for VistaPro(Lite) a few months
> before.
> Didn't have many dems though, and there weren't any on the CD after it
> like they promised. Or were there?
> Never mind, it /did/ have TFX on it :)
> PC.
> --
> P.S. Just had a thought: Does anyone know if you can get DEMs on the
> internet. I'd love some of the UK;moon;mars etc. (if they exist)

You can get digital mapping data for UK places, but unfortunately none of
it is free :(

There are plenty of Mars dems on the internet, and I have a fair few
myself, about 150 or so. . .I'm sure I got them on a CU-Cd, you'll have
to check again.

USGS DEMS are, I believe, placed in the public domain by the US gov' and
that's why all the free ones you'll find are of the USA.



/PGP Key available on request/
It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but
the result's the same.
-- Mike Dennison

Message 13706

From: Andy Kinsella
Subject: [afb] Re: 0 6 Ohhhhh
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 17:26:59 +0100
Good greetings  4-0

On 04-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hiya everyone.
> I'm considering upgrading my miggy to an 060, but I dont want to fork
> out for the cyberstorm Mk3 as my MK2 is capable of accepting an 060
> chip. I just need to know if anyone knows where I can get an 060 chip
> and Xstal from and for how much?

You will also need to pull down the voltage to 3.3v for the 060. the 040
is a 5v cpu.

They are pin compatable, but I think it's a bit more involved than
swapping the CPU and crystal :) 

Expect to part with a large amount of cash too.


/PGP Key available on request/
You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
-- Thoreau

Message 13707

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Moaning bastards
Date: 4 Jun 99 18:28:51 +0000
On 4 Jun 99 13:20:34 +0100, Richard Lane said:

> Yes there is more to life than the Amiga. But, I think you're missing the
> point a bit. If there's nothing of relevence to talk about (something I
> find very hard to believe) why post just for the sake of it? Some of us
> have to pay by the minute to download email. If I'd have wanted to join a
> mailing list of general chat or other things then there's plenty of others,

Maybe there are other general chat lists, but surely it's better to be
chatting with people who share a common interest? I've been on a couple of
general chat lists in the past, and the chat just seemed forced, because
the members didn't share any interests. 

Also, it really doesn't cost you that much to download a few emails. And
I'm sure it doesn't take you five minutes to download them all, unless your
ISP is Force 9 or Free Online :)

Remember, since we have a minimum call charge, you're going to end up
paying for five minutes of call time whether you want to or not, so you
might as well use it :)

THE WIBBLE - It's like QVC, but without the bad quality presenters, poorly
made wigs and without the wide-eyed astonishment at seeing a video recorder
that has an 'eject tape' facility. ICQ: 28589940

Message 13708

From: Adam Bartlett
Subject: [afb] Re: Mac Emulation
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 19:05:47 +0100
On 04-Jun-99, Danny Shepherd skillfully penned:

> I have a 1Mb Mac Rom (don't worry the Mac is not used anymore) but
> unfortunatly I have no System disks. I'd just like to know if anyone had
> starting disk and a method of converting the System7.5.3 files on AFCD39?

There was a load of ShapeShifter stuff on CUCD15, you know the one with TFX
on it. That had a Harddisk Image of a bare minimum bootable system thingy.
I also have a HD image of the complete system 7.5.5 if you want that, as I
believe it is freely distributable?? Better check first though :)

Hope thats helped you :)


From the desk of Adam Bartlett (jherek:)

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 13709

Subject: [afb] 66Mhz 68060's!
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 18:06:06 -0000

The university I attend has a laboratory sponsored by Motorola, and I have asked the representative if he could get me a PPc and a 66Mhz 060! I thought that as the 060-66 was the fastest version and could be used with a Cyberstorm MkIII or CyberStorm PPC.

I have since found out that the Phase5 accelerators are for 50 Mhz versions! What must I do to convert these boards to use them? Replace the crystal? Is it easy? Anyone done this?


Alex Holland

Message 13710

From: Paul Hilder
Subject: [afb] Re: Re MUI Registration
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 19:56:36 +0100 wrote:

> >The cheque was never cashed.
> Thats good to know cause I spoke to the bank today and they charge 8 to cancell a cheque!  How can they get away with that, its extortion!

I thought cheques were only valid for a month so I wasn't too bothered.



Message 13711

From: Paul Hilder
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 20:03:50 +0100
Paul Hilder wrote:

> > Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
> I've had up to the Linux issue.
> But not the one after that.

I have now. :)



Message 13712

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: I'm tired (and hungry now - look at the time!)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 13:45:42 +0100
Hi David Patterson

>>So I've just had to re-install Windows 98 on my PC.
>Ahh, you gotta love microsoft hey! I make ten quid an hour for fixing
>people's PCs or just giving lessons on how to use their
>scanner/printer/internet access, its money for just sitting there :)

I'll give 'em something though - after re-installing, all my work was still
there, all users were still configured, settings retained and registry in tact!

>>This week sucks.
>Here, let me make you feel better, last night a printer blew up in my face,
>so I'll have to replace that before I can replace the Amiga's nice
>USRobotics modem which I, er, knocked off the desk a few months back, (dumb
>ass.....) and only after I replace the NIC I "borrowed" from my Dad's

I think I might give AF another reading to make me feel even better :-)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13713

From: "Gavin Williams"
Subject: [afb] BVisionPPC
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 19:17:17 +0100
Hi all

I've just installed my A1200 into a Power Tower. Has anyone had a problem
where the system hangs as soon as you select a CGfx screenmode. The system
is nice and stable in AGA with the PPC running so I don't think there is a
heat/power problem. I've flashed the ROM on the 603e.


Message 13714

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: 0 6 Ohhhhh
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 19:27:16 +0100
Hi all

>> I'm considering upgrading my miggy to an 060, but I dont want to fork out
>> for the cyberstorm Mk3 as my MK2 is capable of accepting an 060 chip. I just
>> need to know if anyone knows where I can get an 060 chip and Xstal from and
>> for how much?
>There's a bit more to it than that, the 060 is 3.3V whereas the 040
>runs at 5V.

Heh, that reminds me - I see Intel have dropped the P3 down to 2.2V to try and
keep the heat even lower.  Not even enough fans to lift that hideous, heaving
heap of ... er ... silicon could keep that cool.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13715

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: A few things...
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 19:29:12 +0100

>- That Petro really looks like Warren Clarke.

I meant to add "or Orson Wells in one of his less inebriated appearances".

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13716

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 19:17:22 +0100
Hi Andrew Korn

>> One thing - that Simon Goodwin is undoubtedly a clever chap and really know
>> Amiga, but that jumper?  What was he thinking?
>You should have seen the shoelaces he took to Cologne last year - I think he
>needed to wear sunglasses when he tied them. I've got a photo somewhere...

You took a picture of his shoelaces?  They must have been spectacular.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13717

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 16:06:39 +0000
Hi Ben,

>>The Amiga is the only format still using DD floppys isn't it ?
> It's about the only format using floppies at all.

How about getting some sort of deal with a CD manufacturer to give you 1,=
200 CD
Drives at a discount and sell them on to the floppy only readers so we co=
finally dump the floppy edition. They're going to have to dump floppy som=
and its probably better if it was sooner rather than later.....

What does anyone else think about this?  =

/me does his best to try and start a new thread within 6 hours of posting=
 to the
list :)

-- =

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:     |=


Message 13718

From: Philip Edwards
Subject: [afb] Re: Hey! Dave Hunt! Yes, you!
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 16:02:31 +0000
Hi Ben,

> Ahh, young master Edwards. Good to see you return to the fold...

heh, after you mentioned shouting at people because of bad quoting, I tho=
ught it
was time my.......erm.....priceless linguistic skills were brought back i=
nto use

-- =

Phil Edwards    WWW:  |
                             IRC: Tipsy #Amiga |
                           Email:     |=


Message 13719

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Modem speeds (was IE5)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 19:20:57 +0100
Hi Matt Sealey

>> >I'd blame your ISP (Virgin?) before the modem. Also make sure the modem
>> >upgraded to full V90 not X2/K56Flex. My mates modem would not connect at
>> >more than 31200 until he flash upgraded to V90, now it connects at
>> >44000-49000. (And that's on Freeswerve!)
>> I don't think it's Virgin cos I've tried other ISP's and I usually get a
>> connection.  I'm fairly sure my modem is V90 (I've only had it ~3
>months) - is
>> there any easy way to find out?
>Yes, there is an AT command that shows modem diagnostics. I think it`s AT&V1
>If you open a terminal and type that in, it should tell you which protocol
>it supports.

I'll try that out as soon as Hyperterminal lets me type anything in.  Grrrrrr.

>Pick up your phone and dial a number. Now listen....
>It`s a silent sort of hiss, but enough to break the v90 protocol.

A silent hiss eh?

>You could also be a) too far away from the telephone exchange or b) two
>away from the ISP interconnect - v90 relies on there being you,
>interconnect, ISP
>and if there are more than two "jumps" in the middle that convert digital to
>or otherwise, you`re stuffed.

Damn my phone.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13720

Subject: [afb] Re: Subs Mag
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 18:47:56 -0000
Ben said:
It's about the only format using floppies at all.

I dunno 'bout that. I'm pretty sure one of the first things buyers of shiny new G3 Macs and iMac buy is an external floppy drive. I know I would.
Someone around here is psychic - I was just about to ask why I still get a floppy with my CD sub, especially after (your?) comments in the mag about them being hard to find and as expensive as a CD. Ditch 'em!


Message 13721

Subject: [afb] Time Warp
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 18:57:10 -0000
Hi All,

What's going on with the clocks around here? I just posted a message at 7:45pm and it shows in the list as 11:48am. Is it just me? There's nuffin wrong wiv my system clock. BTW, this message is posting at 11:54am!


Message 13722

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] A few things...
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 19:12:54 +0100
Hi Ben

- How useful is the shops section?  I can't help but feel that those 2 pages
could be better used.

- Fax-back ideas: Tower case reviews

- Does that there Power Tower come with a keyboard and adapter?  120quid seems a
bit steep else.

- Program Perfection - ARRRGGGHHH!! It's Computing module 2 revisited!  At least
you didn't go on about the Waterfall Model and boundry data.

- Can't stop looking at the cover - that jigsaw effect is soooooo cool

- Who wrote the captions for the photos in the Future of Amiga article?  They
sound like something from FHM.

- Damn that person who asked for harder Backstage questions.

- That Petro really looks like Warren Clarke.  My mum reckons you look like Ben

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13723

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] Re: Mac Emulation
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 19:41:17 +0000
Hi Everybody,
> Hello,
> I have a 1Mb Mac Rom (don't worry the Mac is not used anymore) but
> unfortunatly I have no System disks. I'd just like to know if anyone had
> starting disk and a method of converting the System7.5.3 files on AFCD39?

   you have to download a harddrive file from,

   That'll give you mac sys 7.something ready installed with a PPP dialer.

> Bye,
See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Politicians should read science fiction, not westerns and detective
-- Arthur C. Clarke

Message 13724

From: Jon Barker
Subject: [afb] Re: 66Mhz 68060's!
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 20:03:50 +0100

On 04-Jun-99, wrote:

> I have since found out that the Phase5 accelerators are for 50 Mhz
> versions! What must I do to convert these boards to use them? Replace the
> crystal? Is it easy? Anyone done this?

   That's not true, there are new PPC boards shipping with 66mhz 060's, I
can't remember which one's at the mo

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 13725

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 15:38:45 +0000
Andy Mills scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: AF125 :

> Now, now, you two - that's enough. Let's keep it a clean fight.... ;)

They shouldn't be arguing over this anyway, Chris Wiles isn't here to join
in the mud throwing (or is he? Chris? CHRIS? CHRIS!!! :)

Best Regards
Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*

If I wanted your opinion I would give it to you.

Message 13726

From: Andrew Crowe
Subject: [afb] IPS on amiga?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 20:12:51 +0000
Hi Everybody,

   Does anybody know where I can get an amiga (or mac? ick!)  program to
en/decode .IPS patch files? I've looked on Aminet to no avail.

See ya.
       Manta Soft  -  Amiga programing & web page designing
          Http://      ICQ: 21829166
Homepage updated 24/5/99 --- Bomberman clone update & site changes
  - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
Your average human being will lose between 40 and 100 strands of 
hair every day.
--The Miscellanea Digest

Message 13727

From: Tim Seifert
Subject: [afb] ShapeShifter, Internet and viruses
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 05:46:55 +0930

Having just got Shapeshifter sort of working (can't get it on the net,
despite having the real Macintosh MacTCP, MacPPP, and whatever the
other possible software was that I just can't remember now).  It goes
no further than trying to speak to the serial port (if that), it sure
doesn't make the MODEM do anything.

I've got two problems.  Firstly how to get it on the net.  Secondly how
to make sure I don't get any viruses.  Can anyone offer me any help?

Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)


Lucky for you I typed this, nobody can read my handwriting.

(Modbury, near Adelaide, South Australia) 
Video productions, electronics engineering, service and technical
support, and more.  For further information visit the web site.  
***  DO  NOT  SEND  JUNK  MAIL  *** 

Message 13728

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Naked In Front Of The Computer
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 20:00:52 +0100
Just a quick question for anyone on the list with a Power Flyer, does your
hard drive LED flicker every few seconds whether the drive is being
accessed or not? Mine does, it's kind of annoying :-/


Message 13729

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Code
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 20:24:25 +0100
>> In order to join this list you must specifically ask for it, someone else
>> can't join it for you, so this "junk mail" is *not* unsolicited.
> I seem to remeber seeing something on the site about "inviting" someone to
> join.

But you still have to reply to the egroups confirming your subscription.


Message 13730

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: ICQ
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 20:33:26 +0100
> There's been a fair bit of rumbling about ICQ of late, but what is ICQ?

ISTR there was an article in in AF not so long ago that explained
it. But anyway, basically it's a way of knowing when your friends are
online. Once you get your ICQ client, you register with Mirabilis (the
blokes who own it), who will give you a number (UIN) that you can then give
out to all your friends :)
You can add people to your "Contact List" which will then tell you when they
are online. You can send messages or files to them, or chat to them in an
IRC-style environment.
There isn't an official Amiga ICQ port yet, but the best one available is
called STRICQ, and is available at


Message 13731

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 20:51:56 +0100
>> Haha, maybe so, but it's a lot more fun than arcnet is :) 
> Bzzzt! Wrong!

Since Arcnet is essentially an Amiga-only network, I find it gets very
boring, very quickly. It doesn't have the variety of other networks such as

> Thus forcing you to use a nickname which people from other networks may
> not recognise you by. No-one on IRC OWNS a nickname. Just like no-one in
> real life OWNS their name. Remind me to go around killing every Peter
> Price on the planet because it seems sensible ;)

Well on Dalnet (and Galaxynet, I don't know about other networks) people DO
own their nicknames. I don't see how it would work if there was more than
one person using the same nick on at the same time. If you wanted to send a
private message to one of those people which would it go to? Other services
such as memoserv wouldn't work properly either.

> I was on Dalnet daily for about a week, never left #amiga, and was offered
> warez and porn around 10-15 times by random private message. Suffice to
> say I haven't been back...

You didn't have a nick like "SweetyPie16" or "W4r3zD00d" by any chance, did
you? ;)


Message 13732

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: ICQ
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 21:07:17 +0100
Hi folks,

>There's been a fair bit of rumbling about ICQ of late, but what is ICQ?

ICQ (I seek you - very funny, eh?) is a little program that sits around
waiting for you to go online. When you do, it lets all your ICQ using
friends, that are also currently online, know you are online too. Supposedly
so you can chat, swop URL's, exchange files, etc, which can all be done
through ICQ.

There's a few more technicalities, like selecting who can be on your lists
of friends and you do get some useless web space or something, plus it sends
your IP flying around willy nilly. Oh, you also get loads of unsolicited ads
for porn sites and assorted crap. Which annoys me as I'm perfectly capable
of finding my own porn...

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 13733

From: 4-0 <>
Subject: [afb] Another problem.. :-(
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 19:29:11 +0000
Hiya afb'ers

it dosen't rain, but it pours.
Another problem has cropped up. Recently, when I try to delete a file using
the pull-down menus, workbench crashes. I've tried replacing thefile
"delete" in my C drawer with the original of my Wb disks, but with no
I haven't installed any new software/hardware recently that could effect it.
Can anyone help?


A4000 CyberStorm 040, pIV, 74mb, 4.3gb HD & Coffee...
DalNET IRC --> AmIRC & Amigagames

Message 13734

From: "Richard Lane"
Subject: [afb] Re: Moaning bastards
Date: 4 Jun 99 22:20:05 +0100
Hi Daniel Thornton,

In reference to "[afb] Re: Moaning bastards",

> On 4 Jun 99 13:20:34 +0100, Richard Lane said:
> Maybe there are other general chat lists, but surely it's better to be
> chatting with people who share a common interest? I've been on a couple of
> general chat lists in the past, and the chat just seemed forced, because
> the members didn't share any interests. 

While I too love to talk for ages about the Amiga with other Amiga
fanatics I also have other interests as I'm sure you do to. Give a few
other a try, It took me several attempts to find some that I liked. I was
subscribed to one several months ago that was good but the amount of
postings got to really silly levels, 900+ in a 24 hour period. Just wish I
could remember the name of the dam list. iirc it was on Onelist. 

> Also, it really doesn't cost you that much to download a few emails. And
> I'm sure it doesn't take you five minutes to download them all, unless your
> ISP is Force 9 or Free Online :)
> Remember, since we have a minimum call charge, you're going to end up
> paying for five minutes of call time whether you want to or not, so you
> might as well use it :)

A Few emails? last week it was pushing 150 plus a day! 

Force 9? don't you mean Farce 9 :)

As I'm subscribed to 28 mailing lists it does take more than five minutes
to download them all. I know by the names that crop up on other mailing
lists that I'm not the only one to subscribe to others as well.. But that's
not too bad, If I couldn't afford to download them then I wouldn't
subscribe. What I get a bit fed up with is having to wade through tons of
rubbish to get to the good bits. Please don't get me wrong I'm really not a
boring ol' stick in the mud. I too enjoy the odd bit of silly banter. Heck
I'm subscribed to Pure Amiga.... but that's another story (Hi Jayne no
offense mean't). As there's 600 plus people and rising daily subscribed to
this list, I believe we have to make a decision. Either keep it on topic,
or let it degenerate into a mass free-for-all, I don't know what Bens
thoughts on this are but I'd be interested to know. As I've said before,
it's not the quantity it's the quality that counts.

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site -
                        Powered by *AMIGA*

Message 13735

From: "Richard Lane"
Subject: [afb] Re: Moaning bastards
Date: 4 Jun 99 22:22:57 +0100
Hi Adam Bartlett,

In reference to "[afb] Re: Moaning bastards",

> Yes but on this list you can talk about things not Amiga related with other
> Amiga users :)

So what's wrong with talking to non Amiga users on other subjects? 

> Things like Large Sea Birds.....

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I rest my case. :))

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
Magnum_Opus support site -
                        Powered by *AMIGA*

Message 13736

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: 66Mhz 68060's!
Date: 4 Jun 1999 22:15:52 +0100
mchu5ash said, 

> I have since found out that the Phase5 accelerators are for 50 Mhz versions!
> What must I do to convert these boards to use them? Replace the crystal? Is
> it easy? Anyone done this?

It's a bit more complicated than that. The CyberstormPPC board has two
crystals, a 66MHz one for the PPC chip (multiplied to whatever
frequency is needed) and a 50MHz one that controls both the 060 and
SCSI chips. If you simply replace this with a 66MHz crystal, the SCSI
stops working, but later boards can take a third crystal to control
the SCSI chip separately.

There's a howto on this, linked from the hardware section of AWD, but
it involves soldering the PPC card. I left mine at 50MHz.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
8088 = model T Ford.  Pentium = supercharged 400 horsepower model T Ford.

Message 13737

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Moaning bastards
Date: 4 Jun 1999 22:19:26 +0100
Daniel Thornton said, 

> Maybe there are other general chat lists, but surely it's better to be
> chatting with people who share a common interest?

Only if that chat is vaguely related to that interest.

> I've been on a couple of
> general chat lists in the past, and the chat just seemed forced, because
> the members didn't share any interests. 

Find a different chat list then. Each one has it's own character, as
to chat newsgroups. It's a bit like pubs, some have an atmosphere you
like and others don't.

> Remember, since we have a minimum call charge, you're going to end up
> paying for five minutes of call time whether you want to or not,

That depends on your telco and the time of day.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
"Good Enough" is the death knell of progress.

Message 13738

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: ShapeShifter, Internet and viruses
Date: 4 Jun 1999 22:22:57 +0100
Tim Seifert said, 

> Having just got Shapeshifter sort of working (can't get it on the net,
> despite having the real Macintosh MacTCP, MacPPP, and whatever the
> other possible software was that I just can't remember now).  It goes
> no further than trying to speak to the serial port (if that), it sure
> doesn't make the MODEM do anything.

If you have MiamiDeluxe, get nullser.device from Aminet and connect
your "Mac" via Miami. That way both the Amiga and the "Mac" can access
the Internet at the same time.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
i *DId* rEaD tHE DoCS; ThaT'S WHy I'm conFuSeD!

Message 13739

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:22:37 +0000
Bother said Andy Kinsella as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
AF125 - It's here again...

>> Oh the covers good aswell!

> Speaking of covers, my favourite ever AF cover was the red one with the
> crash-helmeted g-forcibly challenged feller. . .issue 80 something. . .88
> I think, could be wrong; I can't seem to lay my hands on it.

Issue 82 - it was the first issue of AF that I bought.  I don't
think the cover is as good as this month's though (or the coverCD
for that matter).


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 13740

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:26:17 +0000
Bother said Neil Bothwick as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
Essential Programs again...


> Why force yourself to reach for the mouse to open a windowthat mainly
> uses the keyboard for input? A hotkey to open a shell is much more
> sensible.

I make a lot of use of KCon's drag'n'drop rather than typing
path names so using the mouse is the sensible way to do it for
me (and I can type one-handed ;)).


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 13741

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 4 Jun 99 00:07:41 +0000
On Thu, 03 Jun 1999 11:30:08 +0000, Danny Shepherd paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] AF125 - It's here:
> I like the new Start_Here icon instead of the 'Ben On Readybrek' icon.
Well, it doesn't look crappy on my 16colour screen anyway.
I think it should change from Start_Here though. It's not even
obvious that it is going to load HTML as it is an IconX script.
Just being picky, for the benefit of all those new users about to
transgress from the PC market ;)

Off to make a list of all the things to complain about.
Dunno why, but I've noticed lots of niggles on this month's CD.

Message 13742

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: DONE was This is an emergancy!!!!
Date: 4 Jun 99 00:11:06 +0000
On Thu, 03 Jun 1999 22:53:16 +0000, Andrew Crowe paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: DONE   was This is an emergancy!!!!:
>    Maybe because its too high up to fit the little pointy thingy and the
> bubble on screen?
>   - ------------------- Quote of the day: -------------------- -
> Proportional to their weight, adult men are stronger than horses.
> *--The Miscellanea Digest*

Looks interesting. Is it a book of useless trivia? If so, could you
give me the ISBN number or something. And a rough price would be nice.
Thanks in advance.


Message 13743

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: A few jumbled up questions :)
Date: 4 Jun 99 00:28:12 +0000
On Thu, 3 Jun 1999 11:22:37 +0100, Neil Bullock paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] A few jumbled up questions :):

If you can ask a few jumbled questions, then I'm gonna give a few
jumbled responses.

> 1) If a reader wrote an article which would fill up 15 pages of AF (which you
> probably wouldn't be able to fit in one issue) but actually paid for the pages
> himself (or herself :) would you put the article in?
Have you got something for us, then?
> 2) When a reader writes a letter like the one in AF125 where they ask a
> question but don't really expect an answer,
A "rhetorical question", don't you know?
> 3) Why isn't John Kennedy on this list?
I wanna know where his photo is. That same letter mentions him
stroking his pussy but I can't find it anywhere.
> 4) Not a question, but who cares. Great tutorial Richard, Keep it up
I'm reserving judgement until it really gets going. I still believe
you should invent as you go along, release it, and then start again
with a proper plan of everything you want to do. Unless you plan to
sell the original commercially of course.
> 5) Can you do a complete walkthrough to Ultima 6 any time soon coz
> I've had it for YEARS and can't complete it. 
Aaahhhhh! Noooo! Pleeeaaasse! I've been waiting for ages for that
Quake solution to finish. Six pages, and that's only one-sixth of the
whole thing - and AF managed to do the entire Monkey Island in 3
> Maybe someone can help on this list
Please, someone, help the guy :)
> or isn't that allowed?
Um, why shouldn't it be?
> Got rid of Gargoyles in Brittania,
Thanks, that music club is really p*ss*ng me off at the mo.

> I'm off to stay up till 3AM playing Napalm....
  I'm off to stay up till 3:30AM listening to radio 2. No, I'm not
really that sad, I just turned on my mum's radio when I got in last
night and they put on two really great songs so I'm hoping they'll do
the same again tonight. Honest.

> hmmmm... tunder storm starting outisde. Two in two days
Not fair. We got a piddly bit of a rumble the other day and that was
> and I STILL didn't get a decent sound sample of some thunder
I want a photo. Can I come 'round your house for a bit?
>can anyone help me there?
No, sorry, but I have got a good sample of my dog barking - which I
use as the error tone on my WB :)
> Neil
From Paul Cundle - who seems to be attempting to beat A. Furmanski to
posting the most cr*p to this list at the moment.

Message 13744

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: 4 Jun 99 00:32:56 +0000
On Thu, 3 Jun 1999 21:56:05 +0100, Stephen Harris paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: Essential Programs:

(About KCON:) 
> It is installed all the time, but I don't allways want/need the
> window open. When I do want a window open ie; similar to a shell
> window with all the mod (K)Cons it's only 1 click away.  :-))))
Sorry, misunderstanding. I have it set up with MCP so I just do
LAmiga-Escape to open a shell, and LAlt-Escape to close it. I really
am that lazy now I can't be bothered to click close!
Dontcha just love the power of the Amiga. Yet to see anything like it
on a PC. (I don't just mean KCON!)
>     Bomber Harris

Message 13745

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: 100 mail limit
Date: 4 Jun 99 00:41:38 +0000
On Thu, 03 Jun 1999 09:24:44 +0100, Ben Vost paused for a moment's thought and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: 100 mail limit:
> Besides you always have the problem
> that what might have started out as a sensible, Amiga-related topic has
> descended into lunacy (as so often happens). What do others think?

Simply: It won't work. People forget/can't be bothered just as others
have said.
I still don't think we should have a low limit - I always connect
around 11pm-ish and by then I wouldn't be allowed to post - that just
isn't fair.
I think the best idea is to be firm. On the NetConnect2 list Mr
Wiles just chucks you off for too many OT's. That's a bit harsh, but I
think you should be a bit stricter a tell us when we should shut up.

In the immortal words of Mrs Merton - "Let's have a heated debate."

> Ben Vost

Message 13746

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Virtual Memory
Date: 4 Jun 99 00:43:46 +0000
On Thu, 03 Jun 1999 13:57:09 +0100, Ben Vost paused for a moment's thought =
and chose to write this about
[afb] Re: Virtual Memory:
> >> 4MB SIMM for =A312
> > =A3160 for 4 MB Zips to my Apollo A520 three years ago=2E
> =A3160 per megabyte for my A3000=2E=2E=2E

=A3840 for 5 bytes of RAM for my A1234 back in 1924=2E


Message 13747

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Installer not working
Date: 4 Jun 99 21:48:16 +0000
Hello peeps.

I've got a real problem. When I try to install software it keeps
failing. I'm using version 43.3 installed from AFCD41 but it's no
help. It doesn't always fail, but when it does it usually seems to be
when creating a directory. It can't just be badly written installers
because it happened on the Wordworth6 office CD but worked when I
first tried it.
I've tried old versions of Installer (in case v43.3 is for OS3.1 as I
have OS3.0) but to no avail. I can't even find it on the original
system disks at all.

This can get very annoying so could anyone please help. I have tried
removing things like MCP just in case they were interfering but to no



Message 13748

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: 4 Jun 1999 23:34:28 +0100
fool said, 

> Bother said Neil Bothwick as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
> Essential Programs again...

> [KCON]

>> Why force yourself to reach for the mouse to open a windowthat mainly
>> uses the keyboard for input? A hotkey to open a shell is much more
>> sensible.

> I make a lot of use of KCon's drag'n'drop rather than typing
> path names so using the mouse is the sensible way to do it for
> me (and I can type one-handed ;)).

But you normally have to type the command before the file path.

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
I doubt therefore I might be.

Message 13749

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: A few things...
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:42:56 +0000
Bother said Alex Furmanski as he realised we were talking about [afb] A few
things... again...

> - Damn that person who asked for harder Backstage questions.

That would be me!  And, no, I don't know the answer either
but I have a sneaking suspicion that although the question
is harder, the answer is the same as the last two months - 
or is it?

Martin - who's finally got a job!

Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 13750

From: Dillon Eyre
Subject: [afb] Ide-probs
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:55:07 +0100
Hiya,How do I get my miggy (A1200T) to boot from my 3.5"h/d
as I'm sick of using the slow2.5" one and want to disconnect it totally
Any thoughts? cheerz!!

Message 13751

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Essential Programs
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:57:11 +0000
Bother said Neil Bothwick as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
Essential Programs again...

>> I make a lot of use of KCon's drag'n'drop rather than typing
>> path names so using the mouse is the sensible way to do it for
>> me (and I can type one-handed ;)).

> But you normally have to type the command before the file path.

Yeah, with my left hand while my right is on the mouse.  Seriously,
I can get around 30wpm using one hand.

Not to mention the fact that I have several 2 or 3 letter 
aliases for the most commonly used shell commands so there's
not a lot to type anyway.  It's a system that works for me.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.

Message 13752

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subscribers
Date: 4 Jun 99 23:53:02 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format Thomas Hurst wrote on 02 Jun 99 03:33:03 +0000 about [afb] Re: Subscribers

Hi Thomas Hurst

> > Cool and to think I've only got 21 onto my {Plug}
> > {End Plug} sofar, but hey it's early days yet:)
> The arexx ml has somewhere in the region of 100.

ARexx is one of those things I really should use alot more, I don't
use it that much here, yet it's probably one of the best things on the
> One of these days I'll get around to sorting out that website for it... I've
> had the space on OwlNet for ages :/

IKWYM, I keep on meaning to sort out a Website for Amiga Support
Association, someone has already offered to do it for me, they just
want to know what I'd like up there, but still haven't had the time to
write down some things that I'd like to see, ok I'm going to do it
Sunday, there you go, everyone know's I'm going to sort it out now, so
hopefully in another week or so, I'll have it all up and running:)

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13753

From: "Phil Stephens"
Subject: [afb] Re: 0 6 Ohhhhh
Date: 5 Jun 99 00:03:18 +0000
In PRIV.Amiga Format 4-0 wrote on Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:28:48 +0000 about [afb] 0 6 Ohhhhh

Hi 4-0
> Hiya everyone.
> I'm considering upgrading my miggy to an 060, but I dont want to fork out
> for the cyberstorm Mk3 as my MK2 is capable of accepting an 060 chip. I just
> need to know if anyone knows where I can get an 060 chip and Xstal from and
> for how much?

I'm not sure, but why don't you give White Knight or Blittersoft a
ring, they might be able to help ?

Hope this help's

Phil Stephens          Amiga Support Association.
                       ICQ  : 26476458
                       IRC  : UkArcnet at #PSPublish
                       Telephone : (01703) 489701

Message 13754

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: Ide-probs
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 00:09:25 +0100
> Hiya,How do I get my miggy (A1200T) to boot from my 3.5"h/d
> as I'm sick of using the slow2.5" one and want to disconnect it totally
> Any thoughts? cheerz!!

Do you already have both connected to your miggy, and what kind of interface
are you using? (ie. an IDE splitter?) You'll need to set up a boot
partition on the 3.5" drive. I think this can be done in HDToolBox without
reformatting (I mean make a partition bootable, not create a new
partition). It's probably also best to move the 3.5" drive to Port 0 of the
interface, the one your 2.5" is connected to, you can get 3.5" - 2.5"
connectors from Eyetech. Anything I've missed out?


Message 13755

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: A few jumbled up questions :)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 05:17:56 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Cundle 
Sent: 04 June 1999 01:28
Subject: [afb] Re: A few jumbled up questions :)

> On Thu, 3 Jun 1999 11:22:37 +0100, Neil Bullock paused for a moment's
thought and chose to write this about
> [afb] A few jumbled up questions :):
> If you can ask a few jumbled questions, then I'm gonna give a few
> jumbled responses.
> > 1) If a reader wrote an article which would fill up 15 pages of AF (which
> > probably wouldn't be able to fit in one issue) but actually paid for the
> > himself (or herself :) would you put the article in?

> Have you got something for us, then?

Not yet... maybe soon :) Perhaps not 15 pages either... I was just curious
about that part.

> >
> > 2) When a reader writes a letter like the one in AF125 where they ask a
> > question but don't really expect an answer,
> A "rhetorical question", don't you know?

That's the word I was looking for :)

> >
> > 3) Why isn't John Kennedy on this list?
> I wanna know where his photo is. That same letter mentions him
> stroking his pussy but I can't find it anywhere.
> >
> > 4) Not a question, but who cares. Great tutorial Richard, Keep it up
> :)
> I'm reserving judgement until it really gets going. I still believe
> you should invent as you go along, release it, and then start again
> with a proper plan of everything you want to do. Unless you plan to
> sell the original commercially of course.

Actually, I work in weird ways. I go all the way, program something nearly so
it's finished, and then scrap it and start again, for two reasons. First, so I
can test if I can actually program what I want to program, and second to get
an idea of the features I need to include in the final version, since I tend
to come up with ideas as you're programming the first attempt, which I can
then fully implement in the final attempt.

> >
> > 5) Can you do a complete walkthrough to Ultima 6 any time soon coz
> > I've had it for YEARS and can't complete it.
> Aaahhhhh! Noooo! Pleeeaaasse! I've been waiting for ages for that
> Quake solution to finish. Six pages, and that's only one-sixth of the
> whole thing - and AF managed to do the entire Monkey Island in 3
> sides!

I got pretty peeved with that flashback thingy ages ago.

> > Maybe someone can help on this list
> Please, someone, help the guy :)

Luckily, Ben gave me a URL, so I don't think you'll see the solution in AF :)

> > or isn't that allowed?
> Um, why shouldn't it be?

Haven't a clue. Dunno why I asked really.

> > Got rid of Gargoyles in Brittania,
> Thanks, that music club is really p*ss*ng me off at the mo.

Groovey :)

> > I'm off to stay up till 3AM playing Napalm....
>   I'm off to stay up till 3:30AM listening to radio 2. No, I'm not
> really that sad, I just turned on my mum's radio when I got in last
> night and they put on two really great songs so I'm hoping they'll do
> the same again tonight. Honest.

:) I'm going off now to listen to 'The Big Fat Dollop of Lard' as he labels
himself on my local radio station.

> > hmmmm... tunder storm starting outisde. Two in two days
> Not fair. We got a piddly bit of a rumble the other day and that was
> it.
> > and I STILL didn't get a decent sound sample of some thunder
> I want a photo. Can I come 'round your house for a bit?
> >can anyone help me there?

> No, sorry, but I have got a good sample of my dog barking - which I
> use as the error tone on my WB :)
> >

I've got a sample of one scottish comedian saying 'arse' as my WB error noise.

> --
> From Paul Cundle - who seems to be attempting to beat A. Furmanski to
> posting the most cr*p to this list at the moment.

Hey, me too. Last time I looked, I was only slightly ahead of someone (can't
remember who) and I had to send about another 50 or so mails to get to the
closest person above me. Take a while to get anywhere near Alex though :)

  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13756

From: Andy Mills
Subject: [afb] Re: A few things...
Date: 04 Jun 99 23:59:14 +0000
Hello Alex Furmanski, on 04-Jun-99 18:12:54 you said about:
 [afb] A few things... 

>Hi Ben

>- How useful is the shops section?  I can't help but feel that those 2 pages
>could be better used.

Useful enough for those who a) don't like mail order (also includes
those who can't use mail order for some reason), b) like to support
their local shop and can't wait for their Amiga to get through the

>- Fax-back ideas: Tower case reviews

This, or something like it has already been suggested...

>- Does that there Power Tower come with a keyboard and adapter?  120quid
>seems a bit steep else.

A1200 version, yes. A4000 version, no....

>- Program Perfection - ARRRGGGHHH!! It's Computing module 2 revisited!  At
>least you didn't go on about the Waterfall Model and boundry data.

Is that a complaint or a statement of some kind?

>- Can't stop looking at the cover - that jigsaw effect is soooooo cool

>- Who wrote the captions for the photos in the Future of Amiga article?  They
>sound like something from FHM.

/me points to Ben and blames him... ;)

>- Damn that person who asked for harder Backstage questions.

You mean to say that you don't know the answer to that easy question?
Shame on you...

>- That Petro really looks like Warren Clarke.  My mum reckons you look like
>Ben Elton.

Excuse my ignorance, but who's Warren Clarke?

 Andy Mills,
 South West Amiga Group
As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?

Message 13757

Subject: [afb] POLL: Which Commodities?
Hi, I'm just curious about which commodities that come with Workbench people use regularly. 

Please select one or more of the following:

   o Click To Front
   o Blanker
   o AutoPoint
   o No Caps Lock
   o Mouse Blanker
   o CrossDOS
   o Exchange
   o None of them

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 13758

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: Napalm probs FIXED!!
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 00:22:13 +0100

> Have you played it? It play's nothing like C&C and is just, well crap,
> I've got no other words for it. Of course this is my opinion and I know
> a lot of people like it.
> People want command & conquer playability, not napalm ;))
> Flame me at will ;)

well I'm on your side after playing it (demo only) I decided C&C on Sony
PS was better
                Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 13759

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Backstage (was: A Few things...)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 05:36:12 +0100
> >- Damn that person who asked for harder Backstage questions.
> You mean to say that you don't know the answer to that easy question?
> Shame on you...

Yes, I was thinking along the same lines. How can anyone except complete
novices who have only just bought their first Amiga NOT know the answer to
that question. And although it's a great prize, which I would love to get, I
probably won't, and indeed never have, entered any competitions simply because
I'm too lazy to leave my computer room to go and get a stamp, and I end up not
being able to afford one either (I'm only 17 y'know, and I can't be arsed with
a job and college :)

Can you enter these compos by Email? At one point I even wrote out postcards
for the christmas compos a while ago, but never sent them because of a lack of

Hmmm... slightly long statement... I'll shut up now...

  T R O G L A D I T E  -  S O F T W A R E
     __                        Neil Bullock
__  ///
 \XX/                     ICQ UIN: 27873010 #trogsoft

Message 13760

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: New AF?
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 00:24:34 +0100
Hello paulhill

>> Hi,
>> Has anyone on here had their AF yet?
> Not as yet, although I await its arrival with anticipation.:)

mine came Thurs am managed to stop the postie trashing it my forcing it
through the letter box 
                   Cheers all the best


  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 13761

From: "David Patterson"
Subject: [afb] Re: I'm tired
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 20:53:17 +0100

>Sorry to hear that - hope you can replace your face quickly...

Yeah, I think I might get one of those nice Epson Stylus Faces, well its
either that or a permanent career in horror films...

===========-===--===---=----------- -  -
Member Team Amiga RC5
PGP Public Key Available On Request
VoiceMail 0800 413 494 Box 1234567
===========-===--===---=----------- -  -

Message 13762

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: It's me really
Date: 5 Jun 99 00:03:32 +0000
On Sat Jun 05 at 00:02:33, Tim Seifert was heard muttering:

> Hello Paul,
> > Do you know how I'd go about it with a modem on a Surf Squirrel.
> > I can't echo to SER: because that's isn't where it's plugged in.

> But try typing in ASSIGN DEVICES in the CLI, and look at the list of
> available devices.  See if anything looks obviously belonging to the
> Surf Squirrel.  
Tried that already. Nothing of any use. [also to Neil here] There is
nothing in DEVS:Dosdrivers etc either and I thought about creating a
mount file, but that would need an L:xxx-handler wouldn't it? There
isn't a relevant one as far as I can tell.
> Failing that, try its manual.  I seem to remember it having a fairly
> elaborate printed instruction book.
Elaborate book yes, but no use. It tells you how to work a CD drive
and even that you should low-level format a harddrive!
> Bye,
> Tim.  (B.A. T.L.M.N.)
... Support your local Search and Rescue Helicopters....Get Lost

Message 13763

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microdot II
Date: 5 Jun 99 00:06:54 +0000
At 00:06:09 you said about [afb] Re: Microdot II:
> Naturally, there's 36 u-net.* newsgroups, the most relevant ones being
> u-net.announce
> Others you may want to look at include
> u-net.announce.homepages
> u-net.humour
> u-net.www
Bl**dy hell! (Sorry 'bout that).
Now I just need to find time to get MD2 to download that huge list of
newsgroups (takes ages with mui :( )
> Neil
... Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday

Message 13764

From: "Paul Cundle"
Subject: [afb] Re: WOA'99
Date: 5 Jun 99 00:09:44 +0000
I was just going to bed, when Andy Mills wrote this and I just HAD to read it:

> You can book them in advance (which is cheaper), or pay on the day....
Okely, dokely. I was probably going to book anyway, I'm just not quite
sure if I'll go.

>  Andy Mills,
... What do little birdies see, when they get knocked unconscious?

Message 13765

From: Dillon Eyre
Subject: [afb] Re: Ide-probs
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 01:10:46 +0100
Hi Bauglir

Thanx for the IDE advice, I had already moved to to that port
but all isuceeded in doing was making a lot of smoke appear from wire 39 on
the 44pin to 40 pin lead.
So I got the info. from #help on ARCNet, bloody help all of ya.
(It was slave and master settings for h/d and cd-rom i had wrong)
See ya

Message 13766

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: yam file
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 00:57:58 +0100
On 03-Jun-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> Hi Ken,
>>  What file can I delete to speeed up yam (I'm sure you can safely)
>> using yam 2.7
> What do you mean?

I thought there was a small file that you could, I'm sure read about it,
must be I'm wrong

                   Cheers all the best

                        Ken Walsh

  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 13767

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 01:11:33 +0100
Hi Ben.

> > It must be and end-of-line thing - I can only find DSDD disks in my very
> > small local computer shop, RJ Computers, and they normally only have 1
> > at most. The Amiga is the only format still using DD floppys isn't it ?
> It's about the only format using floppies at all.

Actually, the Archimedes' and Atari's still use DD floppies, though Acorn
User appear to have stopped producing a floppy version of the mag. (Mind
you, having merged with the only other Archie mag. in existence, they
probably need the extra space to fit things on...) The only ST mag. in
existence (AFAIK) can still be supplied (mail-order only) with floppy (you
can subscribe to get just the mag.). They tried producing CDs at irregular
intervals with all the floppy stuff on, but apparently had no end of
problems with the company who were supposed to be doing the CDs, so they
ended up saying 'stuff it' and offering people their money back

(Thankfully it didn't affect me - I've yet to get an HD in any of my STs,
let alone CD!)
Also, some PC mags still have floppy versions, though this isn't very common
these days. And, Win95/98 can't be installed on some machines without at
least a startup floppy disk, to tell the computer that there is a CD drive
So, while it is on the way out, I feel it could be a while before we see the
end of floppies completely...


Message 13768

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: DOpus again (Was Essential Programs)
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 01:46:18 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain;
content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
content-type: text/plain;

Hi Ben.

> >    (PS I never did fathom that thing with prog's opening in WB screens
> > rather than DOpus screens - if I can get to WOA, I'll bring the '1200
> > along and show you the problem,if it's OK - it's not major, but I have
> > found if I do a screengrab from PPaint it has the WB title bar at the
> > so if I sent a WB for the AFCD, people seeing it may not realize I've
> > DOpus running, IYSWIM)
> In Environment settings, in the display part, make sure you have
> use" selected.

Right, I've re-installed DOpus completely, each time checking the WBR
options. I've checked the DOpus display settings as you said above, and yet
every time I select a program (the listers work fine) the title bar changes
to 'Workbench Screen'. In desperation I am attaching a SnoopDos log in the
hope you may be able to tell me what is, or isn't, working properly.

Yours exasperatedly,

Message 13769

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: A few jumbled up questions :)
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 01:44:19 +0100
Hi Ben

On 04-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Hi Neil,
>> 1) If a reader wrote an article which would fill up 15 pages of AF (which
>> you probably wouldn't be able to fit in one issue) but actually paid for
>> the pages himself (or herself :) would you put the article in?
> No, I don't think so. It would depend on what the author was writing about
> anyway, but 15 pages?

Come on Ben! Use your cut-throat editorial skills here - any editor worth his
salt could slash such a verbose article down to something that could fit on a
postage stamp! ;-)


"Bother," said Pooh, as he noticed the mercury trigger switch.

Message 13770

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: I'm tired
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 01:56:04 +0100
Hi David

On 04-Jun-99, you wrote:

> Ahh, you gotta love microsoft hey! I make ten quid an hour for fixing
> people's PCs or just giving lessons on how to use their
> scanner/printer/internet access, its money for just sitting there :)

The NTL in your email address wouldn't happen to be the same MS-controlled NTL
(internet, cable, comms) company that's just taken over Diamond Cable is it?

I ask just out of interest as it caught my eye. If it is, how about some
background on this company. Are they to be trusted? ;-)


Is there a lawyer in the house? Yes?  Okay, any more?

Message 13771

From: "Daniel Thornton"
Subject: [afb] Re: Microdot II
Date: 5 Jun 99 02:05:25 +0000
On 5 Jun 99 00:06:54 +0000, Paul Cundle said:

> > u-net.announce
> >
> >

> Now I just need to find time to get MD2 to download that huge list of
> newsgroups (takes ages with mui :( )

No you don't. Go to the 'Groups' menu option, select 'Create new
newsgroup'. Where it says 'group name' or similar, type in (for example)

'OK' it, and then click on the group in the list window, select 'Group' in
the menu and click on 'Subscribe to group'.

And that's it. I know it sounds a lot, but it only takes a few seconds, and
it's far better than waiting for MUI to sort out that listview :(

THE WIBBLE - It's like QVC, but without the bad quality presenters, poorly
made wigs and without the wide-eyed astonishment at seeing a video recorder
that has an 'eject tape' facility. ICQ: 28589940

Message 13772

Subject: [afb] POLL: Printed Manuals - OK or not?
Right, thanks to James' suggestions for options, now we can decide on a group opinion to printed and online manuals. Please select one of the following.


Please select one of the following:

   o Printed manuals are better
   o Online manuals are better
   o Printed manuals have their place, but I prefer online manualq

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 13773

From: Ken Walsh
Subject: [afb] Re: yam file
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 02:26:31 +0100
Hello Peter

> Ken Walsh scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] yam file :
>>  What file can I delete to speeed up yam (I'm sure you can safely)
> Try the .uidl file, which is used to ensure you don't download duplicate
> mails. If you have "delete mail from server" ticked in your prefs, it
> shouldn't matter anyway. :)

yes thats what I was on about I've had it ticked as you say but the said
file is always getting larger. I've just moved it (to other partition
safely) to see what happends it was 661868 in size. While i'm at it can I
get shut of the YAM.log file safely
                   Cheers all the best


  Sent by the Amiga Computer System The Amiga A1200 

Message 13774

Subject: [afb] POLL: Printed Manuals - OK or not?
Right, thanks to James' suggestions for options (though I've altered the order and wording slightly), now we can decide on a group opinion to printed and online manuals. Please select one of the following.


Please select one of the following:

   o Printed manuals are better
   o Online manuals are better
   o Printed manuals have their place, but I prefer online manuals
   o Online manuals have their place, but I prefer printed manuals
   o Both have their place, as long as they both contain the same information
   o Both have their place, as long as some information is duplicated in both
   o Both have their place, as long as there is no duplication of information
   o Don't care

by going to the following Web form:

Thank you!

Message 13775

From: "Chris Pratt"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Printed Manuals - OK or not?
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 02:38:52 +0100
Hi all.

> Right, thanks to James' suggestions for options, now we can decide on a
group opinion to printed and online manuals. Please select one of the
> ----
> Please select one of the following:
>    o Printed manuals are better
>    o Online manuals are better
>    o Printed manuals have their place, but I prefer online manualq

Sorry about that - I knocked the Enter key when I wanted to press Backspace!
Please Ignore this message - I've cancelled that poll anyway - but please
reply to the new message concerning the 'properly done' version of this

    Thanks, Chrispy

Message 13776

Subject: [afb] Re: A few things...
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 09:06:32 -0000
> - How useful is the shops section?  I can't help but feel that those 2 pages
> could be better used.

The shops are being thinned out. Every time someone sends in a new shop two of
the older ones are going. The only problem is that we don't want to put all the
ads selling A1200s in the mag - it wouldn't look good.
> - Fax-back ideas: Tower case reviews

Good! Thank you.
> - Does that there Power Tower come with a keyboard and adapter?  120quid seems a
> bit steep else.

Think so, but not sure.
> - Program Perfection - ARRRGGGHHH!! It's Computing module 2 revisited!  At least
> you didn't go on about the Waterfall Model and boundry data.

That's this issue... :)
> - Can't stop looking at the cover - that jigsaw effect is soooooo cool

Groovy ain't it?
> - Who wrote the captions for the photos in the Future of Amiga article?  They
> sound like something from FHM.

Mea culpa, I did 'em.
> - Damn that person who asked for harder Backstage questions.

That'll be Frost then (I think).
> - That Petro really looks like Warren Clarke.  My mum reckons you look like Ben
> Elton.

Gee thanks. I'm getting to be Scarlet-Pimpernel-like. No-one knows exactly what
I look like, yet I resemble the bastard son of Ben Elton and Joe Mantegna with
a bit of David Baddiel thrown in for good measure... :)


Message 13777

Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 09:14:54 -0000
> I think it should change from Start_Here though. It's not even
> obvious that it is going to load HTML as it is an IconX script.
> Just being picky, for the benefit of all those new users about to
> transgress from the PC market ;)

Hmm, what should it say then? I'm intrigued. The reason it's called Start_Here
right now is that when you put a Future CD in the drive you're supposed to be
forced to look at the disclaimer. We can't do that as we don't have an autorun
feature for CDs, so the disclaimer is the first bit of HTML you come across -
and thus we want people to load it first.

> Off to make a list of all the things to complain about.
> Dunno why, but I've noticed lots of niggles on this month's CD.

Please report your findings ASAP...  :)


Message 13778

From: Jon Barker
Subject: [afb] Re: DOpus again (Was Essential Programs)
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 10:15:52 +0100
Hello Chris

On 05-Jun-99, Chris Pratt wrote:

> Right, I've re-installed DOpus completely, each time checking the WBR
> options. I've checked the DOpus display settings as you said above, and
> yet every time I select a program (the listers work fine) the title bar
> changes to 'Workbench Screen'. In desperation I am attaching a SnoopDos
> log in the hope you may be able to tell me what is, or isn't, working
> properly.

   You are trying to get Netconnect to open on it's own screen?  But you
don't have a MUI keyfile, you can't save your MUI settings, or does MUI
unregistered let you save the screen in the settings? 

Jon Barker                         ICQ:20786000

Message 13779

Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 09:24:34 -0000
>    o CrossDOS

This is a tricky one. I doubt that very many people run the CrossDOS commodity,
although they will probably be running the DOSdriver...


Message 13780

Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 09:28:52 -0000
> Also, some PC mags still have floppy versions, though this isn't very common
> these days. And, Win95/98 can't be installed on some machines without at
> least a startup floppy disk, to tell the computer that there is a CD drive
> there!

If you have a reasonably up-to-date PC, why not simply set your BIOS to boot
from CD?


Message 13781

Subject: [afb] Re: DOpus again (Was Essential Programs)
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 09:33:07 -0000
> Right, I've re-installed DOpus completely, each time checking the WBR
> options. I've checked the DOpus display settings as you said above, and yet
> every time I select a program (the listers work fine) the title bar changes
> to 'Workbench Screen'. In desperation I am attaching a SnoopDos log in the
> hope you may be able to tell me what is, or isn't, working properly.

No, don't need it, I know understand what you're talking about and it's
perfectly natural, don't worry. Of course it changes to Workbench screen.
Screens don't have coloured title bars like windows do so you need some way of
determining that they aren't active. If you were still running Workbench and
you ran another program on the same screen then your Workbench screen's title
bar would also say "Workbench Screen". If you're worried about people not
believing you're running DOpus you have two choices: 1. Make sure that DOpus is
active by clicking on the background of the screen, 2. Have a lister open, or
the icon info window or something that Workbench doesn't have in the same way.


Message 13782

From: " Poll Results"
Subject: [afb] Voting Results: The AFB gathering '99
Here are the results of the vote:

North England
The Midlands
South England
The Bath area

See the results at

Message 13783

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Grrrrrr Mail Problems AGAIN!
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 11:22:52 +0100
Hi all

I am seriously pissed off.  'Yay, lets see what's been said on afb while I've
been gone' thought I this morrow.
Tum-te-tum .... boot up PC .... load OE .... click "Send and Receive" ....
'Receiving messages 1 to 25' came the response.
'Message 13 cannot be received.  Your server has not responded for 60 seconds.'

Oh well, another call to Virgin's tech people, change my afb subscription in the
meantime.  But no, egroups seems to be broken so I can't change my email
address.  Bloody marvelous.

I am fed up of this happening (this must be the 3rd time) so I was wondering -
how can I access my POP mailbox and get rid of the bastard mail 13 (unlucky for

Sorry if this offended someone, but I'm not in a good mood. No jokes about 'my
time of the month' please.

If you've got any ideas the mail me direct at *this address*:

Thanks in advance

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13784

Subject: [afb] Re: A few things...
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 10:30:47 -0000
Hi Andy Mills

> >- Program Perfection - ARRRGGGHHH!! It's Computing module 2 revisited!  At
> >least you didn't go on about the Waterfall Model and boundry data.
> Is that a complaint or a statement of some kind?

Just a statement of my opinion.
> >- Can't stop looking at the cover - that jigsaw effect is soooooo cool
> >- Who wrote the captions for the photos in the Future of Amiga article?  They
> >sound like something from FHM.
> /me points to Ben and blames him... ;)

I quite like them - they funny.
> >- Damn that person who asked for harder Backstage questions.
> You mean to say that you don't know the answer to that easy question?
> Shame on you...

No, I do know that one it's just I can see them getting more elaborate.  I also meant we don't get multiple choice anymore.
> >- That Petro really looks like Warren Clarke.  My mum reckons you look like
> >Ben Elton.
> Excuse my ignorance, but who's Warren Clarke?

He's an actor blokey,plays Dalziel in "Dalziel and Pascoe".

Alex F (which is an anagram of Axel F in case you cared)

Message 13785

Subject: [afb] Re: A few things...
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 10:33:55 -0000
 Hi Ben


> > - Program Perfection - ARRRGGGHHH!! It's Computing module 2 revisited!  At least
> > you didn't go on about the Waterfall Model and boundry data.
> That's this issue... :)

Ah well, least it'll help with my revision.  Speaking of which...
> > - Who wrote the captions for the photos in the Future of Amiga article?  They
> > sound like something from FHM.
> Mea culpa, I did 'em.

I know it didn't sound like it, but that was some convoluted form of complement.
> > - Damn that person who asked for harder Backstage questions.
> That'll be Frost then (I think).

I don't - think, that is.
> > - That Petro really looks like Warren Clarke.  My mum reckons you look like Ben
> > Elton.
> Gee thanks. I'm getting to be Scarlet-Pimpernel-like. No-one knows exactly what
> I look like, yet I resemble the bastard son of Ben Elton and Joe Mantegna with
> a bit of David Baddiel thrown in for good measure... :)

Hey, lets start a whole new thread - "Who do famous people in the Amiga community look like?"

Alex F

Message 13786

Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 10:40:52 -0000

>    o Exchange

I've put down for this one, although I use Magic Exchange (what uses MUI) cos it's better.

Alex F

Message 13787

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: Ide-probs
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 11:15:27 +0100
On 05-Jun-99, Dillon Eyre Wrote........

[=> Thanx for the IDE advice, I had already moved to to that port but all
[=> isuceeded in doing was making a lot of smoke appear from wire 39 on the
[=> 44pin to 40 pin lead.
[=> So I got the info. from #help on ARCNet, bloody help all of ya. (It was
[=> slave and master settings for h/d and cd-rom i had wrong) See ya
[=> Dill

By the sound of it you got the IDE cable connected back to front!  The
connection is simple to remember.

Red wire to pin 1: on the IDE port and the HD Connector.
If there isn't a red wire (And there should be)  You will have 4 wires not
connected to the 44 pin header.  these are the power pins and they are
always on the port side of the motherboard.  Hopefully this will help people
not to make the same mistake again.

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
Yo mama so tall, she did a back-flip and kicked Jesus in the mouth.

Message 13788

From: Ashley Scott
Subject: [afb] Re: Grrrrrr Mail Problems AGAIN!
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 11:45:55 +0100
On 05-Jun-99, Alex Furmanski Wrote........

[=> Sorry if this offended someone, but I'm not in a good mood. No jokes
[=> about 'my time of the month' please.

This is understandable..... You don't moan on like an old fart all the
time!!!  So I promise not to accuse you of having PMT ;).

*<---(Satanic Dreams Software Founder)--->*
*IRC:* EsperNet/#SatanicDreams   ICQ: 34655410
Gay female spies: Lesbianage!

Message 13789

From: Peter Price
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 08:42:44 +0000
Gerald Mellor scribbled with a virtual Biro about [afb] Re: IRC :

> Since Arcnet is essentially an Amiga-only network, I find it gets very
> boring, very quickly. It doesn't have the variety of other networks such
> as Dalnet.

You're in a minority then. I find it has plenty of variety. It might not be
as popular as the other networks, so it may not be as busy, but it certainly
doesn't get boring much.

> Well on Dalnet (and Galaxynet, I don't know about other networks) people
> DO own their nicknames. I don't see how it would work if there was more
> than one person using the same nick on at the same time. 

Only one person can use one nick at once on ANY network. The whole concept
of having to register your nickname just seems pointless to me though. I'm
Agima, and don't have a problem with someone else using it, as long as I'm
not there when they do, of course >;)

Best Regards
Peter Price                     Amiga Universe
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet             You read it because you're *weak*

At least Bill Clinton knows what George Washington looked like.

Message 13790

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] Re: Another problem.. :-(
Date: 05 Jun 99 11:44:14 +0100
On 04-Jun-99 20:29:11 BST, 4-0 wrote:

> it dosen't rain, but it pours.
> Another problem has cropped up. Recently, when I try to delete a file
> using the pull-down menus, workbench crashes. I've tried replacing
> thefile "delete" in my C drawer with the original of my Wb disks, but

The WB delete command doesn't use C:Delete (it does the deletion by
calling a function available in dos.library - i.e. ROM resident).

> with no result. I haven't installed any new software/hardware recently
> that could effect it. Can anyone help? Cheers

Sounds like a bizarre problem...  Are you sure you haven't installed
anything that patches requesters and the like?  As using WB delete brings
up a confirmation requester, I'm guessing that it's crashing before (or at)
that point?

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

 Internet Amiga F1GP Championship  ==>

Message 13791

From: "Oliver Roberts"
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: 05 Jun 99 11:46:39 +0100
On 05-Jun-99 10:14:54 BST, ben wrote:

>> I think it should change from Start_Here though. It's not even
>> obvious that it is going to load HTML as it is an IconX script.
>> Just being picky, for the benefit of all those new users about to
>> transgress from the PC market ;)

> Hmm, what should it say then? I'm intrigued. The reason it's called
> Start_Here right now is that when you put a Future CD in the drive you're
> supposed to be forced to look at the disclaimer. We can't do that as we
> don't have an autorun feature for CDs, so the disclaimer is the first bit
> of HTML you come across - and thus we want people to load it first.

You could always put the disclaimer in a huge icon in the main AFCD
window, or even the disk icon itself - then everyone would see it.  No,
I'm not being serious :)

 Oliver Roberts   /~\ ___(~)__ __  |~~~/~|          UIN: 34640231
  Norwich, UK    | o | ' |~/. /. | | ~|| |
                 |_|_|_M_|_\_,\__; |_| |_|
 Amiga Developer           |__/  

    Pace 56 Solo mailing list ==>

Message 13792

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 20:06:02 +0000
Hello All,

On 04-Jun-99, Ben Vost wrote:

> You shouldn't be. It's a screw-up with subscriptions, and we've told them
> several times about it. However, you won't be bothered by it for much
> longer since we're stopping the subs disk with the September issue.

Will you continue with the subs.dms on the CD, or will that go too? What
about the newsletter?

UIN: 30044173

Experience is directly proportional to the value of equipment destroyed.
-- Carolyn Scheppner

Message 13793

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: AF125 - It's here
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 20:15:06 +0000
Hello All,

On 03-Jun-99, Andy Kinsella wrote:

> Speaking of covers, my favourite ever AF cover was the red one with the
> crash-helmeted g-forcibly challenged feller. . .issue 80 something. . .88
> I think, could be wrong; I can't seem to lay my hands on it.

It is Issue 82. My all time favourites are 91 and 92.

UIN: 30044173

You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
-- Thoreau

Message 13794

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Funny photos
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 20:22:42 +0000
Hello 4-0,

On 04-Jun-99, you wrote:

> 4) Top, page 18..
>    Neil Bothwick lets one rip, and is relegated to his own window to
> attempt contain the pong.

5) Bottom, page 18..
    Ben was obviously sitting downwind of Neil.

UIN: 30044173

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 13795

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 22:46:41 +0000
Hello All,

On 04-Jun-99, Philip Edwards wrote:

> Hi Richard,
>> Errr, yesterday actually. I bought a pack from Dixons in Ipswich 3.49
>> for a box of ten. And no they're not HD but real DD ones.
> It must be and end-of-line thing - I can only find DSDD disks in my very
> small local computer shop, RJ Computers, and they normally only have 1 box
> at most. The Amiga is the only format still using DD floppys isn't it ?

There is probably some obscure people still using those dodgy Acorns. Most
of the ones in our school only had DD drives (800k).
UIN: 30044173

Experience is directly proportional to the value of equipment destroyed.
-- Carolyn Scheppner

Message 13796

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Updating my Amiga
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 20:37:17 +0000
Hello All,

On 04-Jun-99, Anthony Sherratt wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have decided I would like to update my Amiga so that it has
> a graphics card.  Now the easiest way for me todo this in an
> A1200 is to have a PPC and a BVision right ?  So Im just 
> wondering what would be the best way to update my Amiga
> todo so.  Could someone who has gone through the 
> transformation of a stock A1200 to a A1200T PPC BVision
> please explain to me what I need and which are best 
> options ?

First of all if you do order one don't expect next day delivery. Mine has
been on order since 3/4/99 and Phase5 are having trouble with their big
testing machine. I've been told "any day now" for about a month.

I've used an Infinitv II tower and must say they are very nice to look at
but maybe a little skimpy on storage space and adding/removing accelerator
boards requires removing the entire motherboard.

The PPC/BVision combo has a very good reputation and certainly seems to be
the least expensive and fastest (in power terms) way of adding a graphics
card to your Amiga. Plus you get a nice new CPU to boot (two even!)
UIN: 30044173

I like work ... I can sit and watch it for hours.

Message 13797

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Abackup
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 22:52:24 +0000
Hello All,

On 04-Jun-99, Bill wrote:

> To test Abackup I installed it on my system but it keeps on crashing,
> causing the following guru:
> Task  : 01005B52 "Unknown"
> Error : 8000000B (DEADEND)
> By    : CPU
> Cause : unexpected LINEF
Anybody, correct me if I'm wrong but LINEF Gurus are normally FPU progs
trying to run on non FPU manchines.

Is Abackup really FPU optimised?

UIN: 30044173

Always remember that you are unique.  Just like everyone else.

Message 13798

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 22:59:00 +0000
Hello All,

On 04-Jun-99, Andy Mills wrote:

>>> Unplug *anything* else you may have on yer phone line and try it then.
>>> I had thne same problem, but worse. The max I could ever get was 26k :(.
>>> I eventually traced it to the main phone downstairs, once I removed it I
>>> was getting anyting up to 50k...
>> Cool!  So why does that help?
> Either that phone is just f**ked, or it just doesn't like modems....

Or perhaps you had too many devices attached to your line until you removed
the phone?

Each device has a REN number, the total for the line should not exceed 4.
Most modems and phones are 1.0.

UIN: 30044173

Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you
won't either.
-- Murphy's laws on sex

Message 13799

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: 66Mhz 68060's!
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:09:00 +0000
Hello All,

On 04-Jun-99, wrote:

> The university I attend has a laboratory sponsored by Motorola, and I have
> asked the representative if he could get me a PPc and a 66Mhz 060! I
> thought that as the 060-66 was the fastest version and could be used with
> a Cyberstorm MkIII or CyberStorm PPC.
> I have since found out that the Phase5 accelerators are for 50 Mhz
> versions! What must I do to convert these boards to use them? Replace the
> crystal? Is it easy? Anyone done this?

You can just replace the crytal but it

will be soldered down
will invalidate your warranty
has been known to mess up the SCSI side of things

If you search Amiga Web Dir you can find a link to a site dedicated to
overclocking things like cyberstorms and even calculators!

UIN: 30044173

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
-- Albert Einstein

Message 13800

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Subs mag
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:19:10 +0000
Hello All,

On 04-Jun-99, Philip Edwards wrote:

> How about getting some sort of deal with a CD manufacturer to give you
> 1,200 CD Drives at a discount and sell them on to the floppy only readers
> so we could finally dump the floppy edition. They're going to have to dump
> floppy sometime, and its probably better if it was sooner rather than
> later.....
> What does anyone else think about this?  

I personally think the floppy as we know it has served it's purpose. It's
time to move onto LS120 the new FUJI drives etc. If they only had the
ability to read old Amiga disks aswell as MSDOS 1.44/720k the change would
be so much easier.

I think that the DD version should be dropped ASAP too. Most people have
CD Drives or at least access to one. (I have one to sell, mail me off-list).

UIN: 30044173

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is
time to reform.
-- Mark Twain

Message 13801

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] DVD
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:26:13 +0000
Hello All,

Will this new wonder CDFS be available seperatly so that users without Zorro
ie Powerflyer1200 users can also use the technology. Will we be able to use
DVD-RAM drives too?

UIN: 30044173

Success is like a fart - only your own smells nice.
-- James P. Hogan

Message 13802

From: Danny Shepherd
Subject: [afb] Re: Dems
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:34:33 +0000
Hello All,

I remember some of you gagging for some Dems. If you check out the First
Computers advert on page 87 of AF125 you can get the Dem Rom for only 3.00!

In fact you can get Genetic Species for 3.00 too! I think i'll be reaching
for the phone now. Oh it's 11:30 pm, maybe later.

UIN: 30044173

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to
make it shorter.
-- Blaise Pascal

Message 13803

From: "Neil Bothwick"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: 5 Jun 1999 9:50:32 +0100
trogladite said, 

> Hi, I'm just curious about which commodities that come with Workbench people
> use regularly. 

What about people that use third party replacements, or multi-function

Neil Bothwick -   icq://16361788
Connected via Wirenet, The UK's first Amiga-only internet access provider
Be wewy wewy quiet...I'm hunting Womulins!!

Message 13804

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 09:25:25 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Neil Bothwick 
To: trogladite 
Sent: 05 June 1999 09:50
Subject: [afb] Re: POLL: Which Commodities?

> trogladite said,
> > Hi, I'm just curious about which commodities that come with Workbench
> > use regularly.
> What about people that use third party replacements, or multi-function
> commodities?

Well, I know people use 3rd party commodities, but I didn't include them
mainly because I want to see who uses which Workbench commodities. And I
couldn't fit another option in the list of selectable answers :)


Message 13805

From: "Neil Bullock"
Subject: [afb] Re: Dems
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 09:28:07 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: Danny Shepherd 
Sent: 05 June 1999 00:34
Subject: [afb] Re: Dems

> Hello All,
> I remember some of you gagging for some Dems. If you check out the First
> Computers advert on page 87 of AF125 you can get the Dem Rom for only 3.00!
> In fact you can get Genetic Species for 3.00 too! I think i'll be reaching
> for the phone now. Oh it's 11:30 pm, maybe later.

What did I tell ya? But would any of you listen (apart from a select few) :)

First Computer Centre (FCC) are offering nearly everything at between 1 and 5
pounds. Note that on some things, they don't appear to have many copies of it.
Although they probably store some somewhere, I couldn't see where, since
they've cut half of their building off to use as office space... just thought
I'd warn you.


Message 13806

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Grrrrrr Mail Problems AGAIN!
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 13:36:00 +0100

>[=> Sorry if this offended someone, but I'm not in a good mood. No jokes
>[=> about 'my time of the month' please.
>This is understandable..... You don't moan on like an old fart all the
>time!!!  So I promise not to accuse you of having PMT ;).

Somehow, the problem seems to have fixed itself!  Not even a 2 call to tech
support needed.  Yay!

/me goes off skipping through the long grass in "happy" mode

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13807

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Another problem.. :-(
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 13:39:12 +0100
Hi there 4-0

>> it dosen't rain, but it pours.
>> Another problem has cropped up. Recently, when I try to delete a file
>> using the pull-down menus, workbench crashes. I've tried replacing
>> thefile "delete" in my C drawer with the original of my Wb disks, but
>The WB delete command doesn't use C:Delete (it does the deletion by
>calling a function available in dos.library - i.e. ROM resident).
>> with no result. I haven't installed any new software/hardware recently
>> that could effect it. Can anyone help? Cheers
>Sounds like a bizarre problem...  Are you sure you haven't installed
>anything that patches requesters and the like?  As using WB delete brings
>up a confirmation requester, I'm guessing that it's crashing before (or at)
>that point?

It works fine with ARQ.  Try installing PowerWB - all you need to do then is
select some files and press the delete key.  If it doesn't crash then, it looks
like it might be a problem with the menus (?)

Alternatively go for something like Globaltrash so you just drag the files to
the rubbish bin (NOTE: refrain from saying Trashcan or Recycle Bin)

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13808

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: Funny photos
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 13:42:42 +0100

>> 4) Top, page 18..
>>    Neil Bothwick lets one rip, and is relegated to his own window to
>> attempt contain the pong.
>5) Bottom, page 18..
>    Ben was obviously sitting downwind of Neil.

6) Top right, page 18
Petro demonstrates the famous "Thousand Hand Slap"

7) Bottom, page 18
"Did you spill my pint?"

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13809

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: DVD
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 13:49:28 +0100
Hi Danny

>Will this new wonder CDFS be available seperatly so that users without Zorro
>ie Powerflyer1200 users can also use the technology. Will we be able to use
>DVD-RAM drives too?

Couldn't they have come up with a better name than "Allegro CDFS"?  It always
makes me think of the Austin Allegro (shudders).  Now, if they'd have called it
"Maxi CDFS" or "Viva CDFS"...

Will DVD-RAM's be RAM in the true sense of the phrase "Random Access", or will
they be more like CD-R's and CD-RW's?  I think the phrase DVD-(RAM|ROM) sucks

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13810

From: "Alex Furmanski"
Subject: [afb] Re: IE5 was
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 13:44:31 +0100

>>>> Unplug *anything* else you may have on yer phone line and try it then.
>>>> I had thne same problem, but worse. The max I could ever get was 26k :(.
>>>> I eventually traced it to the main phone downstairs, once I removed it I
>>>> was getting anyting up to 50k...
>>> Cool!  So why does that help?
>> Either that phone is just f**ked, or it just doesn't like modems....
>Or perhaps you had too many devices attached to your line until you removed
>the phone?
>Each device has a REN number, the total for the line should not exceed 4.
>Most modems and phones are 1.0.

Not being pedantic, but it always makes me smile when people say "PIN number",
when the N stands for number anyway.  Much like the N in REN.

Tatty byes
Alex Furmanski -

"I lurve jelly and I want to marry it. People may think I'm strange but I'm not.
I want to be wedded to jelly and if that's what I want, that's what I'll have.
Can I have my jelly now please?" - Rod Hull

Message 13811

From: "Paul Venton"
Subject: [afb] Re: DVD
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 13:57:03 +0100

> Will DVD-RAM's be RAM in the true sense of the phrase "Random Access", or
> will they be more like CD-R's and CD-RW's?  I think the phrase
> DVD-(RAM|ROM) sucks anyway.

DVD-ROM is readable, DVD-RAM is writable - such as the 
Panasonic one which uses either 2.6 or 5.2GB disks...

Bye for now


Message 13812

Subject: [afb] Re: BVisionPPC
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 13:56:17 -0000
 <000301beaeb6$d27c6080$9063fea-@pc300a> wrote: 
Original Article:
> I've just installed my A1200 into a Power Tower. Has anyone had a problem
> where the system hangs as soon as you select a CGfx screenmode. The system
> is nice and stable in AGA with the PPC running so I don't think there is a
> heat/power problem. I've flashed the ROM on the 603e.

If you've only just installed the BVision, then here are several
things that get nearly everyone:

1.You NEED to supply extra power to the motherboard via the floppy
power connector.  The BV manual says how to do this, just ensure you
get the connector the right way or your motherboard will DIE.  Only a
very few users have avoided needing this 'hack'.

2.Remove *all* AGA patches.  In fact, remove all patches just to be
sure - maybe even all additional programs (User-Startup & WbStartUp).

3.Ensure you have the latest 68040 libraries - quite essential.

4.Ventillation inside the tower may be necessary - ensure best air
flow by tying all cables together.  Maybe even add an extra fan
somewhere if you have real stability problems - or just try keeping
the tower casing off...

5.I think I found that my PSU was causing stability problems for
speedy BVisions displays.  May not apply to anyone else though.

6.Talk to your dealer!  They will have got 100s of users with BVision
problems, so that they will be able to make many suggestions.

I hope you bought from White Knight as they are amazingly good.

Good luck!

Message 13813

Subject: [afb] Re: ShapeShifter, Internet and viruses
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 14:34:08 -0000
 wrote:  Original Article: > Hi, >  > Having just got Shapeshifter sort of working (can't get it on the net, > despite having the real Macintosh MacTCP, MacPPP, and whatever the > other possible software was that I just can't remember now).  It goes > no further than trying to speak to the serial port (if that), it sure > doesn't make the MODEM do anything. >  > I've got two problems.  Firstly how to get it on the net.  Secondly how > to make sure I don't get any viruses.  Can anyone offer me any help?  Give FreePPP a try, it did the job for me !  

Message 13814

From: "Tom Dolan"
Subject: [afb] SASG
Date: 4 Jun 99 13:12:16 +0000
>> Now, I'm starting to be a good little boy and register all my
>> (starting with MUI and Virus_CheckerII) but I filled out the form
>>for MUI
>> and sent a check to its address, - over two months ago! - snip
>> Anyone here know anyone who runs MUI?

>It was only last week I was talking to Stefan Stuntz about this very
>problem. Probably your best bet is to register online with somebody's
>credit card. Give them the money up-front first so that they know how
>much you'll want and if they doubt the efficacy and safety of buying
>over the net, point them at my online shopping feature... :) All the

>Ben Vost

Sounds good but......

I sent SASG my credit card no. about 3 months ago. I had one
communication to say my registration of MUI was being processed but
since then they have failed to answer my (many) emails! I've given up
at this point. Unfortunately it's not the first time I've been messed
around with shareware.

But thankfully, other authors are more on the ball. :-)



Hardware: A4000 Cyberstorm 060/50mHz 50Mb, Picasso IV, 
                  17" NDC monitor, 24x CDRom, Epson colour 600, 
                  Epson Scanner, Oktagon scsi, Dynalink modem etc.
                  (A1200 040/25, A500 030/40)

     - In moments of true decision, your future is born. -

Message 13815

From: "Tom Dolan"
Subject: [afb] SASG
Date: 5 Jun 99 14:50:18 +0000
Coincidence or what?

After 12 weeks of waiting my mui key arrives the day after I moaned
about it on this list!!

Can't be a bad sign!



Hardware: A4000 Cyberstorm 060/50mHz 50Mb, Picasso IV, 
                  17" NDC monitor, 24x CDRom, Epson colour 600, 
                  Epson Scanner, Oktagon scsi, Dynalink modem etc.
                  (A1200 040/25, A500 030/40)

     - In moments of true decision, your future is born. -

Message 13816

From: Ferenczy
Subject: [afb] Re: SASG
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 16:12:16 +0100
Hi Tom

On 04-Jun-99, you wrote:

> I sent SASG my credit card no. about 3 months ago. I had one
> communication to say my registration of MUI was being processed but
> since then they have failed to answer my (many) emails! I've given up
> at this point. Unfortunately it's not the first time I've been messed
> around with shareware.
> But thankfully, other authors are more on the ball. :-)

Personaly I just think it's one of those thing that sometimes happen - I sent
away the same as you and got mine after three days...


Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain. - Lily Tomlin

Message 13817

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: IRC
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 16:24:48 +0100
> You're in a minority then. I find it has plenty of variety. It might not
> be as popular as the other networks, so it may not be as busy, but it
> certainly doesn't get boring much.

Any channels other than Amiga ones there then? I certainly couldn't find

> Only one person can use one nick at once on ANY network. The whole concept
> of having to register your nickname just seems pointless to me though. I'm
> Agima, and don't have a problem with someone else using it, as long as I'm
> not there when they do, of course >;)

And what would happen if you were there? That's the benefit of registering
your nick.


Message 13818

From: Gerald Mellor
Subject: [afb] Re: DOpus again (Was Essential Programs)
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 16:27:09 +0100
>   You are trying to get Netconnect to open on it's own screen?  But you
> don't have a MUI keyfile, you can't save your MUI settings, or does MUI
> unregistered let you save the screen in the settings? 

Yes it does.


Message 13819

From: fool
Subject: [afb] Re: Funny photos
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 16:12:33 +0000
Bother said Alex Furmanski as he realised we were talking about [afb] Re:
Funny photos again...

> 7) Bottom, page 18
> "Did you spill my pint?"

8) Bottom, page 16
Petro blushes as Jim puts his hand somewhere he shouldn't.

9) Top left, page 17
Jim expresses his opinion of Bill Gates.


Sutton, Surrey, UK.  Visit my site at: - fool.